⭐️ 本影片拍攝通信系统由 HOLLYLAND 支持。使用優惠碼 "SOP10" 於 HOLLYLAND 官網購買產品可享有九折優惠。Thank you to @hollylandtech for supporting this video with their new wireless intercom system:
https://bit.ly/4bqbRR3. Now you can use special code "SOP10" for 10% off on their online store.
00:00 影片開始
🎵 歌曲:
1. 00:00 和散那 Hosanna
詞:鄭懋柔、游智婷 Tiffany M. Cheng, Sandy Yu
曲:游智婷 Sandy Yu
© 2023 Stream of Praise Music / BMI. CCLI # 7218298
2. 05:57 我們歡迎君王降臨 We Long to Meet
詞、曲:曾祥怡 Grace Tseng
© 2014 Stream of Praise Music/BMI. CCLI # 7025176
3. 11:50 唯有耶穌 Jesus, You Can
詞、曲:曾祥怡 Grace Tseng
© 2012 Stream of Praise Music / BMI. CCLI # 5985483
4. 18:20 住在祢裡面 Abiding in You
詞、曲:曾祥怡 Grace Tseng
© 2011 Stream of Praise Music/BMI. CCLI # 5985445
5. 24:34 寶座前的敬拜 Worship At Your Throne
詞/曲:曾祥怡 Grace Tseng, 游智婷 Sandy Yu
© 2002 Stream of Praise Music / BMI. CCLI # 3977888
♥️ 支持我們事工 :
[製作團隊 Production Team]
製作人 Executive Producer:游智婷 Sandy Yu
敬拜主領 Worship Leader:鄭懋柔 Tiffany M. Cheng, 蘇子獻 Nicholas So
敬拜歌手 Vocalist:李森陽 Tom Forrest Li, 周雯心 Joan Chou, 張佩文 Penny Chang, 金霄 Jay Jin
鋼琴 Piano:蔡恩龢 Ivy Tsai
鍵盤 Keyboard:袁瀚曦 Lambert Yuen
鼓 Drums:蔡顯生 Johann Choy
貝斯 Bass / 木吉他 Acoustic Guitar :林佳欣 Betty Lin
電吉他 Electric Guitar / 小提琴 Violin:劉瑞恩 Matthew Liu
[錄音製作 Audio Production]
[錄音 Recording] Stream of Praise Studio (Tustin, CA)
錄音 Recording and Editing Engineers:陸世峯 Michael Lu, 林佳欣 Betty Lin, 蔡恩龢 Ivy Tsai, 吳瑋庭 Tina Wu
混音後製 Mixing Engineers:Mat Mainhard
[影視製作 Video Production]
[影視 Filming] Stream of Praise Worship Center (Tustin, CA)
導演 Director:陳麒安 Andy Chen
攝影師 Camera Crew:勝山堅一 Samuel Katsuyama, 吳至翊 Jonathan Wu, 葉日翔 Sean Yeh, Vincent Wang, Brian Chen
搖臂攝影師 Jib Operator:Sean Mulligan
後期剪接 Editors: 陳麒安 Andy Chen, 李森陽 Tom Forrest Li
後期調色 Colorist:李森陽 Tom Forrest Li
燈光設計 Lighting Design: 曹盛博 Larry Tsao
視覺 Visual:趙安琳 Iris Chao
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