Man I swear that's like something out of a movie and or video game cutscene
what a beautiful bride...such a shame that had to happen on her special day.....
you can actually see the feel of "Something isn't right" before he pans down the an uneasey feel in the air right before it happened u_u
the unused commander when you are bombing a city as told to do as the used commander:
ОтветитьGagal cinematic😂
ОтветитьThe guy saying allahakbar knew something bad is about to happen when he heard the first sound so he remembered god and then the camera just caught the angle beside her dress of the groom making the dramatic movie shot turn around and then bang.
ОтветитьBlack ops cupsences be like before the mission starts
ОтветитьI know it In 2020 country: Lebanon🇱🇧 capital: city Beirut a silo storage in the habour port keeping a potassium nitrate or human speaking a saltpeter 3030 tons of amount equal to tnt 1.5-2.5 kilotons keeping for 6 years without security and safety standard saltpeter is highly flammable with a heat when a machanic welding on cargo door causing a 3.3 megatons explosion the explosion radius reach 40 kilo the shockwave destroy glasses and building Trumble the whole city the country close to can hear it turkey🇹🇷, syria🇮🇶, Israel🇮🇱 and Palestine 🇪🇭 200 kilo away can still hear the explosion and that why is explosion
ОтветитьAnd that’s when your health bar hits the screen and you see “Mission 1: search for survivors.
-Objective: Press circle to crouch ✅”
Somehow got an allahuakbar in before the blast 🤔
ОтветитьI bet that removed her smile.
Ответитьterrifying video. I don‘t remember her name sadly, but she‘s a doctor who then treated patients in her wedding dress. Bless y‘all.
Ответитьstart: ❤❤❤
End:ohno run
ОтветитьMe when taco bell
ОтветитьDo not go down. Please… don’t read it
Me when my friend films my but.
ОтветитьEso si que sono fuerte💀
ОтветитьNo se por que me da risa Noooo!!!!
ОтветитьSomeone farted:
ОтветитьWatching the video and knowing that it's coming and it still makes me jump. I can not imagine being there on the street. Crazy.
ОтветитьWhite Mark Johnson Sandra Thomas Jennifer
ОтветитьWas diese Stadt schon alles ertragen musste, und es hört nicht auf😢
ОтветитьLast Minnie before disaster
ОтветитьPut a sound warning in the title next time..
ОтветитьI clicked to watch near the 4 yr anniversary of that event and now after the pager explosions in the same country.
ОтветитьSo hes a bitch, he ran lol
ОтветитьTo the people who dont know how long the distance is. Its 900 meters
ОтветитьBro was caught 4k by allah himself
ОтветитьThat scared da SHART out of me
ОтветитьMan coitada da noiva
ОтветитьShe got the most views