Thank you for doing this. I have been thinking about a cleaner. Now I am better informed.
Ответить guys aren't just bringing them into the shower with you? I was led astray. Thanks for the video, I currently use a label protector clamp and clean with a little soap and water in my sink but its sort of a pain.
ОтветитьWe like to use Mickey Mantle rookie cards! So smooth.
ОтветитьI use both; the results area amazing! do the RD after the vevor to remove dessicant; dont forget anti-static gun/D-stat before sleeving/shelving
ОтветитьDo you need an adapter to clean 45’s on the Vevor?
ОтветитьCool. Thanks for sharing.
ОтветитьNever heard of the Vevor. It looks and operates quite similar to my Spin Clean. Only difference is mine is manual...and does a helluva job of cleaning. It costs a third of the Vevor also but I have to admit, I may have gone the Vevor way if I had known. Really nice comparison overall and I think it will help vinyl lovers understand that cleaning really works.
ОтветитьI discovered alcohol/ water will destroy paper record label.
ОтветитьI'm not saying you won't see results but these generic ultrasonic baths aren't suited to cleaning more than two widely spaced records at a time. Also the rotational speed is much too fast with the supplied adapter. You can find generic variable adapters that will let you slow the spin speed right down.
Ответить"Vinyl lovers, this one's for you! 🎶💿 If you want your records sounding crispy clean in 2024, this video is a game-changer! 🙌 The tips and tricks shared here will take your vinyl care to the next level. Say goodbye to pops and crackles! ✨
ОтветитьI have a Spin-Clean washer but I’m kind of lazy and hardly ever use it. I’m debating if I would use the Vevor enough to justify its purchase but the price does seem reasonable. Thanks for the review.
This is the only channel I've seen that's reviewed it- all the others are plugging Humminguru and other expensive gizmos!
30 mins is way too long.
If it's not clean after 5mins it ain't getting any cleaner.
Ich habe aktuell nur 5 LPs, da lohnt sich die Anschaffung eines Ultraschallreinigers nicht; es gibt aber bei Amzn einen einfachen Lp Reiniger für etwa 60 Euro, welcher für bis zu 500 Lps, aber nach Kundenbewertungen maximal 350 Lps reicht! Vor Jahren hatte ich eine Plattensammlung von rund 400 Alben, Maxis & Singles, welche nach der Trennung bei der Exfreundin blieben, weil mein Vater nicht nochmal meine Restsachen bei der Frau holen wollte; er meinte dazu, die Platten wären eh nichts wert! Ich habe dann angefangen, meine liebsten Titel auf CD nachzukaufen, und vor einem halben Jahr gab es dann einen neuen Plattenspieler wegen einer Hörspielplatte aus den siebzigern, die es nur als Lp gibt, und ja, Musik Lps kommen auch wieder hinzu!🥰
ОтветитьI like ultra sonic. I've had experience with US on fuel injection. It cleans everything off.
ОтветитьGood stuff. I’m thinking of trying the vevor, then drying them on my record doctor
ОтветитьGreat upload , this was a massive help to clean my old vinyl records 👌👌👌
ОтветитьThere is a modulator for the vevor speed after market. Also 30 minutes? Where do you get that time from? Those ultrasonics are made to strip varnish from carberators, etc. I'd be careful with the time you are using. I go 10 minutes and no more than 80 degree F. I also noticed that you don't offer up a cleaning solution for the vevor. Mine is a cap of 99% alcohol, cap of photoflo, and distilled water. I've done 8 but some people say you can't get the sonic action bc of the lack of space so do 4 maybe.
ОтветитьGood call. I never truly "cleaned" my records when I started buying them as a kid in the 1970s. Who knew such a thing was even possible -- beyond a Vac-O-Rec (dry, for dust removal) and one of those DiscWasher brushes with a few drops of D4 cleaning fluid? But now that various devices have been designed specifically for washing LPs, my whole collection has been restored and revitalized. I use both methods: ultrasonic (with a set-up much like yours) and goat-hair or microfiber brush/vacuum (with an Okki Nokki) for when there's stubborn dust/grit/goo that needs to be physically scrubbed out (gently). The multiple-disc capacity and timer feature of the ultrasonic -- just load up the records and let them spin -- is a dream. Fortunately, I have a back bathroom that can now be transformed into a record-washing facility whenever necessary...
ОтветитьThe Vevor has been recalled for safety issues in the UK
ОтветитьI've used a Nitty Gritty, Mothman & my current Okki Nokki, all produced great results but the Nitty Gritty Pro cleaned both sides in one hit.
ОтветитьI can’t comment on how well this ultrasonic cleaner works because I never got a chance to use it. However I did order one from Vevor and it arrived dented with many of the attachments broken, presumably due to mistreatment by the courier during shipping.
In any event, when I contacted Vevor to get a replacement they insisted that I first power on the ultrasonic tub to see if it would turn on. It did and I told them that. They then ignored my second request to replace it despite it being dented and the other items being broken to pieces, or refund my payment. This was after I sent them photos and a video showing the damages.
A terrible response from a shady company. The good news was that after 2 months of waiting my credit card company reimbursed me in full.
Buyer beware!
I have 3000 lp's to clean so it has to be quick. I load them on the Vevor with the motor and armature off to the side and then mount the whole works on the basin. I take them off in the same manner. Next it's over to the Vinyl Style Record Cleaner cleaner for a distilled water rinse
ОтветитьLike you mentioned, I also use both. First, ultrasonic clean a vinyl for 5-8 min, then use vacuum cleaning machine to suck out all moisture with remaining residue.
ОтветитьI do a max of 4 or 5 records at a time. When I add more than that, it seems like the US doesn't pulse the water surface.
ОтветитьQuick dust with makeup brush, preclean with Groovewasher G2, 2 lps then go in ultrasonic bath for about 10 minutes, dry on 30 year old vacuum machine, finish drying on supplied rack. Excellent results. Have cleaned about 1,000 lps this way. By far the best cleaning method reults. And for those who brag they never cleaned lps back in the day, that's because they were new. Most of my lps are between 35 and 75 years old.
ОтветитьThe best way to clean vinyl records is buy CDs instead and never to worry about such nonsense ever again
ОтветитьFirst off, if assembly of the Vevor is overwhelming, don’t ever buy anything from ikea
The ultra sonic system is the way to go, rubbing the record over that brush time and time again will become more problematic for the records then good as it will pick up dirt and turn that little brush into pure sandpaper, the Vevor is a no touch operation.
I clean 3 records at a time, with as much space as possible, the waves are more effective that way and truly gives a better result. Try it
Whats the formula and ratio for liquid solution in ultrasonic, guys? Ive used distilled water, isopropyl and wetting agent, are you filtering the solution or just replace, and after how many uses? Thanks
ОтветитьMy only thought with these ultrasonic record cleaners.... When multiple records are stacked closely together on the spindle, is the ultrasonic process actually working between them, given the tight spacing? I'm guessing that bigger spaces are needed between the records. If I buy one of these, I'd probably clean at the maximum, two records at a time, with multiple spacers between them.
Ответитьgreat review, they asked me too, and I'm glad I passed.
ОтветитьIm new to the hobby and am unsure of safe ways to clean them. Lots of people say different things and say one thing damages them.
Whats a good, safe way to clean them?
With my son being a jeweler I've used an ultrasonic cleaner for many things and with the 40KHZ frequency I've seen rings and other items go from extremely dirty to new looking and with the fine grooves this would clean to the bottom of the groove. It would've been nice to have had a microscope with video attachment to see the difference in cleaning as it would've shown the depth of cleaning on both units.
ОтветитьVevor? Um, no thanks. I get it, it's cheap. Very cheap. And possibly a very economical solution to cleaning up your inexpensive flea-market finds. However, the build quality on this thing looks completely suspect. I've read enough negative press to surmise that this ultrasonic option is great for cheap jewelry and stainless steel flatware, but there is no way I'm getting my precious record collection anywhere near this thing. Especially my pristine (and expensive) MoFi One-Steps and AP UHQR's. Each one of those records cost more than the Vevor and at the end of the day that equation simply doesn't add up. Definitely not made of money so I understand, vinyl collectors want a low-cost option to maintain their records. I've invested hundreds of dollars collecting records - some cost $10, some as much as $200 - why would I spend a fraction of that on a dubious $130 budget cleaner? For anyone reading this I would hope your music is worth more than that. Yes, I would love to own a $3200 DeGritter but that's way out of my price league. Invested in an $800 HumminGuru Nova ultrasonic, a great machine and one that's within my means. If I had to put a price on my collection both monetarily and mentally I know my music is worth at least that..
ОтветитьThis is why shop class needs to be in schools
If putting the Vevor together is complicated, something is very wrong.
Why in every video does nobody slide the carriage up after the records were cleaned in the ultrasonic
Honestly why would anyone use that vacuum thing? I mean look at all the dirt that’s on the brushes
One thing to try, with the Vevor, I clean only 3 records at a time, whether or not what the “experts” say, it does a better job and gives better results.
Also, sometimes the dirtier records should be cleaned twice, it will make a difference and make old messy records really sound great, try it