I think your Track and Rorie's Truck trail matter should go have a beer together.
ОтветитьThey look cool. But a wee bit out of my budget
ОтветитьThose Rigs are insane 😳
ОтветитьLooked impressive, I thought it looked a bit slow 😂 but interesting, thanks for sharing, all the best to you and your loved ones
Ответитьkeep the clips coming
ОтветитьWe were at Dresser too and saw the TUTs at camp but never saw them out in the woods! Thanks for catching them in action 👊So COOL!
Ответитьi didnt see anything about them that made me want one . i would rather have that big red square body 😊
Ответитьits amazing how worthless they are just losing i drive wheel.
ОтветитьToo tall, too wide, tires too big. I’ll pass.
ОтветитьThose Tuts are interesting. Kinda like bringing a bomb to a knife fight though. A basic buggy or Jeep on some 37's or 40's can do most of what they do and can go places they can't fit. I guess if I lived on the tundra or an area that was soft and mostly frozen all year they would be the ticket. They are way out of my price range anyway...
ОтветитьWhat’s the purpose of those two monsters
ОтветитьAs soon as I win the lottery I’ll get one to get in and out of my place in Wyoming,bet they are great in the deep stuff, thanks
ОтветитьHow much for a Tut tyre?
ОтветитьI think there are areas where those TUTs would be beneficial, like in the Tundra, Artic, etc. Not off roading. One tree stump jamming a tire and bang, there goes $5,000. 😊😊😊😊 good ol wrecker for the win
ОтветитьI saw them TUTs rolling through Forest Lake that weekend and was wondering if they were headed your way. They looked pretty impressive!
ОтветитьTuts are cool but they need a grease gun! Ill stick with the old stuff... Thanks again Eric
ОтветитьSorry Eric didn't think much of the TUTs , I think tut stands for two useless trucks
ОтветитьThey remind me of a movie called Rolling Vengeance.
ОтветитьI did see a lot of tire flexing going on there. They can maneuver around well. If they lose rear steer they are screwed. Always a good video.
ОтветитьNot being mean in the slightest, but those tires are Useless on wet snow and ice. I can see a Tut, Tuck?, maybe usefull in sand and some swampy areas, as long as there's no 'greasy' mud, and powder snow, but this day wasn't theirs. Maybe some "self tapping" screws in the tire flaps will get over ice but these belong with the "more dollars than sense" people. Sorry. Glad you had fun there.
ОтветитьRear steering on the TUT's remind me of Matt's world's largest off-road wrecker. Little longer wheelbase would benefit in climbing. Noted alot of bounce on front wheels trying to climb the steep sreas. About a half a million dollar toy looks like.
ОтветитьWhat are the tuts designed for?
ОтветитьGreat video Erick, but why does he carry extra Hubs. bad design maybe ?
ОтветитьTuts are cool, but look like a money pit to me.
ОтветитьThey look cool, but I didn't see them do anything that a clapped out $1000 XJ / WJ on 31"tires can't do
ОтветитьNice video, not to sure about those TUTS? Wow! Big.
ОтветитьMay be able to go places but as a recovery rig not so sure!!
ОтветитьDefinitely out of my price range but interesting to watch them, thanks for doing the video
ОтветитьDang, those TUT’s look like cars I use to draw, back in the third grade.
ОтветитьThose TUTs looks a lot like a SHERP......
ОтветитьEric, if it cant be made into a wrecker, its useless in my book. Lol.
ОтветитьI would rather have the wrecker. The price on those TUT’s is ridiculous.
Ответить$170,000 base price for a Titan Utility Truck! So it's an insanely expensive toy for people with more money than smarts. Honestly, I hope they sell lots and lots of them. Rich people got too much money laying about, may as well pay it to some toy makers for grown-ups. Even toy makers need to make a living!😁
ОтветитьTUT? I don't get it? The tires look over inflated, not conforming at all. Isn't low pressure the point of those tires?
ОтветитьThey almost look like a smaller version of a Sherp. I was wondering if one of these broke if Eric and the wrecker could to one out.
ОтветитьGreat vid! I enjoy how Eric came in and set up the next scene. Cool format.
ОтветитьIt would have been fun to watch is there was a couple feet of snow to play in
ОтветитьOne of those things needs to be at Matt’s off road games
ОтветитьSome pretty scary twists and angles with the tuts I think 😮
ОтветитьBy reading the room, I don't think our crowd is going to the "TUT" website 😅 Maybe the ad on marketplace for the 83 3/4 Ton Pickup truck, but not to much the almost quarter mill toy? 😅 Blue Collar people ain't got no time for that! 😂 Always nice to dream, but pretty sure our dreams contain a Square Body and a few Axles 🙏
ОтветитьEric, Those TUTs are crazy looking. Do they have a LS motor in them? Stay Warm God Bless
ОтветитьNot a fan of those weird things, not big on buggies either, what I am a fan of is, Offroad Tow Trucks! And Vehicles that can be driven on and offroad! If I can't take it to the store, even occasionally, I deem it useless! Especially if I have to pay insurance on it or need a trailer. That's just me, I enjoy driving my pickup on road daily and offroad when I get a chance. Maybe if I lived in the woods/off the grid, but me I love that old (Not to us) red Wreaker! Other novelties or toys , SXSs are cool if you are rich and can afford them. But an older pickup truck 🛻 is a life time of priceless memories! Which to a gear head like me, it's all I want 🙏 Great video guys, they always are!
ОтветитьThose Tuts are cool ,but I still like the oldies but goodies 4×4s. Thanks for showing us though Eric.
ОтветитьCool off road trucks 👍👍
ОтветитьDon't look like the TUTs do very well in shallow snow, wouldn't want to take them in deep snow. 😂😂😂
ОтветитьTuts tires got no side movement traction. Lugs are so big they are like flat bottom boats that slip you sideways. Not to good for numerous off roading things. Might be purpose choice though to help with rear steer on that short wheel base??
ОтветитьI believe I’ll stick with the ole wrecker
ОтветитьWonder if those Tuts are running liquid weight in the tires for better stability??
ОтветитьThose TUT's start at $170,000...........
ОтветитьThanks for the video guys