We were lucky enough to meet up with the guys from Exo Offroad ( expeditionxoffroad ) and join the last day of there 8 day trip down the Baja. Driving over to La Paz on the highway we met up with the gang as they had a challenging days with a few down cars.
The Exo guys worked thru the night to make sure everyone was safe and ready to rip the next day to Cabo.
Great time with some new and old friends.. If you are looking for to go to Baja with your truck I higlhy suggest you go with a experienced group. Follow https://www.instagram.com/expeditionxoffroad/ for more info and pics
From stock to fully built Raptor and first timers to guys who have been coming to Baja for 30 years it was a great time. Call me spoiled but I would not want to be in the stock raptor. Those guys were pushing it