Really amazing setup. Can you share what is the brand of your vacuum cleaner and detachable magnet hoses?
ОтветитьThis is just awesome. Great solutions :)
Amazed you don't have more subscriptions....
that bench is smokin. would love to see a version for our commercial shop, accessible from all sides!
ОтветитьHello! Very intresting video. Im in the very begining and i think ill have to try to do something the same cose my worckshop is really small 😊 .. could you put some names oc details or links were did you buy thous profiles and connektors, pleas? Thank you!
ОтветитьExtrem cooles Teil .... Was hat Dich denn die Werkbank ohne Zubehör so gekostet?
ОтветитьThe old benches are much more inspirational even if they are less functional.
ОтветитьSuper Idee! Sieht großartig aus! Wenn ich fragen darf, in welcher Stadt lebst du?
ОтветитьVery impressive! Well done.
ОтветитьI’m still admiring the drawer handles.
ОтветитьNice 👍
ОтветитьHi Tim you have some great ideas I subscribed so let’s see where you go 👍
ОтветитьWhy can't I give two likes?😉
ОтветитьThose drawer pulls are perfect
Ответитьvery nice workmanship ..can I ask where did you get the aluminum and what size did you use.
ОтветитьLove the engineering in this bench, what's the name of those long red clamps used in the extrusion?
ОтветитьBrother, nice work. Continue sharing your work, this was wonderful! I’ll be be sure to watch more of you videos!
ОтветитьVery cool design. Was it difficult to get this workbench to be completely flat & level? I’m building my own workbench now that’s mobile and that’s one of my biggest issues at the moment
ОтветитьIt’s almost like a modern Nicholson bench. Nicely done!
ОтветитьHello and thanks for that Video!
Did you Test the bench befor you attched it to the walls? How stabel is that construction free standing? 🤔🤔🤔
Like others here, like the minimal feel of this concept for work holding! Very clever. As we use this word way too much in the US but it is justified here, it's Awesome! Das ist sehr praktisch und extrem toll!
ОтветитьExcellent work, thank you for sharing. There are some very good ideas in this workbench, particularly the vise, the drawer handles, and the dust extraction port. It's great work. You've gained an additional subscriber!
ОтветитьThose drawer handles are just sexy as hell.
ОтветитьI love the drawer fronts. Going to have to copy some version of that.
I have a few movable tool tables made with 80/20 as well. Assemble table that is always square and flat and light enough to move around, chop saw station I use the extrusion profile to add out feeds to when needed, and a shopsmith stand to replace the silly legs and under tool storage ideas that exist. The aluminum was expensive, but these stands will last longer then the wood ones and I have already deconstructed and repurposed them, which would have been all trash using plywood box construction. I also like all the places I can add on jigs and extensions when needed using scrap and little thought.
I also just love the look to be honest. I am not a “real” wood worker. All my projects involve wood and metal, so this just matches the ethos better.
Thank you for sharing! I love looking at innovative designs on jigs and work tables. Yours gave me several good ideas of what I want to build.
ОтветитьI like the vise. Very minimalist yet versatile. For my last bench, I used a 3/8 by 6 flat receiver hitch style, so can install as many different vises or tools as I like.
ОтветитьNice bench 👍🏻 what are those connectors called ? I’m modifying my similar bench and they would solve a few issues I might run into, I haven’t seen them before.
Nice innovative design, well done.
ОтветитьVery nicely done. Many clever and creative innovations.
ОтветитьAwesome bench. I’ve been considering making one with aluminum extrusion as well.
ОтветитьThank you for sharing. Appreciate English even though I can understand German and speak it poorly. Wish Lets Bastel would have done English. Fun conversation out it between him and Hornberger interview.
ОтветитьGreat design, really refreshing to see a modern approach to a practical workbench. I also love your minimalist integrated drawer pulls - I'm going to steal that idea!
I was thinking that some kind of adjustable supports on the front would be a great addition for getting sheet-goods and panels at a good working height Maybe a vertical rail slot between the drawers.
Hola, ese tipo de perfil venía con el orificio para los tornillos o se lo hicisté tú?
ОтветитьSer klug!
ОтветитьNice bench!
ОтветитьLieber Tim, thanks a lot for showing us this very interesting workbench! Especially how you manage the clamping without a vice fascinates! I have a movable workbench, but why should I not use your idea? Also interesting is your dust collection idea!So, und jetzt reicht mein Englisch nicht mehr: besonders die Klemmbacken für das Schienensystem faszinieren mich; magst Du die Schienen und wo man solche dicken Alu-Backen beziehen kann, mal verlinken? Liebe Grüße von Armin aus Bremen