WTF is an E Grade?!  ||  Trad Climbing Grades Explained

WTF is an E Grade?! || Trad Climbing Grades Explained

Stanley Hunter

1 год назад

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@cwehden - 03.02.2024 00:27

great channel, keep them coming 💯👍

@drstrangelove85 - 03.02.2024 01:37

As a non-English person there is something that is hard to understand: Why don't you put bolts? With modern blue-in bolts, everything is possible. There is a big area in Germany, called Ettringen, which is basalt rock and it's really nice to protect. Sometimes you can't put gear and in these cases, people put bolts. If someone were to die and it's because there wasn't protection, the municipality will close down the area for climbing. Fun is ok but they don't want the bad press. Imho, not putting bolts primes the sport for people who are willing to take unnecessary risks. Is there a special reason for this in the UK?

@therealbatman8085 - 03.02.2024 12:51

Your stuff is so awesome and high quality just keep making it and I know you’ll get traction

@CollinGill7 - 04.02.2024 02:58

Quickly becoming my favorite climbing channel <3

@therealbatman8085 - 05.02.2024 03:25

Not sure what you have planned but I would love to see more history about grades. The 9a+ video might be my favorite climbing video ever and one that covers each grade maybe not as in depth but especially some of those big benchmark grades would be super cool

@TAS_CNX - 06.02.2024 08:09

Thanks for this. I’m English but live abroad and just started climbing last year. The E grades were super confusing and you explained very well. Have subbed and looking forward to more videos

@MrJimtimslim - 06.02.2024 17:11

Its really not hard to understand. I dont see why people have such a problem with it. It makes perfect sense
I understand why at the top levels its getting a bit contrived but if you're that good it doesn't matter anyway. For your e2 e3 weekend punter like me it's a fantastic system. Especially when there's ground fall potential

@TesterAnimal1 - 13.02.2024 17:12

I remember back in the day, when the “On The Edge” magazine was the UKs climbing journal they had a cartoon.

An obviously visiting yank climber looking at a Brit guidebook says “Dude! What an awesomely quaint way of grading! What’s an E7?”

His Brit mate looks up and says “it’s like this mate. On Limestone it’s E for effort. On Gritstone it’s E for Extermination”

@pio197 - 28.02.2024 22:32

Fantastic video! Really appreciated the clear and thorough explanation of mysterious E-grades.
Dobra robota!

@alpi3760 - 12.03.2024 16:42

Buddy, good fucking job! Solid editing, good audio quality, interesting topic! One note I would have is to be a bit more cheerful and have a bit more emotion in your voice! Keep it up buddy!
