ydb is a hot mess and designer is messy boots and she don't need to manage her brother. I loved the first episode. and you did a great review.
ОтветитьTweet Tweet Mama Jay Lee bird🐥🐥
ОтветитьYou couldn't get a fan of it was hanging from the ceiling
-Nicki Minaj..
We low-key hikey like long videos. Lol.
I remember Flav son from the red carpet. He is a better manager than Designer.
ОтветитьI'm cool like Beyonce with my sunglasses and purse when the fan is blowing in my hair.
ОтветитьGurrrl saw your notification coming home from work. I ran in my apartment threw my sunglasses and my purse and almost hit my ceiling fan 😅
ОтветитьYeah baby I like it raaaaaw!! RIP ODB <3
ОтветитьDidn't fat Joe seem like an asshole?? And Ryan is a weirdo so far. Irv and that jizz shots conversation was hilarious!! But he seems a little off his rocker too! I like the older sister and his ex wife...they got the most sense.
ОтветитьMy fan isn't working ,lost my sunglasses and left my purse at home today lol
ОтветитьWhat lipstick are you wearing? The red goes great with those shades and your yellow purse. ;-)
ОтветитьGreat review. I'll have to go and watch the episode again because I missed some stuff.
ОтветитьI need to buy a new sunglasses and purse like designers maybe a dang fan too. It's still hot in these streets 😁🙋🏾♀️ I think this Guhh is gonna be better than Atlanta and whatever one that Angela and Romeo on with their foolishness
ОтветитьLoved that review but I DNT think I'll be watching this show... Looks boring
Ответить🕶👜I cant find a fan
ОтветитьMy sunglasses protected my eyes when my fan cut up my purple purse 👜
ОтветитьThe fan knocked my sunglasses off of my purse
ОтветитьSitting here about to turn on this fan, get my sunglasses out my yellow purse and chill.
Ответитьafter listening to this hilarious review in my car on my way home, i took my sunglasses off, placed them inside my purse then placed my purse beside my floor fan. whewwww!! lmao
ОтветитьIt was hot and sunny outside today so I put my sunglasses in my purse, and left the fan and the AC on when I left the house.
ОтветитьChile running thru the door I trip my fan, sunshades went flying and I fell on my purse. But do Ja Rule daughter look like Missy or I'm tripping?
ОтветитьHeyy lady Jay...this damn show works my damn nerves...# you b bless# 🐦 🐦 🐦 🐦
ОтветитьFlavor daughter looks like a 80’s chick. Makeup placed decent but too much going on.
ОтветитьFat Joe son teeth are hideous.
ОтветитьYDB IS HELLA BUSY laying it low and spreading it.
ОтветитьSay Red Rum Inc ..... Thank you the Shining
ОтветитьFat Joe’s son , kinda gives a QusiMoto tee ...
ОтветитьFlavors Flav Daughter is trying hard as hell to look like a mixedish version of Bridget Nelson.. I just see the effort.... Someone’s dad issues are hanging out .
ОтветитьWow I need my sunglasses for all this shade😭😂 I do think flavor's daughter is gonna be the shit starter!! She better be careful before she gets fanned out!!😒
ОтветитьThat last pic of flav’s daughter made me get my sunglasses & purse and go to the salon
ОтветитьI had to watch your review before I run out of this house with this big ass purse and my sunglasses to get a new fan. It's too hot for my fan to stop working. Ugh. 🔥 Loved the review. 💜💙💚🐦🐦🐦
ОтветитьI am concerned about some of these souls on this show:
1. Designer - She is her own worse enemy; not her father or anyone else.
2. Deb (Irv’s ex-wife) - That arguing at the table...?👀 Please stop being bitter and heal from the past.
3. Fat Joe’s son - The sweating and bugged-eye look; was he high or is this his norm?
4. ODB’s Son - Please get your own identity. He’s trying too hard to be his father and where is that going to get him?
***You know it’s hot as hell when you see a sistah in church wearing sunglasses and fanning herself with a church fan and her purse.
Girl ,this show is a mess but you do so well reviewing it thanks. I was going so crazy looking for my sunglasses but they ended up being in my purse all the way by the fan in the next room.
ОтветитьI had just put on my sunglasses and picked up my purse to go to the mall to replace a fan that broke down on me in this 98 degree weather. However, I had to watch your review first & like always it never disappoints.
ОтветитьSunglasses and purses for me please
ОтветитьOK I like this growing up better than the other two already!!
ОтветитьLol..yes Jeff Jr look just like jarule
ОтветитьIrv is a hilarious hot mess. I've dated many like him they keep you on your toes boy...smh
ОтветитьDasigna gon end up getting dragged this season I have a feeling...she's a bit much.. And ODB son look just like him I like Wendy Williams manager friend Medina too
ОтветитьDid anybody catch when flavor one son that look like him..said Whenever he didn't answer the phone he sounded just like his daddy Lmao
ОтветитьGirl!! YDB his demeanor is just like his dad too it's crazy
ОтветитьYDB BM is a pretty girl she looks like a Russian model
ОтветитьNow Ryan looks like an oddball he looks like he got a tick as well.. Like that psychotic tick
ОтветитьYes when Ryan made that comment about Kanye I said oh he got issues
ОтветитьYes Medina got that plug she does kno a whole bunch of people in the industry she goes way back like Angie Martinez and them..I like her
ОтветитьDid y'all catch lil mama left ATL went up New she said Bow Wow bye
ОтветитьAye ODB son is a fuckin spitting image of his dad!!! Omg crazy af and all!! Aww makes me miss him R.I.P. ODB💪🏾
Ответить😂😂😂yes YDB sold me on this show!! I’m all in Jay!! Love him already 🖤🖤🖤
ОтветитьSunglasses purse