GUHH New York Season 1 Ep  1 REVIEW

GUHH New York Season 1 Ep 1 REVIEW

Jay Lee's Corner

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@lisalockhart1440 - 31.08.2019 21:07

ydb is a hot mess and designer is messy boots and she don't need to manage her brother. I loved the first episode. and you did a great review.

@adonnisconcierge - 31.08.2019 21:10

Tweet Tweet Mama Jay Lee bird🐥🐥

@queenscarlettpimpsunkiss..5537 - 31.08.2019 21:11

You couldn't get a fan of it was hanging from the ceiling
-Nicki Minaj..
We low-key hikey like long videos. Lol.

@elaineanderson4891 - 31.08.2019 21:20

I remember Flav son from the red carpet. He is a better manager than Designer.

@elaineanderson4891 - 31.08.2019 21:25

I'm cool like Beyonce with my sunglasses and purse when the fan is blowing in my hair.

@trishc8390 - 31.08.2019 21:30

Gurrrl saw your notification coming home from work. I ran in my apartment threw my sunglasses and my purse and almost hit my ceiling fan 😅

@shawannabd - 31.08.2019 21:30

Yeah baby I like it raaaaaw!! RIP ODB <3

@shawannabd - 31.08.2019 21:33

Didn't fat Joe seem like an asshole?? And Ryan is a weirdo so far. Irv and that jizz shots conversation was hilarious!! But he seems a little off his rocker too! I like the older sister and his ex wife...they got the most sense.

@c.elizabeth3451 - 31.08.2019 21:41

My fan isn't working ,lost my sunglasses and left my purse at home today lol

@shawannabd - 31.08.2019 21:46

What lipstick are you wearing? The red goes great with those shades and your yellow purse. ;-)

@url0veang3l - 31.08.2019 22:43

Great review. I'll have to go and watch the episode again because I missed some stuff.

@NRenee111 - 31.08.2019 22:48

I need to buy a new sunglasses and purse like designers maybe a dang fan too. It's still hot in these streets 😁🙋🏾‍♀️ I think this Guhh is gonna be better than Atlanta and whatever one that Angela and Romeo on with their foolishness

@Kdiva6747 - 31.08.2019 23:15

Loved that review but I DNT think I'll be watching this show... Looks boring

@ShanitaKiana - 01.09.2019 00:10

🕶👜I cant find a fan

@serenawinn6136 - 01.09.2019 01:23

My sunglasses protected my eyes when my fan cut up my purple purse 👜

@deej62 - 01.09.2019 02:13


@traciewhitehead2162 - 01.09.2019 02:46

The fan knocked my sunglasses off of my purse

@slysylviawilliams2395 - 01.09.2019 05:24

Sitting here about to turn on this fan, get my sunglasses out my yellow purse and chill.

@75dbest - 01.09.2019 07:14

after listening to this hilarious review in my car on my way home, i took my sunglasses off, placed them inside my purse then placed my purse beside my floor fan. whewwww!! lmao

@kianahughes7373 - 01.09.2019 07:17

It was hot and sunny outside today so I put my sunglasses in my purse, and left the fan and the AC on when I left the house.

@southernlady6244 - 01.09.2019 07:25

Chile running thru the door I trip my fan, sunshades went flying and I fell on my purse. But do Ja Rule daughter look like Missy or I'm tripping?

@jenniemartin8564 - 01.09.2019 09:07

Heyy lady Jay...this damn show works my damn nerves...# you b bless# 🐦 🐦 🐦 🐦

@SheniceSays214 - 01.09.2019 11:46

Flavor daughter looks like a 80’s chick. Makeup placed decent but too much going on.

@SheniceSays214 - 01.09.2019 11:50

Fat Joe son teeth are hideous.

@SheniceSays214 - 01.09.2019 12:01

YDB IS HELLA BUSY laying it low and spreading it.

@311Dominique - 01.09.2019 13:30

Say Red Rum Inc ..... Thank you the Shining

@311Dominique - 01.09.2019 13:41

Fat Joe’s son , kinda gives a QusiMoto tee ...

@311Dominique - 01.09.2019 13:50

Flavors Flav Daughter is trying hard as hell to look like a mixedish version of Bridget Nelson.. I just see the effort.... Someone’s dad issues are hanging out .

@franceswillies237 - 01.09.2019 14:00

Wow I need my sunglasses for all this shade😭😂 I do think flavor's daughter is gonna be the shit starter!! She better be careful before she gets fanned out!!😒

@ProblemsofPractice - 01.09.2019 14:02

That last pic of flav’s daughter made me get my sunglasses & purse and go to the salon

@trayb318 - 01.09.2019 17:43

I had to watch your review before I run out of this house with this big ass purse and my sunglasses to get a new fan. It's too hot for my fan to stop working. Ugh. 🔥 Loved the review. 💜💙💚🐦🐦🐦

@talibahbinta5666 - 01.09.2019 19:47

I am concerned about some of these souls on this show:
1. Designer - She is her own worse enemy; not her father or anyone else.
2. Deb (Irv’s ex-wife) - That arguing at the table...?👀 Please stop being bitter and heal from the past.
3. Fat Joe’s son - The sweating and bugged-eye look; was he high or is this his norm?
4. ODB’s Son - Please get your own identity. He’s trying too hard to be his father and where is that going to get him?
***You know it’s hot as hell when you see a sistah in church wearing sunglasses and fanning herself with a church fan and her purse.

@ms.bishere5005 - 01.09.2019 20:40

Girl ,this show is a mess but you do so well reviewing it thanks. I was going so crazy looking for my sunglasses but they ended up being in my purse all the way by the fan in the next room.

@anitasamuels9958 - 01.09.2019 23:22

I had just put on my sunglasses and picked up my purse to go to the mall to replace a fan that broke down on me in this 98 degree weather. However, I had to watch your review first & like always it never disappoints.

@NaturalNikkiDST - 02.09.2019 01:40

Sunglasses and purses for me please

@TMeggz - 02.09.2019 09:04

OK I like this growing up better than the other two already!!

@TMeggz - 02.09.2019 09:05

Lol..yes Jeff Jr look just like jarule

@TMeggz - 02.09.2019 09:07

Irv is a hilarious hot mess. I've dated many like him they keep you on your toes boy...smh

@TMeggz - 02.09.2019 09:11

Dasigna gon end up getting dragged this season I have a feeling...she's a bit much.. And ODB son look just like him I like Wendy Williams manager friend Medina too

@TMeggz - 02.09.2019 09:12

Did anybody catch when flavor one son that look like him..said Whenever he didn't answer the phone he sounded just like his daddy Lmao

@TMeggz - 02.09.2019 09:15

Girl!! YDB his demeanor is just like his dad too it's crazy

@TMeggz - 02.09.2019 09:16

YDB BM is a pretty girl she looks like a Russian model

@TMeggz - 02.09.2019 09:17

Now Ryan looks like an oddball he looks like he got a tick as well.. Like that psychotic tick

@TMeggz - 02.09.2019 09:18

Yes when Ryan made that comment about Kanye I said oh he got issues

@TMeggz - 02.09.2019 09:21

Yes Medina got that plug she does kno a whole bunch of people in the industry she goes way back like Angie Martinez and them..I like her

@TMeggz - 02.09.2019 09:26

Did y'all catch lil mama left ATL went up New she said Bow Wow bye

@shacarylchoates8493 - 14.09.2019 16:54

Aye ODB son is a fuckin spitting image of his dad!!! Omg crazy af and all!! Aww makes me miss him R.I.P. ODB💪🏾

@shacarylchoates8493 - 14.09.2019 17:04

😂😂😂yes YDB sold me on this show!! I’m all in Jay!! Love him already 🖤🖤🖤

@reneechery9271 - 02.10.2019 23:35

Sunglasses purse
