Love these clips Coach, thank you for sharing your experience with us. Perhaps rucking can be of value to track and field athletes? Do you consider rucking to be a form of loaded carries and how does it compare to say, the farmers walk?
ОтветитьHow does this fit in with the Litvinov observations - of increased athleticism? The squats there weren't "heavy"?
ОтветитьThe title of this clip should bring in the views lol
ОтветитьThis is great advice and also quite coincidental, because earlier today I happened to be flipping through an old lifting and throwing log from my college days. Halfway through my sophomore year, during a winter track meet I threw over 50 feet with the shotput – not super great but a pretty respectable throw, and I was also at the strongest point in my life: squatting over 600 pounds for reps and benching nearly 400lbs, so I naturally assumed my throws would increase. Well, they did not – and in further examination of my lifting schedule it became clear that I was following a powerlifter's lifting schedule, chasing max weights, and then actually got into more bodybuilding routines (becoming a lifter who throws rather than a thrower who lifts as you said in your video). The lesson learned is clear, and one that I have taken with me since – which is people should train based on the metabolic, power, and strength demands of the sport. Wish I had this knowledge (and your videos and training plans) 30 years ago :-).
ОтветитьDont let Rippetoe see this
ОтветитьCoach have you listened to Ryan Flaherty from Nike? He talks about the trap bar DL for speed athletes being his main lift.
ОтветитьVery illuminating. Thanks. Regarding recovery/ systematic stress, do you value heart rate variability tracking?
ОтветитьWhat about self limiting lifts like zercher squats? At 85 percent they are still much lighter then what you could back squat but still work you (perceived effort).
ОтветитьA great discussion! Thank you
ОтветитьI was going to commment"what would Rip think about this!" but after seeing the content, he'd probably agree
ОтветитьGreat tip with the deadlifts and hills
ОтветитьYou say the olympic lifts are the best lifts for athletes but that must mean you need to squat because you can't have a big snatch or clean and jerk without first having a big squat, can you?
ОтветитьWell it depends, do you want to train your nervous system to hop or to run? Are we humans bipedal or do we move contralateral most of the time? Why squat and squat to run? You become a squat specialist and then when it comes time to run the mechanics are already set to be bipedal, so shit is outa wack.
ОтветитьAs a Dad who lifts, I really appreciate you sharing your wisdom; because trying to be a lifter who dads really sucked.
Ответитьi think you are clueless
ОтветитьSkill must be rehearsed to adapt to added strength.
ОтветитьMim, Merlin and Arthur!
ОтветитьHills and deadlifts. Thanks. I'll scale that down to a teacher that likes to run local 5k and 10ks.