Armbrust American - What are medical face masks are made of

Armbrust American - What are medical face masks are made of


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@mbperfection - 17.06.2020 06:52

you need to promote this video. it is very informative. MADE IN AMERICA, FOR AMERICA, AND FOR THE WORLD

@GeorgeMassalas - 01.07.2020 19:40

Lloyd: My wife and I are supporting you and your company 100%. We just received our first order of 50 Disposable Protective Masks. THE QUALITY IS OUTSTANDING! Here's wishing you and your new company 100% Success!

@chrismassalas - 01.07.2020 19:47

Thank you for being a TRUE American! I support your company and your American spirit. You are a great patriot. God bless you. If I ever need to buy masks again, You are my first choice!! Thank you.

@heeroyukiable - 10.07.2020 21:36

What is the ASTM level of your masks? I tried to email and call your company, but no reply.

@brianfarley2212 - 16.07.2020 20:47

Big fan of what you are doing Lloyd

@Leena20 - 26.07.2020 13:58

Just bought a bunch ....good quality masks ... please make a kid size version of your mask . I’m sure it would help
a lot of parents out .

@myrandabrown - 30.07.2020 19:48

My workplace supplies China masks. After a month of wearing them I developed folliculitis. I purchased your masks to wear and after a week it was gone. Thank you selling the masks at an affordable price.
Thank you for recommissioning you’re equipment and bringing back MADE IN AMERICA!

@JS-ob4oh - 02.08.2020 00:04

I'm all for bring manufacturing back to the US, but you guys are doing a very poor job. You are having problems meeting the demands on the regular medical face masks, so why are you expending resources and time to make colored face masks? How about making sure you can keep up with the orders you already have before expanding into other products AND actually have customer service because whoever is running your CS is doing not just a poor job, but NO job? And while you are at it, how about FIXING the quality control problem with the earloops on masks breaking off? I was forced to buy masks made in China earlier during this pandemic because there were no other choice and NONE of them had problem with earloops breaking off. In the box of 50 mask from you, 3 have already broken off. I have to carry extra masks in my pocket because of this. You NEED to fix all of this. And while you are at it, how about being a little more ethical in your business practice and charge your customers WHEN you actually ship instead of taking their money before you even fulfill the order?

@amychan2810 - 02.08.2020 08:13

Thank you 🙏🏻💪🏻

@noguardrails47 - 22.08.2020 02:02

Are the medical face masks 100% sourced in the USA now ? Or are parts of it still made in CHina? By the way I just bought a 50 pack and have been recommending to friends and family.

@lindamatus4429 - 02.09.2020 20:05

Just bought 100 very well-made

@GeorgiaMedicarePlans - 30.12.2020 20:29

Are the masks washable?

@carolpoole1433 - 31.12.2020 07:19

Blue medical masks are a great way to catch a really nasty Lung infection because you are breathing in plastic and you body is not breathing out the toxic shit in you body so I wore one a caught lung Infection from wearing one so not I am not ordering them

@alexsturzebecher2656 - 01.02.2021 16:07

Love the Masks ! Big hit with staff .

@margie5995 - 05.02.2021 07:07

I just ordered my sw ond set of mask, previously ordered some 2 or 3cmo ths ago, almost out because I gave some away a.d I wesr 2cat a time long before it was recommended, and I wear a face shield. Love your masks!

@staceyamerican5734 - 06.07.2021 16:40

Thank you!

@maidius2280 - 19.07.2021 02:15

I just bought our first USA made masks! Happy to support a USA business.

@maidius2280 - 19.07.2021 02:53

Is the middle layer now being made in house?

@retrochristmaschic - 11.09.2021 18:45

Love what I am hearing. Your honesty, integrity, striving to do the right thing! God bless you all.

@lowfrequencyfilms - 19.09.2021 11:50

What about pfc and formaldehyde
