[영상]Video Clay -Romancecoffee drip video (비디오클레이- 로맨스커피 핸드드립영상)

[영상]Video Clay -Romancecoffee drip video (비디오클레이- 로맨스커피 핸드드립영상)


55 лет назад

216 Просмотров

로맨스커피에서 핸드드립을 주문하고 그것을 영상으로 담아봤습니다.
혹시 창원분이 계신다면 한번 가보는걸 추천합니다

카메라 sony rx100m5
편 집 final cut pro
장 소 로맨스커피
주 소 창원시 의창구 서상로 49

Romance coffee is a coffee shop that I often hear. The boss is my best friend and he helped a part when I made this place. And today I came to the romance coffee and ordered drip coffee and photographed with my rx100.
It was coffee that touched me not only the taste but also the flavor.

49, Seosang-ro, Uichang-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Kore


#rx100m5 #sony #coffee #drip #커피 #커피영상
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