Lats, Scapular muscles, Posterior Delts are all very important to a good repetitive golf swing. In this video, I will use the Swing Balance Multi Stik (SBMS) with a Comfort Grip Strap Easy and a resistance band to stimulate these groups as part of my golf specific training improving strength, ROM, and mobility all at the same time.
Vary your band anchor point from workout to workout to elicit different recruitment patterns. Here, I am using a high anchor point to maximize the down and back pull. Grip the bar at the bottom of the bar near the Strap Easy. The off hand (or top hand) is used to merely guide the bar during the exercise. No pressure assistance is required from the off hand.
The tension experienced from the exercise will largely depend on how far back you position your stance from the anchor point and the strength of the band used. Assume an athletic position, feet parallel with your active arm extended away from your torso. The move is executed by pulling the grip end nearest your active arm down and back maintaining the extension in your arm. Always execute this pull to the same side of the body as the active arm. This is not a cross body pull motion.
Work both the right and left side.
The Comfort Grip Strap Easy and resistance band are sold separately.
#golf #swing_balance #mulit_stik #golf_training #golf_exercise #tsunami_bar_sports #tsunami_bar