Todd Brown's Unique Mechanism - One Thing Todd Brown Is Not Telling You

Todd Brown's Unique Mechanism - One Thing Todd Brown Is Not Telling You

Trademark Factory

5 лет назад

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@Bushchannel - 03.07.2019 16:01


@ThangVienDuc - 05.07.2019 12:32

That is true. Trademark your brand then that would be unique and unable to copy

@frankrohrig1311 - 07.12.2019 14:59

Great info but I suggest you use a (better) microphone!

@sometimesisingonhere5155 - 27.06.2020 13:50

Nice man -- the mic quality is fine for me but the music was distracting. It's quiet but really busy. No music is best, but I assume you added it to quiet the background noise or the sounds of the room. If you need to add some music that's fine, but I would suggest searching "beats for study " music for concentration" for music that won't distract us from your video, which was excellent. I love Todd Brown btw. If you search chilled cow you'll find a bunch of suggestions that you could use as well -- most of it's royalty free so you can buy if for a few bucks and use it forever. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to do this vid 👍🏾

@anthonyrude - 20.09.2023 17:47

You also have a copyright of your copy

@LetishaMalakootiTV - 02.02.2024 14:21

Please read the whole book lol i dont want to read the whole paper back myself- better yet i need an express summary

@LetishaMalakootiTV - 02.02.2024 14:35

a trademark is expensive any suggestions

@LetishaMalakootiTV - 02.02.2024 14:37

do i need to trademark the name of a course if im going to have multiple high tiered programs associated with is? Course 1. Course 2 , course 3
