Master These Skills To Be The Best PROGRAMMER You Can

Master These Skills To Be The Best PROGRAMMER You Can

Coding Tech

2 года назад

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@clamato422 - 30.06.2022 02:33

Might as well be an astronaut and part-time brain surgeon after 15-year career as NFL QB. 🤣😁

@edwin5419 - 30.06.2022 02:57

With different examples, this could apply to literally every profession 😂

@spaceorbust6636 - 30.06.2022 05:55

Are the talking points of this video just the personal opinion of the speaker?
On point 1, it can just as easily be said that those who are "hopeful and see the best" may lead themselves or their team down a path toward an unachievable outcome.
In the future, I'd like to see citations of evidence for your claims...

Ответить - 30.06.2022 06:18

So, the great programmers are genius. There's nothing new here that doesn't apply to every other technical field.

@Thiagola92 - 30.06.2022 07:02

Point 1 - Better than "being optimistic" is being honest, people will wee through you if you are fake optimistic.
Point 3 - Time management doesn't necessarily make you solve your problem faster or better, it could have the opposite outcome (you may rush to a faster and worst solution to finish on time)
Point 4 - Each one have a learn curve and this doesn't define how great they are as developer

@Ken-S - 30.06.2022 09:01

Where does 1% came from? Any research based? These pov sounded like came from a PM who don't write code and never contributed to any open-source project and love politics. Great product won't be created under their control.

@TNothingFree - 30.06.2022 10:57

Read these books:
- Apprenticeship Patterns: How to be a good student even after 20 years of experience.
- The Passionate Programmer - Some of these concepts in this video are explained better in this book.
For example "Diverse coding skills" is better for programmers who can take on the whole system instead of relaying on their skills to just fix their area of field.
A good programmer may dive into the DB, into the frontend and in between to figure out the problem.
I agree with the tips - it can help be a better programmer.
But I wouldn't put them in the category of "Essential tips".
You can be a great hacker without needing a team since looking at bytes don't require that much of communication.
Also "Big picture" would be suited more on "Business oriented" or "Project management oriented" .
For me a good programmer is able to read better the business and plan his project better accordingly.

@nickwoodward819 - 30.06.2022 12:07

Point 1 smacks of management having a stupid, unworkable, idea.

@DarKOscillator08 - 30.06.2022 13:08

Disagree with the first point. That has nothing to do with beeing a great developer. Its more for managers. You need to ask questions, you need to not be naive. If you dont, your software will be garbage, because a single user - who does not behave like he should - can crash everything. If you dont get the timeline...dont care. You are not the one who set the deadline...
But you not giving up is something you should do as a great developer. There is (almost) allways a solution ;)

@fburton8 - 30.06.2022 13:51

A good programmer has to be realistic about bugs. That means being pessimistic about the code. Optimism is misplaced here.

@fburton8 - 30.06.2022 13:56

A lone programmer can be highly productive. In 1977, I won the Glasgow Schools Computing Competition as a team of one. The goal was to write correct programs in a limited time. I think part of that success was due to not having to waste time communicating with teammates.

@fburton8 - 30.06.2022 14:16

"Deep and broad technical experience", along with the associated qualities that were mentioned, comes 1st place in my view, with "Quick Learning Ability" a close 2nd.

@gnerkus - 30.06.2022 15:40

Expected vague advice; wasn't disappointed.

@jasonflaherty8364 - 30.06.2022 16:36

The best programmers are 28 times as effective as the worst. Now forget that and here’s our seven steps to mediocrity. 🤣 Some suggestions…

Understanding programmed as a strict discipline that will burn you and everyone around you if you’re not treating it as such.

Not giving into technical fads, silver bullet solutions and one-size-fits-all “correct” solutions but, instead, understanding the principals and applying them accordingly EVEN WHILE EVERYONE IS CRYING ABOUT THE “CORRECT” SOLUTION.

Understanding that the computer was invented to do the work for you. If you’re working hard, you’re likely doing it wrong.

Knowing when hard work is warranted and when you’re just spinning your wheels.

Applying all of the above to make your teammates lives easier. They may disagree with you at first but come around when they realize they’re not working late and getting 3am alerts.

@andyhall7032 - 30.06.2022 18:45

erm...that's tower bridge. thanks.

@yyjj7934 - 30.06.2022 20:29

Hello, can you leave my LINE account and contact me?

@BloodyScythe666 - 30.06.2022 22:50

the whole video sounded like business talk

@lucianoalmeida3249 - 30.06.2022 23:35

Me: Cool, let's see how I can be a great developer!
Point #1: Be optimistic
Me: Well, fuck.

@PaulSebastianM - 01.07.2022 03:24

Is this a management pitch?

@aungthuhein007 - 03.07.2022 11:15

Why does this feel like some sort of weird propaganda video circulated by a corporation with a high turnover to hire people? haha

@Swaggless - 05.07.2022 21:08

What Text-to-Speech is being used here? It's reallllly reallllly good. I could barely tell until I noticed some of the slight garbly sound that sometimes comes with AI generated voices.

@cethyhnc9305 - 11.07.2022 10:28

Your definition of positive attitude is the best way to get abused by your employer. GOOD ADVICE!

@ositaka - 27.08.2022 08:28

Fantastic video!

@MaximErased - 11.09.2022 23:23

Well, this is just bull poo. You are not talking about programmer but mostly about "perfect employee" for a corporation. And this sounds so utopian. Quite disappointed by this video.

@orstorzsok6708 - 18.01.2023 01:48

Is it supposed to be a video for 6 year old ones? An important point was missed: a cactus on the desk .... 🤣

@TGX999 - 24.03.2023 14:18

Was the voice in this video AI generated ?
There are moments where it sounds a bit robotic/generated.

@stephannaro2113 - 17.04.2023 14:31

I watched four videos on "communication skills programmer" before this one, mostly with dissatisfaction. This was the best by far. Regarding criticisms I see in the comments: They frankly seem like nit-picking irrelevancies.

@JohnMurphy-iw2ce - 26.04.2023 12:51

I am software developer and i don't have any of these skill 💀

@anistardi - 01.05.2023 14:48

I even do not memorize all syntax of the language that I use 😁But still I made relative complex code using C/C++. I consider my self as expert in hardware rather in software. Yes, I design a schematic diagram and a pcb layout, and sometimes soldering the components.

@be_a_biologist-2023 - 14.05.2023 00:09

Thank you

@jquery2774 - 26.09.2023 06:09

Best programming teacher I ever saw was a woman who used to teach primary grades in school.
She wrote a book about JavaScript and she took nothing for granted. So, she started from the very beginning and went from there. Each new chapter was built on the last chapter and/or the chapters before that; to which she gave you complete links to what you need to know, in the pdf file. That is a good teacher. Ain't many of them around anymore. Unless you could suggest one for JavaScript or Python.
Both of which I know a fair amount about, but if I were teaching it I would go from the ground up instead of the 'other way.'
This comes from a tax course I took with David Ingram in North Vancouver. Unfortunately he passed away about ten years ago.
But I will always remember David Ingram with respect; because he taught me things about taxes I didn't know and he was always really decent about it. And he had the best tax library in British Columbia and gave all of his students access to it in working hours. 9 to 5. Nobody had 'special' access, everybody had access.
And frankly, the way David taught us was a really good way to learn. He gave us two or three tax scenarios per week to learnand then came when we meet, and each each of came back with a completely returned tax return. And then we shoot our ideas in friendly fashion back and forth and decide which is the best.
In my opinon it is a very good way to learn.

@TJ-hs1qm - 12.10.2023 18:33

Lemma A: A good programmer is a docile little human being whose only purpose in life is to make rich folks richer 😂
