The police officers should ask permission before going into anyone home I don’t like how they are treating this person
ОтветитьBa gunoaielor nu vie rușine sa va arestați propi colegi voi nu arestați sa fie arestați voi de capul vostru
ОтветитьBa chiorilor vati arestat propi colegi nu vi rușine 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
ОтветитьTHEY ARE NAZI GESTAPO BASTARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ОтветитьBlack Man becomes a cop forgets he's still black
ОтветитьThe first (haven't seen the rest yet) engagement is brutal. Clearly they think that he's unbalanced and yet instead of treating him with kindness and empathy they made it about themselves and feeling disrespected. They need thicker skin than that.
ОтветитьF to cops 😂
Ответитьthis is why we need to defund law enforcement and completely dis band them.
ОтветитьThere is no honor in COPS!!
ОтветитьPerfect example of why people don't believe or trust COPS!!!
ОтветитьSlay douglas, the first story, he actually sued lapd and the city of los angeles, for ten million dollars period the lapd tried to appeal the lawsuit, but the judge denied it. I think the lawsuit is still going on. And this was from 2019. Which slade douglas did win the lawsuit.
ОтветитьThey cannot do that , ass holes , Martial law is coming!
ОтветитьI'm a Veteran.
If you need our help, that's what we're here for.
I'd advise you not to get back in your patrol vehicle
Because when you do, You'll be the new fool behind the wheel I can use.
Some of the people in this video were not arrested
Ответитьcops #1: awwh they got their little feelings hurt and started a power ego trip. those "cops" need the mental evaluation.
cop #2: "you're being rude" ... so what? i don't have to be polite to cops
cops #3: what the ffffff... "oh look, you've got money, it's ours now"
ОтветитьBully cops are bad as
ОтветитьThe saddest part is that he probably did reach out for help. The response is on the video. He was in crisis, reached out for help. This is what he got. This is why we have a high suicide rate among our veterans and persons in personal crisis. Our men and women protect the Constitution. To be violated in their own home is intolerable, shameful.
ОтветитьThat officer from Brazil should be sent back to Brazil, he should never be serving the public here in the United States obviously he doesn't know our laws and doesn't seem to care about him.
ОтветитьAs for Sergeant Shamar Thomas... I said to the police officers: If you want to use your weapons and harm people, go to Iraq. In fact, this is what was done by a group of American army officers and soldiers who harmed unarmed people only because they were angry or bored, and the situation reached this point for some American soldiers. To the torture of civilians, and the American administration did not hold any of these soldiers accountable, but my generation, which did not witness the American invasion of Iraq, like me, did. Born in 2008, he learned about this through the kind-hearted soldiers
ОтветитьDirty cops.
ОтветитьBad cops no Donuts.
ОтветитьAnd they wonder why we don't trust them. I can't say what i really feel here
ОтветитьThey gonna steal his money. That's what that's about
ОтветитьThey think the badge makes them better than you. Ive seen more and done more inthe name of freedom they ever will and so has every other veteran out there. To all veterans thank you for your service.
ОтветитьEven inside of your house police can arrest you even they have no reason,what kind of law in that country?...
ОтветитьOnce the officer hand cuffs on you , immediately say I want a lawyer and im suing you for unreasonable causes of no crime committed, stay silent til you got a lawyer with you .
ОтветитьTo the Police Officer talking with Marlon Crutchfield, you are Brazilian. Is it illegal to take Pictures in Brazil??? Why you want to make it illegal in other country???? Anyone know that Brazilian officers name?
Ответитьblack police never ever protect black people and will always side with white officers
Ответитьofficer onk just showed you dont call onks for help,,you will be the 1 going to jail.Dont expect help from a dubmmmmmmb. onk.
Ответитьonks are dubmmmmbbbbbbbbb
ОтветитьThe Jetsons lol…. And why did he ever invite them in?
ОтветитьThe second amendment is our only hope.
ОтветитьMister Thomas is real usa citizen❤
ОтветитьThat's too bad for the cops, the cops think they have every power to arrest anyone, but the cops have to know what they going to do, no one's do anything wrong.
ОтветитьAny one can be racist! You can even be racist at your self.
This country is becoming a dictatorship.
I’m from Brazil I don’t care if you take photos of people showing but I do care if you remind me of your amendments.
ОтветитьViolates all this veterans dont tread on me laws protected by the US Constitution
ОтветитьThis country is in trouble as long as this violation of your rights continues.
ОтветитьTime for people to take back this country! Not only from the illegal immigrants but first from these pathetic dipshits, that only them, call their selves leaders.
ОтветитьEven looks like a Chinese police force still operates there?
ОтветитьOnly Americans should be policing Americans wtf. I'm a Brazilian policing Americans!
ОтветитьAny body with a cell phone can yak pics so I guess everyone in trouble