I love that Fran waves and talks to the wildlife like a child, and does a cannonball when Strick is trying to be serious. Keep it up guys, I love to watch you two exploring both above and below the surface.
ОтветитьSuch beautiful scenery 🤌. Your photographic skills and composition are absolutely amazing 🤩
I use NordVPN👍
Wishing you both continued success and happiness
Lou from Miami 🇺🇸
Wow this is incredible! Thank you for sharing 🙏🏾
ОтветитьVisit Philippines 🇵🇭 We have the Best beaches in the world
ОтветитьWe have same mate . Adam the deep diver was going to do one there for deep diving as theses deep water and alots alot of fish
ОтветитьFran is a wonderful girl! A beauty, a cook and a loyal friend. At sea, not every man can match her skill. My wife is the same - she supports my ideas and me. Without such women, men's lives will be meaningless.
ОтветитьAlways Amazing Footage ❤❤❤
ОтветитьLove the long videos, it's something new.. Keep it up guys love yourll❤... Watching from South Africa 🌍 😊
ОтветитьThese two young folk live a truly blessed life with each other ❤😊
ОтветитьFantastic Episode! Really well done!
ОтветитьI think their saying Mermaids 😮
ОтветитьYou Guys are Awesome, Great video 😁☕👍
ОтветитьThe drone shot of the sailfish is phenomenal !
ОтветитьLove hanging with you guys, absolutely beautiful location.
ОтветитьWow beautiful eh
ОтветитьThe editing was awesome
Ответитьanother fantastic video
ОтветитьI’m living vicariously thru you two. Miss my Caribbean cruises. Love watching you guys. Thanks
ОтветитьWow, so good.
ОтветитьWhy Fran so hidding under the scart ? 🤔
Ответитьby far the best video i ever saw this captured so freggin much i absolutely loved every single second of it ...thanks so much for sharing love u both
ОтветитьCarvings and bones placed for public and not scientific research...Disneyland sucked.
ОтветитьI want some shells for my hat now...your shells are my necklace from the late SoCal 70s...Thanks Fran.
ОтветитьThank you again... 😊
ОтветитьSeems I heard someone say something about see you next Sunday... a video every Sunday.... maybe I heard wrong. I always enjoy the videos... and would like to see more!
ОтветитьYou wouldn't want to fall on that anchor.
ОтветитьNot sure but guys, i think those bones were maybe used for voodoo. 😳 Love your channel! ❤️
ОтветитьWhat happened to the salty dingo
ОтветитьAlways love your vlogs, always learning things from you two and wish I could do what you guy's do. Thanks again 😊
ОтветитьFran has the body of a goddess.
ОтветитьVery disturbing news that you and Fran have chosen to split up I sure would like for you to dispel that that will not bode well for the channel. Fingers crossed.
ОтветитьI find it so cute how Fran waves at all the dolphins, whales, and sharks! Love the channel
ОтветитьCannonball!!! That a girl
ОтветитьYour videos are such a breath of fresh air and a wonderful escape from the harsh reality that so many of us are forced to deal with on a daily basis...thank you so much!
Ответить2024 de arkadasima kaldim brokhaven oynuyodu onu bulamadim no 21 falan di yani ordaydim 4 tane kiz 1 tane kiz vardi ve kavga ediyolardi sonra 4 kiz eve girdi falan disarda tek kalan kizin yanina gittsim avt yapiyodu bende onu bekliyodum ne ladar iyi kalplisin beni bile bekliyosun dedi bende bisiy demeidm guldum sonra 1 tane kiz 1 tane erkek geldi arkadasdilar kiz ona dediki ben kanser oldum hlb falan dedi kiz da cok uzuldu erkekde izliyodu fln olebilirim dedi hepimiz ona sa rildik onu eglendirmeye calistik saat gecdi herkez görüşdü fln ciktik 2025 e gecmistik oyuna girdim ve erkekle kiz agliyodu dedim niye agliyosunuz kanser kiz nerde fln dedik bisiy demediler o öldü dediler ve kanser kiz oldükten sonra diğer liz ortalikdan kaybolmadan öbcearkete gidib gelcem dedi ve oyundan cikti erkekle bas basa kaldik aradan 8 saat gectik ve biz hlaa kizi bekliyoduk erkek yok bu böule olmiyicak bemde dedim artik uykum geliyo kiza bisiy olmus olmasin fln birdaha kizdan haber alamadik sonrada erkek kayboldu ortadan ben bi bakcam onlinemi offline mi diye 2 dk da kayboldu oda bende ciddi ciddi aglamaya basladim ve kaybolan kiz oyuna girdi sıra sende dedi😈 ama bnaa hala bisiy olmadi katil cünkü cünkü onu yaklasik 1 yil önce saat 3 de öldürmüştüm bunu istemeyrek bi odadan erkek bagirmaya basladi melk melek diye sonra diğer kiz bağirdi aaaaaa melekkk diye melek buradamisin dedi bende evet dedim sonra nerdesiniz dedim 2 sinden biri yere cabalayarak vurmaya calisdi bende ses gelen tarafdan gittim ikiside odada mahsur kalmisti orada baska cocuklarda vardi ve hepsini cikardim disari sonra akil hastanesinden kacmis bi kiz vardi bana gülerek benide al lüstfen dedi sana zarar vermem ne biliyim ne ona güvenerek onuda aldim ve oradan kactik ve bunu nasil yaptiğimi bilmiyorum aralarinizdan yalan dan hikaye uydurmussunuz diyeceksiniz ama bu bi gercek o olaydan sonra eve geldim tuvalete girmek istedim orasini söylemek istemiyorum tüylerim tiken tiken oluyo
ОтветитьArkadaslar bi bakin okuya biliyomususnuz galiba uzun olmus
ОтветитьHow do you guys swim so deep?!!
ОтветитьReally enjoy you guys & the scenery. f you don't mind, I would like to suggest that Fran model Bikini's as a second job !
ОтветитьI love the video and the awesome environment, but at the same time it is so sad that even in the most remote places we can find plastic pollution... Humans have fucked up so much of the planet.
ОтветитьWho knew that sailfish cooperated when hunting. Wow!
Ответить"Backed themselves into boxes" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ответитьgreat job
ОтветитьWhere is Fran from I can't place her accent
Ответитьsure miss you guys and wish we had some fresh new videos from wherever in the world you are!
ОтветитьBones and clean pottery are placed to nice to be there even 20 years. That's surly a tourist set up thing or just content like everything now days.
ОтветитьVie you have the sweetest heart ❤ beli barang nyapu "terima uang beli canang supaya berdoa untuk semua," 🙏❤ baik hati, polos dan jujur Vie. Thanks Muzza can't wait to see what's going on behind the scenes.
ОтветитьWould it kill you to have Fran give us a Twirl?
ОтветитьWhat an incredible few days! Thanks for joining us guys, we hope you’re enjoying the New Series as much as we are ✌️🏝️
Big love, Strick & Fran