Honestly nice to hear someone NOT being entirely bloodthirsty the minute theres a small amount of criminality.
ОтветитьThat one dude be like: I am a fire spirit OH WAIT I'M PHYSICAL
ОтветитьGood to see a bit of positivity on here :)
ОтветитьUncensored words in order:
Astroworld Tragedy
I have no idea why they’re censored.
-Day 397 of recommending r/CrackheadCraigslist
-Day 262 of recommending r/redditmoment
-Day 182 of counting how many posts are in each video: 8.
amazing storyline comes to close
ОтветитьThe award one man the autistic community do not like that and they will come down hard
ОтветитьFinally, a bad teacher gets fired!
ОтветитьGlad to see Travis Scott is getting what's coming to him. Even if it's just him paying out money, the principle stands
ОтветитьOne of my favorites
ОтветитьTravis Scott caused the astroworld tragedy. Literally he signals the shooter. And during the shooting he keeps performing while the crowd says “stop the show!”
ОтветитьTeachers who bully students deserve to be fired, always. I was bullied by my 4th grade teacher (locked in the closet, yelled at, had my papers thrown away, isolated) and my 6th grade teacher (made fun of in front of the whole class many many times, which led to students believing they could do the same with no repercussions which ended up being true) and it was a big factor in my current mental health and social issues. Not to mention I am literally autistic (wasn’t diagnosed at the time but I am now) and already faced isolation and bullying even before this. It ruins lives
ОтветитьI love karma and justice
ОтветитьWhy tf does he need to censor words like police and persecuted, this it the stupidest shit ever
ОтветитьPretty sure that car one doing donuts isn't in a parking structure but on a road beneath a bridge.
ОтветитьCan someone tell me what happened at the Travis Scott concert? Like, all I’ve heard about it is that people were running away and creating a stampede, but I still can’t find a reason why. Can someone please explain the situation to me, thanks in advance
Edit: I feel like I’ve started a war zone. Again
Hello there. I'm here to tell you that a woman that cut a high-rise painter support rope. Because she thinks it is a harassment. Yes. She thinks she has been harassed.(sorry for my bad English)
ОтветитьI'd say that nurse made a difference; she might have even gotten some kids hospitalized or worse. I didn't say it was a positive difference.
ОтветитьCan we have more posts and less talking?
ОтветитьI've never felt better seeing these POSs get what they deserve
ОтветитьYou should come to that subreddit more often
ОтветитьI mean he not wrong
ОтветитьIf I had porch pirates... Well, they'd get away with the first few packages... unfortunately... but after that, I'll just fill older boxes with the filth from my cats, and watch those idiots porch pirate that cat filth!
I'll repeat that until they stop taking the boxes.
It's just that I'm too unfit to wrestle someone down. You know, I'm coming home from work, tired as hell. I don't have the energy to chase a porch pirate, but at the very least I can stick them some cat filth.
Bad teachers really need to be fired more. I had a teacher who yelled at my little sister for crying
She was having an anxiety attack and the teacher told her to "stop making a scene" and "stop being so dramatic"
Im still so angry at that teacher
The thing the tractor is the most stupid thing i've seen a driver do .
The car is maybe around 1,5 tons while tractors that are allowed on roads ,can usually weigh around 6 tons , around 4 times the weight of the car .
Thanks Long Nail I really love you love your channel especially the r/Justiceserived
ОтветитьI got a justice served for ya
I once said screw you to my older sister because she didn't want to give me a cookie so i got mad and stomped off and tripped on my face afterwards lmao i deserved that
I usually try to avoid being tempted to joining hate trains but I’d gladly buy a ticket to Travis’s downfall.
ОтветитьDepending on the model, those tractors can easily be more expensive than some super cars
ОтветитьWhy is everything censored? Are you afraid of words? Or that you won't get your money?
ОтветитьThe tractor could probably stop faster than the car because tractors are slow brake checking a tractor will either have your cars rear end destroyed or the tractor will stop way before the car it looks like they're on a flat road so most likely the car tried brake checking right after they were going downhill so the tractor couldn't stop as fast as if they tried on road has been flat for a while .
ОтветитьThe fact that you had to censor the word Police shows how offended my stupid generation gets.
ОтветитьYou can't say cop now????
ОтветитьLatom Latom Latom Latom
ОтветитьIt depends if the child is annoying because of his autism she deserves it if the child is annoying because he is rude he kinda deserves this
If the kid is annoying from his autism the teacher belongs on detention
On live tv
Jesus christ you censor the word tragedy? Dude are you trying to air this at a pre school
ОтветитьTo the people who give that autistic child a most annoying reward, I sure as heck that it's on your record next time you try and get the job! This is coming form a autistic person
Ответитьi came from r/iamapieceofsh*t and came here to feel better