10 Pokemon You've Probably Used

10 Pokemon You've Probably Used


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@CodPatrol - 03.01.2024 07:59

Fly on staraptor is a given, always. Can’t go wrong with aerial ace as a great lower level move, also Luxray is one of the only electric from that region so you need one, Electricvire is too hard to find. I dunno why Gyrados is that high though, you need to evolve him until he’s good so your only option is stick him in the daycare, who’s using him as an ever present in their team when he stinks early game

@CodPatrol - 03.01.2024 08:01

Isnt Alakazam pretty hard to find in most games? If he’s not easily accessible how are people gonna use him

@alexanderkane7586 - 05.01.2024 02:53

I've used Magnezone, Crobat, Gyarados, Gardevoir, Mareep(Not its final form), Luxray & Staraptor?(I'm not for sure I've used them), and Lucario(I have for sure used Lucario at least once). The funny thing is, it took me quite a while to use nearly every one of the Pokemon I listed, since I didn't have reliable access to Magnezone, Crobat, Luxray & Staraptor and Mareep until last year; Gyarados & Lucario meanwhile were either too much effort to get or I didn't see the point of using them until relatively recently

@jonathankennedy8358 - 01.02.2024 14:33

i don't use most of those pokemon

@JCDragon2819 - 05.03.2024 22:07

When you don't have any friends so you buy multiple systems and games for self-trading

@adamg31 - 14.03.2024 23:26

I have not used any of these exept crobat.

@PendulumBlade - 29.03.2024 18:36

His voice is higher than the chances of Luxray and Staraptor being used in a Sinnoh playthrough

@Botchdetop - 31.03.2024 03:19

I think that i have only use 2 of those on the top (magnezone and crobat) because it either i don't like the pokemon like luxray,lucario and staraptor (sorry) or i don't think they are strong enought or don't like the type like psychic

@timaeustanis359 - 08.04.2024 15:25

Absol? Where is it? Many thought it was a legendary mon (me included, I was like 6 or 7)

@CmdrUD87 - 12.04.2024 13:37

Used all of them, except for Crobat and Ampharos. I think Sinnoh is a bit of a special case (similar to Unova) in that the pool is quite limited, and therefore, those 'mons have less competition. Would I have used Shinx elsewhere too if it was more widely available? Probably. Staraptor? Also probably, but less likely.

@joeyjjmoore - 21.04.2024 10:03

I've only for sure used 4 of these, Ampharos, Luxray, Starraptor, and Lucario. Gardevoir and Lapras are maybes because I can't remember right now.

@Yukimaru676 - 14.05.2024 22:50

LoL I didn't use any of the Pokemon Up to Alakazam😂

@Stanataka - 20.05.2024 20:06

Mikey amphaross isn’t in crystal

@Stanataka - 20.05.2024 20:07

I use togekiss and magnezone in platinum and don’t play diamond

@JaydenDayao - 14.06.2024 06:20

I love lucario so I am so happy that it actualy won the poll

@luangabriel5577 - 03.07.2024 21:19

I used ALL of them

@charcoal119 - 12.08.2024 22:22

no on crobat and almost no on magnemite

@PokémonFan214-n9q - 03.09.2024 06:42

If I’ve used these Pokémon

The Kanto starters: only Chairzard in Go (at least of the fully evolved ones)
Magneton/Magnezone: only Magneton in Go
The Crobat line: only Zubat and Golbat in Go
The Golduck and Golem lines: only in Go and only their pre evolutions
Gyrados: only in Go
Lapras: only in Go
Alakazam: only it’s pre evolutions in go
Gardevior: only it’s pre evolutions in go (I used Gallade for a little though)
Ampharos: only in Go
Staraptor and Luxary: Only in Go and for Luxary, only it’s pre evolutions
Lucario: Idk, maybe in Go, probably not in the main series

@HawkPeft - 11.09.2024 22:01

Magnemite: Yup, took til Scarlet to do it, but I did and was kinda underwhelmed.
Crobat: Never, but since I started watching your content I'll give it a try eventually.
Gyarados: Definitely, I have to make myself not use Gyarados sometimes, one of my favorites
Lapras: Yup, bred a shiny Lapras is sword and was just as underwhelmed as Magnezone
Alakazam: Nope. I've always always wanted to use Alakazam, psychic is far and away my favorite type, but I've never had a friend to trade with
Gardevoir: Yup, love psychic, Galade, nope, those hips are... yikes.
Ampharos: Nope, to be honest, I never made the connection mareep evolved into Ampharos... for some reason. Not a fan of sheep.
Staraptar: Nope
Luxray: Yup, stumbled on a shiny in Scarlet and needed an electric type on my team.
Lucario: Yeah, multiple times.

@Stufflol-n5f - 15.09.2024 01:30

You forgot about the Isle of Armor. So what if you can't get Charizard?

@ItsZombiefied - 16.09.2024 22:41

In my second Violet playthrough, I catched a Ralts, a male Ralts, and evolved it into a Gallade.

@NicoleLemaster - 18.10.2024 19:20

I have alakazam in pokémon leaf green and fire red.
My name is 5089.

@naturegirl12ish - 27.10.2024 01:53

I know this old but it’s funny because for my shield and scarlet i used Gyarados, in fact it was my first level 100

@THgaming2814 - 15.11.2024 20:46

Magnazone yes
Crobat yes
Golduck no
Gyrados yes
Lapras unfortunately no
Alakazam absolutely yes having 2 let’s go saves
Gardevoir yes
Ampharos yes (counting evo lines)
Staraptor yes obviously
Luxray yes obviously
I love luxray and staraptor❤

@otakumarcus - 17.12.2024 20:00


Magnezone = Yes
Crobat = No
Gyrados = Unfortunately no because I have better and nicer water options
Lapras = Yes, I’d be foolish not to get one.
Alakazam = No
Gardevoir = Yes along with Gallade
Amp = No
Staraptor & Luxray = They’re gonna be on the Cy Yu team since he uses them in his Pokemon streams
Lucario = Another Cy Yu team member

@serenitywingss - 26.12.2024 12:13

Ah, you got me! I used a Magnezone on my very first Pokemon playthrough of Sun, an Alakazam on my Ultra Moon playthrough, and a Lucario to play through the Violet DLC!

@Quapsel999 - 29.12.2024 16:30

1. Magneton/zone✅ (Let's Go, USUM)
2. Crobat✅ (Y)
3. Gyrados✅ (Shield Nuzlocke)
4. Lapras❌
5. Alakazam✅ (Pearl)
6. Gardevoir✅ (Y Postgame)
7. Ampharos❌
8. Staraptor✅ (Pearl)
9. Luxray✅ (Pearl)
10. Lucario✅ (Y)

@wowwar2 - 30.01.2025 05:49

I even feel like more people have used Kadabra than Alakazam just because I don't know how many people playing alone are unable to evolve their Kadabra

@RainbowSpark - 05.02.2025 05:38

I use Lapras and Gyrados in my HeartGold before getting Ho-Oh and Lugia and I also used Lapras in X.

@puglife658 - 05.02.2025 18:45

Gardevoir luxray and lucario. That’s it. That’s all I’ve used.

@Fireheart300 - 09.02.2025 08:10

I’ve only ever used the kanto starters of all these Pokémon in a main play through (although my brother has used a lot of them) and I’ve played eight games. (White 2, heart gold, soul silver, sword, legends arceus, scarlet, let’s go pikachu, and the fan made Pokémon uranium)

@PitFrag9803 - 09.02.2025 13:22

Ive used Gyarados on every team in every gen, no matter how late you get him. Like the travelling salesmen after national dex in unova

@Rey-ju8ic - 10.02.2025 01:24

Shinx, the Pikachu of Sinnoh!

@jimchen3762 - 11.02.2025 08:30

Commenting on a video that is 5 years old…

I didn’t play a lot of Pokémon, gen 1, 3 (kanto series) and 6. Frankly, I have only used gardevoir and lucario in my gen 6 play through. The other gen 1s, I didn’t.

Magneton was replaced by zapdos, never used gyrados due to lazy to train a magikarp, Laura’s was too low level to train. I normally use a poliwrath if needed a water type or whoever that can’t learn surf, don’t judge, to this day I don’t know about stab moves and their advantages…. Alakazam was never used, but kadabra yes.

@justinpeters6049 - 11.02.2025 21:16

In kalos you could get a riolu much earlier even before your first badge if you went to route 22 and looked around for a bit (not very common to encounter) you could find/catch one
My top pokemon is Absol my absolute favorite

@Nebulaj9x - 13.02.2025 22:56

In my current playthrough of sword Scarlet and let's go and even billing diamond I have all three starters plus two of the gift legendaries out

@System3RR0RZ - 13.02.2025 22:58

All the pokemon on this list and the game I used them in:
Lucario: RR
Gyarados: Let's Go Eevee
Luxray: Legends Arceus
Staraptir: RR
Gardevoir: Legends Arceus
Ampharos: RR
Crobat: Emerald
Lapras: Let's Go Pikachu
Alakazam: Legends Arceus
Magnezone: RR
Golem: Legends Arceus
Golduck: Brilliant Diamond

@Nebulaj9x - 13.02.2025 23:07

Excuse me but the HMs that you get in the remakes and in the original game you don't have to use the actual pokémon to use the HM you can just tap on your poké watch and then you can immediately call a wild star raptor or a wild luxray and Bob's your uncle

@PokeFan56 - 14.02.2025 22:14

I Play only Emerald and firered/leafgreen i use always ralts mankee and most of the times i use wingull

@tamimzaman1195 - 15.02.2025 15:03

Anyone from 2025😅

@Bennett42 - 16.02.2025 02:25

Out of all the pokemon mentioned, I've used 4 on a playthrough.

@JeeReeAnimation - 20.02.2025 05:54

Unfortunately, Crystal is the only Johto game where you CAN'T get a Mareep, which is a crime

@RaxusPrime29 - 24.02.2025 01:00

Crobat line sucks
Terrible move pool
And Poison just isn't useful on playthroughs

@JohnaMan327 - 27.02.2025 01:35

I never used Staraptor or Luxray. I don't like those Pokémon and always went with Yanmega and Magnezone.

@estebanreyes98 - 05.03.2025 04:37

Damn it, I’ve used a Lucario in almost every Pokémon game I’ve played, pre or post game 😂

@This_This48 - 05.03.2025 16:33

The only two of these I’ve used are Gyarados and Lucario

@1mmortalwarlock - 08.03.2025 02:21

Magneton/Magnezone ❌, Would always get a Pikachu in Viridian Forest. Crobat ✔️ Gyarados ❌ as i found it overrated. Lapras ✔️ Alakazam ❌ i would always look for a Drowzee/Hypno. Gardevoir ❌ i was one of those that had no idea about Ralts in the early route. Ampharos ✔️ Both, Luxray and Staraptor ✔️ Lucario ❌
