String Theory
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It all started in the 50's
German Laboratory
S-Matrix newest nifty theory
Add it to the series
But not the one from TV guide articles
Discovered protons and nuetrons were extended relativistic particles
Proposing the notion that a space time point broke down at nuclear scales
Listen to the details I'm not talking arsenals
Heisenberg proposed to use unitarity in all situations conceivable
From the sum of what the squares equal
His proposal was ignored
Two years after 1954 Gell-Mann recognized dispertion relations allow notion of casualty formulation
More added to the theory the Japanese Shoichi
proposed particles could be observed in bound states of 3
Which was changed by Gell-Mann and Zweig to be the quark model in the 60's
1n 1959 Tullio Regge from Italy discovered bound states in quantum theory
Could be organized into families known as Regge Trajectories
In 68 we finally see S-matrix be procceded by String theory
Regge trajectories were followed by the dual resonance model
Which focused around hadronic particles discovered by Veneziano
The model was taken by physicist to use in their own experiments
In 1973 it was superceded by quantumchromodynamics
The particles said to vibrate akin to violin strings like paganini is where the theory got it's name I'm thinking
It's said they act as springs inside of quarks which are the smallest things
Particle physics intrinsic to our existence
Searching for a unified theory everything fits in
Nowadays it's used as a tool for scientific expansion
It isn't taken as a literal explanation
They say the demonstrations are ireplicable
It isn't experimentally checkable
This observable reality is 3 dimensional
And they say 11 dimensions isn't intellectually intelligible
But I believe in the metaphysical
The creation of string theory
Was an attempt to merge quantum mechanics with general relativity
But i'm only reciting what was said by people smarter than me
I'd like to take you through the rest of the history
but for now we stop in 73
Because theres so much to cover this song would last infinitely
Around 2003 the theory started to fizzle out
Due to doubt in the scientific community
Based around what else it could predict eventually
Looking for how it can be applied to cosmology
But 11 dimensions doesn't seem so odd to me.
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#String_Theor #Sting_Theory #tring_Thery #String_Thory #String_Teory #String_heory #StringTheory #Strinng_Theory #String_Thheory