Craig Ferguson - Heavenly Revenge

Craig Ferguson - Heavenly Revenge


13 лет назад

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@sainbutnaught - 19.07.2011 13:11

i wonder who he was talking about. lol

@Yesfan90125 - 17.09.2011 00:48

Probably the only time Immanuel Kant will ever be invoked on an American late-night talk show.

@francisraud - 05.10.2011 23:00

What a guy.. "an then another two.." and he left people wondering what those two might be

@greendayrocksmuch - 27.11.2011 09:24

@sainbutnaught i'm guessing Billie Joe from Green Day...cuz he's in a bar in Los Angeles...and her wife called that time xDDD you should watch Billie Joe tells a story xDD not sure though

@gunjank - 11.01.2012 02:45

That's happened to me before..only difference is that I was pretending to be on the phone to get out of an awkward situation and then it rang....Oh the irony.

@ColinsProopkitten - 07.02.2012 19:05

Oh my days, what a douchbag! Seriously, if ya gonna do that a least make sure the phone is on silent first your moron! ROFL :D

@mateo096 - 14.02.2012 22:26

They beeped "douche" then, but not anymore? lol

@RyanCRobert - 06.04.2012 21:12

Well probably not considering he said he was a guy that was "on a show." And I don't believe Billie Joe has ever been on a TV show.

@ginberryblue - 27.04.2012 06:12

Can you say Simon Cowell? Yeah, I thought you could.

@liolp808 - 22.08.2012 09:34

I have actually been in that situation before. I was taking a smoke near a pub corner and saw a bunch of girls walking my way. my douche friends wouldn't agree to come along so I was there by myself, so I picked up the phone pretending I was talking to an imaginary GF and then my dear mom called. Never did I set a foot in that place again.

@BlackenedThunder - 29.08.2012 06:24

The same happened to me. Oh man what an awful moment it was.

@myrtlepalmwasher - 01.10.2012 02:51

Seemed like he was imitating Jay Leno.

@MonicaKyler - 14.10.2012 10:40

I've pretended to be on the phone before, mostly to he some fresh air and not have to talk to people anymore, but luckily I've never had the phone ring on me. XD that would have been seriously awkward seeing as I never silence my phone.
