AQW Must Get Frostval Items Recapped! 40+ Maps | 6 Classes - Seasonal Gear-GLoD - Pink + House Items

AQW Must Get Frostval Items Recapped! 40+ Maps | 6 Classes - Seasonal Gear-GLoD - Pink + House Items


55 лет назад

12,736 Просмотров

AQW Must Get Frostval Items! AQW Must get Frostval items! In this video i go over seasonal maps from past years that have returning items! I will show you Frostval boss drops , AC Tagged, member and Free player gear! There will be 6 Frostval Classes! , hollowborn items, Glacial Light of destiny, Reskinned Nation items! and Pink gear with loads of cool frostval armors items! Plenty of capes and helms too! Frostval merge shops with cool gear, as well as some normal shops! We talk about how to get your hands on Frostval Barbarian, Frost Spiritreaver, Northland Monk, Glacial Berserker, cryomancer and Prismatic Clawsuit! There are pets house items and more! AQW Frostval seasonal maps and best gear to get! There are also houses,

This is the recapped edition so it is Frostval must get items combined along with some extra additions and maps!

#aqwmustgetitems #frostval #AQW

The Maps:
/join battleon
/join factory
/join frost
/join frostvale
/join icecave
/join caroling
/join snowview
/join snowviewrace
/join yulecat
/join caroltown
/join filmbultomb
/join glacetomb
/join wolflake
/join icewindpass
/join frozensoul
/join frozenbalmorale
/join northlands
/join northlandlight
/join kingcoal
/join alpine
/join icecavern
/join icevolcano
/join goldenruins
/join snowglobe
/join northstar
/join icerisepast
/join wintersheart
/join battlefield
/join frostdeep
/join icerise
/join darkwinter
/join snowyvale
/join cryostorm
/join cryowar
/join frostspectre
/join coldwindvalley
/join frostvalperil
/join deerhunt
/join helsgrove
/join mountotzi
/join otziwar
/join gifthulu
/join howardshill
/join icedungeon
/join winterhorror
/join eventhub

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SPECS ► i7 9750 (9th Gen), 32GB DDR4, GeForce GTX 1660 6GB GDDR6

"Alex Productions - Cyberpunk" is under a Creative Commons (BY 3.0) license:
/ @alexproductionsnocopyright
Music powered by BreakingCopyright: • 😠

Background Tune:

0:00 Tinsels Giftboxs + Prismatic Clawsuit Class
0:49 Toy Factory + Frost Drops
1:42 Frostvale Items (Frostval Barbarian Class + Doge)
5:02 Icecave + House Items!
6:05 Snow View Items
6:53 Beleen Christmas Outfit (Yulecat)
7:22 Glacial Paladin Set (Caroltown)
8:48 Fimbul / Glace Tomb + Wolflake
10:12 Glacial Berserker Class (Ice Wind Pass)
10:50 Northland Monk Class Drop
11:46 Frozen Balmorale + The Northlands
15:26 Alpine / Ice Volcano / Ice Cavern
16:36 Lionfang Set (Golden Ruins)
16:59 Ice Rise Past / Snowglobe Helm
17:36 Cryomancer Class (Northstar)
18:53 Gold Treasure Pile House Item + Battlefield
19:37 Kezeroths Destroyers (frostdeep)
20:09 Ice Rise / Dark Winter
21:08 Chrono Class Exclusive Quests
21:21 Moglin Hut House (Cryostorm)
22:47 Frost Spectre Drops
23:33 Xmas Cutie Armor (Cold Wind Valley)
24:25 Cheer Caster (Frostvalperil)
25:00 Deerhunt / MountOtzi / Helsgrove Items
26:11 Frostval Valencia Armor (Otzi War)
26:53 Gift Hulu Boss Drops
28:21 Frost SpiritReaver Class (Icedungeon)
30:14 Pink Variants Beleen Shop (EventHub)


#aqw #aqw_Frostval_season_gear #aqw_Frostval_must_get_items #aqw_Frostval_rares #aqw_Frostval_boss_drops_merge_shops #aqw_Frostval #aqw_cool_Frostval_items #aqw_free_class #aqw_Frostval_boss_drop #aqw_Frostval_merge #aqw_Frostval_hollowborn #aqw_how_to_get_Frostval_items #aqw_Frostval_boss_drops #aqw_seasonal_merge_shops #aqw_awesome_items #aqw_must_get #aqw_6_free_classes #aqw_glacial_paladin #aqw_glod #aqw_nation_frostval_items #aqw_doge_head
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