Andrew Hall: Megalithic Chemistry | Thunderbolts

Andrew Hall: Megalithic Chemistry | Thunderbolts


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@GreatAwakeningRecords - 17.08.2024 11:35

I could listen to Andrew Hall for hours. You have the same captivating storytelling skills as David Talbott.

@BADALICE - 17.08.2024 23:59

I would argue there is no coordinated effort associated with pyramids around the globe.
A pyramid is the simplest and most logical structure when it comes to primitive construction.
What other option would one choose?
These are the ancient sky scrapers.
It would be more of a mystery if there were not pyramids all over the globe.
It's the first form of construction.

@MarvinMonroe - 18.08.2024 02:48

Awesome! Great job spreading the word

@andrewmckeown6786 - 18.08.2024 10:10

I only recently realized that 6 or 8 of the last half of the old testament books,
(Maybe; micah, habbakuk, lamentations, zephania, ...and a few more??)
Seem to clearly describe "God's Wrath" as a celestial event, witnessed by the ancients, that wrought chaos, catastrophe and fear upon humanity on a global scale.

Just a supposition. Possibly worth looking into👍😁❤️🇨🇦🍻

@ScientificLee - 18.08.2024 14:44

Showing the safire sun with nodes always reminds me of the ley lines..mountains of energy in blobs...great video nother.

@matthewmay2704 - 19.08.2024 05:20

Brilliant video. I'm in the camp that they used natron to etch granite and made the monolithic stones out of poured geopolymers. Would have been so much easier, and there's evidence for it

@matthewmay2704 - 19.08.2024 05:25

Interesting to think that if the moon is really is an artificial satellite, then that means that when someone put it there it was specifically to create that discharge event. It was geoengineering on a global scale

@gw7157 - 19.08.2024 18:01

Sounds like our moon killed the dinosaurs perhaps?

@DoesItTho - 20.08.2024 09:53

Heard Drum on the Blurry Creatures podcast. Holy heck he is brilliant and its absolutely awesome hearing him detail the theory across multiple sites in Africa and Europe.

@DS-og8bf - 20.08.2024 15:44

Glad to see Jeffery get some coverage. I've been following him for a while and tried to get others like Ancient Architects to look at his work. But no one really wants the truth. They either want to believe the pyramids were tombs or energy generators, which are two extremes and neither practical.

@jennifermoore2041 - 21.08.2024 04:19

Turn the false narrative on it's ass! I'm sick of these narcissistic self serving"think they know it all" telling me what to think and feel when it makes them uncomfortable... knowledge is power...not money.

@navion1946 - 21.08.2024 04:19

Sorry sir, but your base level reason for the existence of these pyramids is obfuscated by the religious symbolism on and around them.

@navion1946 - 21.08.2024 04:24

Sorry sir, but your base level reason for the existence of these pyramids is obfuscated by the religious symbolism on and around them. Which is not to say that your findings aren’t also included in the technology of these devices, but you have discounted the supernatural recorded history of EVERY civilization. I enjoyed your video.

@Hoganwantabe - 21.08.2024 16:07

Really good video, and a great “thank you” for crediting Geoffrey for his work! It is well deserved. My question is: how did humanity come to this knowledge? This is such a high degree of societal sophistication, and human thinking. One has to wonder when “man” REALLY rose to this degree of complexity. My belief is… as an “advanced” species… we could conceivably be millions of years old. Not just a few thousand years…10,000 arguably at most. Let’s say the number is two million years that we have been advanced in our thinking. If that’s correct… and the earth is 4.5 billion years old… that means we’ve been an advanced species for only 0.044% of Earth’s total timeline. That’s 44 THOUSANDTHS of ONE percent! That’s STILL a very short period of time in the scheme of things. And to me, still plenty of time to evolve in our complexity to achieve advanced ancient technologies, and an advanced understanding of our world.

@RoyalCoatTX - 22.08.2024 02:41

Designed for a binary system

@mitchellschaff6520 - 22.08.2024 18:42


@luclachapelle3499 - 22.08.2024 19:39

Well done !

@WhiteFyre - 23.08.2024 11:28

And all these leads to…. A civilisation that was technologically and scientifically advanced. Perhaps more so than our own! At least they had free energy lol, the barbarians in charge of our world are too greedy for that.

@WhiteFyre - 23.08.2024 11:28

I can’t believe I have never, never ever heard of this theory before. Brilliant! Thank you.

@nickmathews6114 - 23.08.2024 20:46

All i can say is WOW!

@AlexClark-c8o - 23.08.2024 21:39

They were casted concrete blocks

@Fulcanelli-101 - 24.08.2024 00:48

How many lightning strikes are there , per year , on the pyramids ?

@mnemonyss - 25.08.2024 14:06

I love you so much! May we uncover the secrets of our past!

@Tucker_Tries - 27.08.2024 08:38

The pyramids are built as nuclear reactors for zero point field energy and have been mapped as such by Bob Greenyer of the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project

@MarvinMonroe - 27.08.2024 10:09

Agreed about the "keystone cuts" a piece of copper or bronze aint holding two 30 ton block perfectly in place. Gotta be another reason for them

@HAPPYPLANTGAL - 28.08.2024 05:19

The giants:: Nephilliam and Rephaim cut and moved all those megalitic blocks. Our history has been hidden from us for many reasons. One reason it proves the Bible is true and God is real......

@John-vz5un - 28.08.2024 07:30

Very interesting presentation but no mention of the possible polarization cement style Matrix into formed rocks.

Of course this does not tend to simplify the problem for the Rocks would have to have been ground to a powder and remixed then poured with forms on either side/ tops , then the exact fitting of polygonal Stones would be essentially simple.

At 23 he does touch on this.

@CountSaintGermain215 - 28.08.2024 17:44

Nearly 100% geopolymer, all of the sites. Once seen can't unsee it.

@NGC-catseye - 31.08.2024 13:52

Make alchemy great again ⚡

@SkyWatcher66 - 01.09.2024 11:58

Nah, ....Aliens

@Salamander1269 - 01.09.2024 15:17

I can accept this theory but still I wonder why it was necessary to built such a gigantic structure, the greatest on earth in order to make fertilizers when they could've built a much smaller building for doing so. There is no logic in this. How, how could they built and lift such megalithic stones not only on the outside but the structures inside are gigantic. Usually, whatever the Egyptians built, they would put it down in hieroglyphs thanking the gods and the pharaohs for making it possible. Nothing of the kind has been found.
So we cannot have an astronomical hypothesis of a charged moon and violent climate on earth etc, to explain why the pyramid was built, we must consider other things too, like their perspective of why to build a building and their knowledge of how to built it.
Today we cannot build such a structure even with the most sophisticated machines.

If you ask an Egyptian who built the pyramids, those who know Egypt's history, will answer Zep Tepi, Zep Tepi, which means, before our time, before Kemet. They mean that the pyramids are the remnants of a previous civilisation. They may have reused it for chemical purposes. But everything about its structure and the Osireon included is atypical for the Egyptian tradition of building, with no ornamentation or cartouches at all.
If we theoretically took away the pyramids, few buildings are left to impress but on all you will find the cartouches of the then pharaoh who ordered the building to be built.

@DirkLarien - 02.09.2024 21:33

Mind blowing. I wish Thunderbolts team will get exposure it deserves.

@Kerath - 03.09.2024 11:51

Even half a million years ago the moon would be only 20km closer to Earth. No way this distance had any significance when it comes to the idea of the plasma discharge?

@StevenWilkins-y9t - 03.09.2024 19:32

The ancients built in they manner that they did NOT because it was hard but because it was relatively easy - THEREFORE TECHNOLOGY OF SOME NATURE WAS USED - to suggest otherwise is mindlessly stupid. And yet - that's what the "mainstream of academia would have us all believe. Simple logic - those who know better are lying... some are just keeping their heads down so they can continue basic research and get funding - making them complicit to the lies. Many are just plain bog-stupid never questioning the "theocracy". Sadly the last are far too frequent.

@StevenWilkins-y9t - 03.09.2024 20:39

Excellent analysis... it makes more sense than anything I've heard previously. The Electric Universe theory is explaining far more sensibly than any mainstream physicist. So much of what is established theory in physics is bunkem - it simply doesn't fit the evidence - thus astrophysicists are forever making "exceptions" to explain all manner of phenomena they cannot explain.

@jerome2022 - 06.09.2024 21:38

These structures were gold topped to attract rain lightning and other weather

@cavemancaveman5190 - 06.09.2024 22:45

I get it
Flesh under chemicals becomes stone rapidly. Not tombs ya'll thems bodies that's past on

@Michaelmas68 - 07.09.2024 13:26

Andrew, it’s time you looked at the work of Rudolph Steiner concerning our real history the state of the Earth in the past and a our evolution. I think it will add tremendously to what it is that you are doing. And by the way, no one has open my eyes the way you have certainly with regards to, the formation our earths surface. Thank you thank you

@erniemajor - 07.09.2024 20:59

It was so refreshing to listen to your train of thought evaluating the 'traditional' theories! I have often considered these same points. ( EG. the small metal clamps as 'stone staples' seems counter intuitive; where stones seem to have some invisible bond and 'no mortar!' mortar could interfere with the 'bond' transmitted by means of those little metal clamps.) Ultimately it does indicate some unknown civilization which was far more advanced than 'we' have ever understood. Same with the Nabateans; they may well have had the skill but where would they find time and motivation to build Petra? As a hobby?

@johnchristopherrobert1839 - 11.09.2024 04:17

Has anyone built models to test these theories with the knobs on the stones in iron copper tea linkages.

@MrWhiskers65 - 11.09.2024 07:07

The great pyramid is the only pyramid with the interior chambers, no other pyramids have that layout.
How about this? The catastrophes that shaped this planet were so epic and incomprehensible that man in his ancient fear, sought to please the gods by any means necessary? The shape of pyramids is explained by many who built them. It was a stairway to heaven, a staircase to the gods. After all if you had lived through the apocalypse, it would make sense. We don’t understand how important God and the gods were to the ancients. Today the most religious of us live extremely secular science based lives and couldn’t imagine sacrificing our own children to appease the gods, but people whose only comprehension of everyday events was caused by the gods and only by what the gods did, sacrificed their children willingly, and would have built crazy huge structures for their gods, because to them that was more important than planting the crops or building the aqueducts or any other huge industrial sites. After all, If you don’t have the favour of the gods you have nothing! If anyone should understand this it is us in the electric universe who believe in catastrophism. So in my electric universe modelled mind it makes perfect sense to build huge megalithic sites to the gods and god kings to ask for their favour, give them offerings and to build their structures to weather another possible coming catastrophe. After all, what did the flood stories from around the world claim? God was angry with man and so wiped him out in punishment.

@RamblinJer - 14.09.2024 17:34

Mr. Hall, your lectures are always enlightening and immensely enjoyable. You are appreciated. Thank you

@oldskool235 - 16.09.2024 03:17

All drum is doing is confirming Dunn. Both the small pyramids we're making the chemicals for the great pyramid. One made dilute hydro chloric acid and the other made hydrated zinc. The great pyramid made power, and in the "kings chamber" in the supposed sarcophagus, they placed mercury. The pyramid made enough power to turn the mercury into gold and power all of Egypt as well as the space stations orbiting earth. Why do you think inside pyramid all over the world have mercy in them? Aliens created modern humans and modern humans helped build these monuments. " Temples" all around Giza, have granite pillers and are piezoelectric resonators used to extend the power of the pyramids. The obelisk were also piezoelectric resonators using tuning to spread wireless power all over Egypt as well. Try researching every angle of an aspect before fan boying someone like Drum. Anyone who has been studying these subjects for years knows that the pyramids we're making chemicals for power generation. Drum is the new kid on the block who is trying to tell us what we already knew. Look up Thoth's time temple. You really have no clue how much knowledge went into the Giza complex and to say humans made the complex for agricultural chemicals is just plain stupid. The Anu Na Ki made it as a power plant and gold production plant. The encoded the structure with their knowledge. Do the research before publishing videos like this. This video does an injustice for the EU community.

@crypto_hodler6948 - 17.09.2024 11:17

I get the ancients may have been tapping in to the most electrically active pathways.. but— Why would there be discharges between the earth and moon? Will ANY two large enough bodies discharge against each other when close enough? 🤔
And also, how can we be certain these “cracks” weren’t formed from the crust expanding leaving canyons behind as it did? Tx

@ironhorsethrottlemaster5202 - 22.09.2024 05:51

Check out Thunderbolts project an episode about a month ago with Andrew Hall talking about megalithic chemistry you got to check that episode out it'll blow your mind

@Pl4sm0 - 07.10.2024 12:36

Finally some one answering the real question, why these structures where built

@fleetwoodbeechbum - 14.10.2024 11:19

When I saw "Megalithic Chemistry" I thought this was going to be about Dr. Joseph Davidovits' science of geopolymer construction. Obviously not, but a really interesting expansion from his work. I will definitely go to that site mentioned.

Something that can be extrapolated from a designed pattern of pyramid placement is that it couldn't have been done if there were no long term global civilization going on. There had to have been a central authority with power to rule around the planet with no local threats. This raises all kinds of questions about how wealth was distributed and how power was projected. People had to have real benefits from the work. And that is why the process theory seems very solid to me.
