Don't Move to Simi Valley California.  | Onsite Spotlight | Steve Hise Real Estate Agent

Don't Move to Simi Valley California. | Onsite Spotlight | Steve Hise Real Estate Agent

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@ginag7844 - 13.02.2025 20:08

Reverse psychology. I'm moving there.

@mikekillo02 - 08.01.2025 01:43

simi was named after jebidiah simi the founder of the town..they have a pretty good amount of "big chain restaurants" i remember a clif. pizza kitchen and seeing a few others . my fav. is orig. tommys and the hat but there more fastfood anyways. last i remember there was a fairly large outdoor mall with a walmart and a bevmo.most people that move there move there BECAUSE its pretty quiet . they have a few large parks one has a pond..i mean its to large of a town for me since moving from sfv to a small town in az but its a nice town...most of the crap he says he later drops a reverse card on he dont even believe himself

@pascalxus - 18.11.2024 02:56

night life? night time is for sleeping, what are you looking to do? everything you just stated about simi valley is a plus!

@judyfountaine8291 - 24.09.2024 18:39

I live in simi valley love it.i dont drink or party never did. Am happy we dont have lots of people drinking causes lots of problems. You want to party go to woodland hills or Hollywood. I live 5.mins from the train.does not bother me at all
ThousandOaks is about the same no train track..these are family places to live

@idrinknitrous - 09.09.2024 00:33

I think the biggest negative is the crackheads and tweakers that threaten you at those beautiful parks💯

@rturney6376 - 02.09.2024 13:24

Who shops at malls in 2024?

@rturney6376 - 02.09.2024 13:24

Which restaurants are “good” in Camarillo?

@rturney6376 - 02.09.2024 13:20

Steamy Valley - no thanks!!

@deanna8635 - 04.08.2024 23:00

I’ve lived in simi valley since the 70s it has grown a lot but I think of several reasons. Rude stuck up people, over crowded now, and a lot of crime going on lately Simi used to be awesome but not anymore. The only good thing is our police are awesome and take care of the city . Sorry to leave this comment but everyone needs to hear everything that happens here .

@GolerGulch - 03.06.2024 00:12

We have lived in Simi for over 40 years and it has been a great place to raise my family. The City has a mellow vibe to it and it has a lot of professionals who take good care of their yards .

@F1Supremo1 - 07.05.2024 23:56

Liked the summary...thank you very much for the presentation.

@MichaelSanchez-vp3db - 14.04.2024 21:47

There is no job.Thanks

@Aidanplaysroblox-z6y - 03.04.2024 03:49

the washs isnt loud at all

@Brucebendavis - 29.03.2024 00:19

Simi valley is boring

@Dane3804 - 21.01.2024 22:03

Simi is a pit, started to decline in 08 I got out in 09 and glad i did.

@m3vt2seffn - 16.01.2024 04:16

Let me tell you this I was born and raised in simi valley I graduated from Simi valley high in 1992 now when I was a kid growing up in the '70s and '80s in Simi valley and where I used to live there I still remember the address it was 1574 blaze avenue off of Royal avenue across the street from Royal high My grandma and my grandpa are buried in that cemetery that's next door to rancho Simi Park but in 1992 my dad moved us out here in Lancaster California Guess cuz the house is were cheaper right I've lived out here for 31 years I still hate this place let me tell you dude if I could win the lottery I would move back to Simi valley

@letitiagamez7077 - 05.11.2023 08:08

Train tracks, a freeway, the wash? That's not true. I live up by Sinaloa Lake - far from all three. Yes, Simi Valley has a lake.

@Hustleandgrow27 - 30.08.2023 05:04

Racist ass city!

@richardweiler6931 - 04.08.2023 05:01

The fact that there's no night life is a terrific plus to me. Keeps things quiet. If you want noise and rabble, get in your car and head to the San Fernando Valley.

@kimeddy4743 - 08.06.2023 21:39

i dont like simi valley, but noisy nope, the only noise i hear is the train i want to get back to hollywood,more to do and see and better hiking, but one thing about simi less homelessness and crime other than that BORING! and too far spread out and buses suck! only 4 buses total that only run once an hour and they dont run on sundays

@AidanB_Racing - 17.05.2023 02:11

I also live in simi and its a very good city. I live right under the burbank flight path and it is a bit loud but its fine.

@redrobin1193 - 05.04.2023 06:15

this is garbage content

@emthefirstone - 12.03.2023 18:35

what about the radioactivity, nuclear waste, high numbers of cancer deaths, not being able to drink water? etc…

@EarthWarZone - 07.02.2023 10:33

I thought you lived in Thousand Oaks?

@TeresaThornsley - 04.02.2023 20:09

You forgot to mention Simi Valley is under the Burbank Airport southbound incoming flight path. We are also a practice area for flight schools out of Van Nuys, Whitman and Santa Monica. Constant aircraft noise unless you live close to the hills.

@misraicessalvadorenas - 04.02.2023 19:53

Wildlife is a negative? Hardly think so lol
2 main reasons not to move here is 1. The big issue with Rocket-dyne Laboratories and the mess they have made getting rid of nuclear waste and Simi is loaded with radiation issues which causes Cancer. Which lots of people have developed. Look it up! 2. Reason is, the winds get so bad here, you gotta put away or tie down your patio furniture and the electricity gets shut off a lot! Those are your two main concerns. You are welcome!

@ppclean - 04.02.2023 09:01

It is Simi Valley UNIFIED School District, not Independent.

@jaimegoedhart3454 - 04.02.2023 06:26

Great info Steve!

@jackiecartwright9343 - 04.02.2023 02:33

Um, you just called me old.

@jackiecartwright9343 - 04.02.2023 02:17

If you love hiking and being surrounded by mountains, move to Simi Valley!

@johnm4686 - 03.02.2023 21:12

Has Crime along the bike trail still a problem?
