The Sad State Of Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis

The Sad State Of Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis

Jugo YYung

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@spidazzleshit - 12.10.2024 16:32

lmaooooo this video came out 2 months ago... he complains about most of the problems that arnt the dev's fault...its the managers running the show in global.....our game is vastly different >_>; and "lack of weeapons" well gee thats what camos were made for >.> ......... yes you said it after but ...dude did you not see pso2 before NGS? .... XD oh my god..... the spam "RARE DROP" yet its not rare -.- its just spam symbol art...yet they wont let us laugh when people died :D -.- yeah they refuse to give us the game like they did in the past >_>

@scrubscrub4492 - 11.10.2024 23:52

Oh yeah on a more positive note, did you hear about Project Starlight for PSO2 yet or no

@scrubscrub4492 - 11.10.2024 23:44

I can summarize it in one sentence: NGS seems to have manually removed every single thing that made PSO as an entire series unique.

More into depth: the runic sci-fi space adventure aspect is gone, all the perfect attacks and unique mechanics are gone, all the artstyle choices for outfits are gone (yes base PSO2 still had fanservicey cosmetics, but most of them still "fit the setting" so to speak), the music is missing a majority of the ambient feeling that made PSO special, the dungeon crawler aspect is gone, the difficulty is nonexistent for the most part, everything has been simplified to the point of seeming like it was designed for five year olds, the game is more greedy than ever, every remaining semblance of the original PSO artstyle is gone, and many more issues that I can't think of off the top of my head.

@darcy7257 - 10.10.2024 12:13

I am like 3 hours in the game but I genuinenly have no idea what I'm doing so whenever I go back in I kind of just run around a bit then dip out

@Kalimeromitsopreo - 08.10.2024 04:34

iam missing the old Phantasy Star Universe time

@elitefdc2171 - 07.10.2024 02:24

they could get more player if switch version are global

@Aust1n-Guitar - 06.10.2024 18:12

This game just feels so soulless and boring man.

@screweduptx512 - 06.10.2024 16:36


@screweduptx512 - 06.10.2024 16:36

PSO NGS, AND PSO2 are BOTH SHIT. Because you have to PAY FOR VISUALS on your CHARACTER. PSO 1&2 Plus wasnt a PAY TO WIN

@shaydenschenkerr281 - 06.10.2024 14:28

I liked the game since its my fist phantasy game is there a better one out there now ?

@federicoc.1457 - 30.09.2024 13:25

Well... i never downloaded it on pc or xbox, because of my work, i can play only on a ps4/5 and started with NGS; the game is quite immediate and it's enjoyable, i really didn't play the PSO2 base, i tried it but after 10 hours menus and mechanincs were too complex for me and my available time so full of menus and really i hadn't the necessary patience so i gave up and returned to the more simple and really FAR LESS chaotic, NGS. Only if you played form the start you can enjoy PSO2 base, NGS is fasr more accessible. Not all is negative about this game i think.

@edmondolara9120 - 30.09.2024 08:46

After this video I realised that most of his criticism is pre- 2.0 which most of the problems have been worked on by now and to be honest this video would have been best released before 2.0🤔
P.S am not trying to discourage the creator but am saying it as it is because most of the points he covers in this video are outdated and don’t reflect the actual state of the game now

@jbxgundam2872 - 29.09.2024 19:54

bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh

@AlmightyHobo - 29.09.2024 19:12

this is why i still play phantasy star universe and its sequel. even if i beat it i replay on different classes/races

@Microwave414 - 29.09.2024 17:56

You know what's really funny? I grew up playing the original PSO and I look at the original PSO 2 and all I see is an empty husk devoid of a meaningful story or a fun loop. Not saying this to take away from your fun but to me it just goes to show the sad state of affairs in general for the franchise and make no mistake NG failed to hold my attention as well, I think I played it for a week then forgot about it, the game just felt like it missed a point, I liked the idea of the open world with it but the execution was just entirely all wrong but I wouldn't be the one to go to ask how to fix it because I don't know how one does.

I miss the original PSO loop. You do a quest for an item you want that has a stupid high drop rate, it doesn't drop, you do it again for a month, it finally drops, the stats suck so you sell that one off and try again. No boosts that need to be grinded to get a better chance at drops, no grinding of materials only for them to fail to run a chance or breaking your weapon, just simply keep going till you get the version with the stats you wanted then if it does have what you like, then grind it and save your PDs to enhance it's stats which has a 100% chance of working. Simple in practice, brutal in execution, elegant in how it's not designed make you feel like your missing out if you do stop playing. Hell, even hitting 200 is more of an end point than a goal you have to reach before you can enjoy the game.

PS: PSO 2 is anime dress up simulator also, so was PSU. PSO was at least on a techical level limited in that aspect so it didn't have fucking dress up anime garbage anywhere. Matter of fact the anime stuff in general is extremely limited and thank god because it's the purest form of cringe I've taken notice with the PSO series in general.

@yummygummy3416 - 26.09.2024 13:50

they should’ve just updated pso2 instead of making a new game lol

@pdaangsakti21 - 26.09.2024 10:43

same-ass looking weapon? i used camo that doesn't show weapons LMAO

also yeah. i loved NGS until the bullshit called 2.0

@ChilledMoo - 23.09.2024 20:31

Ngs felt like a unity assist built by college students

@ILickPanda - 23.09.2024 08:07

Lmao you need better taste if this is your favourite game 😂 it's an empty shell of what Warframe plays like. There's so many better games to choose from but you must be some kind of weeb if this is your choice

@chelsthegameruiner8669 - 23.09.2024 03:16

Like everyone else is saying, they killed a quality experience (base PSO2) for an experience that's insanely barebones that acts more as a Barbie dress up simulator.

Say what you will about FFXIV (and Dawntrail specifically since its a divisive expansion), but the game is actually solid in regards to always gaving something to keep you busy (or if not, promotes taking a break until the next batch of content). New Genesis has nothing going for it which is made even worse when you see they already had a successful MMO to build off of in regards to content.

Definitely doesn't help that the guy in charge of NGS is the one who was responsible for episode 5 of base PSO2, apparently he chooses to chase trends in gaming rather than allowing creativity to flourish. I'm just saying, if I was in charge at Sega and I saw what that guy nearly did to the base game, he'd be gone or demoted

@terryluu1713 - 22.09.2024 19:57

take a shot everytime you say bru

@mateusjoas40k - 22.09.2024 11:33

He looks like me when I hate Destiny 2

@tikz691 - 21.09.2024 11:36

base pso2 means a lot to me, with quna singing, the boss fight, fashion, storyline, characters, etc. all was good, when i go to NGS, what is all of this? LOL

@oneechanknowsbest615 - 17.09.2024 23:28

This game fucking sucks and there is this super sutistic guy in Twitter who doom posts and feels miserable and scared in real life anytime something bad nakedness in this game. Fucking embarrassing.

@nuruddinshah684 - 17.09.2024 10:01

One have to ask this question tho.
Is it as bad as Ep 4 in Base PSO2?
I understand some of the reason why the hate for it. But I was meh to it for why.....Why give spotlight to other charterer WHEN YOU HAVE AN ANIME TO UNDERSTAND THE STORY.
And it was weird coming for EP3 with the Black white world
It almost as bad of the "Modern" comic book problem. I want to see Iron man story. But I got a black chick with his suit.

@KiraCoil - 16.09.2024 19:02

Just checking in to see how the latest installment of what should be my favorite game is doing... Since I quit playing a while ago due to everything highlighted in this video and then some, I wasn't sure. But it sounds like it's about where I expected it would be and I'll keep throwing money at something else.

@DR4kH1N - 16.09.2024 17:23

Massive Phantasy Star fan here, I literally play every game with Phantasy Star in it, I had to drop NGS after 2years (been playing other PS games since march) because we're not going ANYWHERE. I hate that it's a phantasy star game with no space fights/ other planets.

You can tell they've given up on what makes the game interesting, they announced no story until April 2025 on the roadmap. I've been keeping up with every livestream and its just skipping through 40 minutes of gacha and SOMETIMES I find decent updates to game systems, they did ok with Nameless City recently but it's still far from enjoyable. At this point if they kill it on Global cause playerbase is gone I will , for the first time since I've known the series, actually SUPPORT it so we can actually get competent people to step up and provide decent live service through private servers.

@maxrosefoxanime7225 - 15.09.2024 10:03

Ngs is bland and bored like it not a bad game because there way wrose games out there but it so bland im just extremely hoping for new classes and more skills!!! Like i understand pso base we didn't change skills depending on what you use but still it so boring

@SilverNightbane - 13.09.2024 13:18

One of the biggest problems with NGS is that even it's own game director has admitted he doesn't play his own game.

Yet, FF14's Yoshi-P does. So he has a pulse on the community and has a better idea of what the game needs. NGS's game director doesn't. And that's baffling because he's been involved with nearly every PS game ranging from the PSP titles up to NGS, yet this is his "ideal vision" for the game???

@aeroq384 - 11.09.2024 13:22

Real. There is no soul in NGS. If we were to compare mining rig defense from base pso2 and NGS, base pso2 was annoying but still fun because it had it's unique-ness to it; most urgent quests had a game mode to them, and those game modes were fun because it offered a different experience from a regular ass boss fight(NGS).

I think duel quests were fine in a way-but that's only for the solo players. Those idiots(sega) forgot that, though it might be frustrating, but at the same time, failing with a group for urgent quests is fun: especially when the urgent quest is rewarding.

It's been a couple of years and everyone has been waiting for new PA's. It's crucial that Sega worked on those because it would be an opener for people who have different playstyles.

I feel like the augmenting system in base pso2 was fun. It was very complex but very fun. It had it's own unique-ness compared to NGS where all you need is capsules and maybe a 20% boost.

Armors and weapons stat stick blah blah blah. Some of the weapons and armors had their own unique abilities you could choose from. We don't have that in NGS because they are "ex augments" which should've never been added to the pool of augments.

I hate how some people can defend the trash they've been given when they could be given gold or diamond. It's hard for me to get my friends to play this game because the state it's in- is absolute trash. They would quit in a day or 2. I want them to have fun, and I want new players to have a good experience, not this trash.

Anyways that's how I feel about the current state of NGS.

@8mann859 - 10.09.2024 04:51

Still remember that we all stuck at lvl 20 for entire year lol

@Kazuron - 10.09.2024 04:18

Literally no one wanted NG, there was no reason for them to do that after taking like a decade to get PSO2 to the west

@bostilhorrorstory - 07.09.2024 11:55

i stopped playing because i didnt have a good computer back then, they just mixed both PSOs, this was a real dumb move

@thunderrex59 - 06.09.2024 22:53

shame too see nothing has changed

@Exirock - 06.09.2024 17:56

Bruh you hitted every single thing bad about the game, the game is without a doubt a worse version of pso2 with better graphics, if they had revamp graphics of pso2 and proceed with its storyline would had more impact, also to mention we have content creators defending saying ngs is way much better and that everything it has is original and very creative and when i cameback like 3 days ago every content i done (which was all of it in 3 days) it was very poorly design, fights are short and easy and boring, Uqs like mention its just a bigger version of mob that has nothing urgent, pso2 uqs really felt like we were saving the damn universe cause it had a meaning behind the urgent quest.

Sega has no clue wtf they doing, atm they only doing collaborations to make cosplayers happy and for them good aswell more money, cause they know the game already sinked and they not gonna invest money into it, pso2 ngs was around 2,5k player in july and say a massive drop of 1k from month to another and didnt regain them, i mean i cameback to give it a shot again and already thinking of dropping the game cause i have completed everything the game has to offer has its everything easy to get and do.

@Waifu4Life - 05.09.2024 05:35

I hear ya brother. I started playing PSO2 on the JPN servers back in 2014 and stopped before 2022 because I couldn't stand NGS. Story goes that MS wanted an MMO for XBOX and asked SEGA to finish based PSO2, bring it to the West and then start a brand new game. Who knows, perhaps if MS hadn't dump a bag of cash at SEGA's doorsteps, maybe we'd be playing PSO2 EP8 or EP9 right now. RIP PSO2!

@jacopomalatesta4913 - 04.09.2024 01:50

I’m still waiting for End of service. So they’ll have time to make a (possibly decent) pso3

@karmaivan666 - 03.09.2024 23:17

Sybberbolt was always right many had to shut him up but this game dying is his eventual vindication

@alcyonecougar2570 - 03.09.2024 15:02

I was really hyped for NGS. Multi-weapons, better augmenting (curse you, Dudu), streamlined UI, economy reset with N-Meseta. I was really hopeful that they learned from the mistakes of base PSO2. Things started to become sus when the main selling point of NGS was that "now you have hand gestures".

I think the mandatory graphics update with the NGS release was responsible for the loss of a huge chunk of players, who used to be able to play base PSO2 on a potato, but not anymore.

NGS is still pretty bland after all these years and I think even they realized how much the open world idea failed, when they started gravitating towards instanced areas as of late, such as Leciel and Nameless City. Still not enough to make the game worth playing.

@eherden2169 - 03.09.2024 08:05

To me the game went open world when it dint need to. The world felt too empty (like most open worlds), when it was stage instances they where crowded with enemies and the runs where short and sweet. The game is now a bloated character designer, which hurts, PS1 and Base PS02 were great and I have so many fond memories playing it with friends.

@iiomniverseiiomniscient7149 - 01.09.2024 20:25

Give me back Phantom or I ain't going back.😤

@Short_Motivation_GX - 01.09.2024 15:28

For me it's the endgame that's really important and there's just nothing going on there. The game itself has a lot of potential but you just need to add more interesting things that let people do more than just collect outfits. I love ouffits in every game I see that my character looks good but that shouldn't necessarily be the only thing in the endgame...😅And the world just needs to have more visual variety. When I walk around in this open world, everything just looks the same and totally lifeless...I love the graphics and I love the gameplay but the endgame and this lifeless feeling world is very annoying in the long run...hope there will be more at some point...but most of the time not much changes in games either you close the game or the Game makers are starting with a new variant, so the hope is not very high.😅

@ultimasurge - 01.09.2024 00:37

base ps02 would have me in action fantasy Zen mode back in the day. i hope some other company comes to fill the void here for it and dfo.

@ggbk8584 - 29.08.2024 17:27

i genuinely don't understand how NGS still lives. there's hardly 1000 players on the daily basis. just scrap this piece of garbage empty shell of a game and remaster PSOBB or base PSO2 or something. or release PSO3 and have the original PSO team work on it.

@pablomejia953 - 29.08.2024 15:36

Fuck me, now just made me mad too, I remember getting into the global launch of pso2 and I was stoked, easily put 1k hours on it and when ngs dropped I was hoping for a pso2 experience but with new gen graphics and shit, nope, they fucking diluted the juice into fucking water making it bland asf, I seriously don't get how can a company have such a successful game format and fuck it up this bad. Now I was hoping that after 4 FUCKING YEARS something would change, to my NOT surprise nothing has changed, my boy "look how they massacred my boy"

@KendoPicaro - 28.08.2024 21:53

I had this thing with NGS where I would actively fall asleep during combat because it's not as cool, exciting or varied as Base PSO. It asks nothing off you and gives you the bare minimum which is EXP because drop rates are absolutely basura so is build variety

@wandererlv - 28.08.2024 18:15

"PSO2 shaped hole in my heart" I feel this. I quit NGS early, deeming it a barebone tech demo not a game.(Shortly before bouncer was added. Tried bouncer a few months later, meh'd out after trying it out a bit, didn't feel as nice as og pso2) The butchering of og pso2 also hurts, I wish ngs had just been a standalone project without being tied to pso2, though i understand they wanted to siphon pso2 players and not make them feel like all the goodies they have accrued are null and void. Also og pso2 story wasn't insane or anything, but it was serviceable if tropey, had its oomph story beats, episode 4 and 5 might have had its problems, but ngs just flat out failed to captivate me. And also agreed with the particle effect fiesta, all these bells and whistles and yet pso2 combat felt so much more rewarding and impactful, granted it goes beyond visuals. I could rant all day long honestly, but it boils down to a 'pso2 shaped hole in my heart' and 'Look how they massacred my boy'. Every once in a while i look up pso2 ngs to see if maybe it's worth revisiting, so far no cigar. Sad.

@kukuhimanputraraharja8084 - 28.08.2024 14:39

meanwhile i'm still enjoying playing phantasy star portable 2 infinity in ppsspp with my fellow ai custom characters squad.

and if i want more pretty adventurous exploration gameplay, i can just solo play tower of fantasy and genshin impact without being pressured to chase seasonal meta and leaderboards.

@decayinsilence - 26.08.2024 21:58

years later im still pissed about it aswell :/

@lazyshadow5027 - 24.08.2024 08:50

Nah, the worst thing is Sega thinking it was ok to force you to download NGS, 70+ gigs of trash you’re probably not using, to download the original PSO2 as “DLC”. I would’ve been fine with playing PSO2 again if it wasn’t for the remaining space in my hard drive getting decimated.
