Rapid Personality Change and the Psychological Rebirth

Rapid Personality Change and the Psychological Rebirth

Academy of Ideas

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@sabrinaszabo9355 - 02.02.2024 07:46

You had me at take small steps every day. Follow!!!

@sabrinaszabo9355 - 02.02.2024 07:46

The good news is I believe I had had a psychological rebirth but paradoxically I spend most of my time creating. Balance, balance, balance. Got to stay in the middle-This is my next lesson, to stand on my own 2 feet.

@sabrinaszabo9355 - 02.02.2024 07:48

You had a guy kneeling in front of the sun. My change began after an experience with the sun… I have a feeling this was goddess energy because there were two more experiences there after. The next was- I was everything-The third was a knowing of the divine. Combined with wisdom, introspection, creative expression, perspective shift

@sabrinaszabo9355 - 02.02.2024 07:49

The heroes journey, yes this with JUNG helps me learn the language of symbolism, importance of metaphoric and allegoric language, and then I could see what I could not see before. It’s all the same story and it’s hidden in plain sight

@sabrinaszabo9355 - 02.02.2024 07:54

We have to decide to bear the cross, because the nervous system will always choose the familiar how, so do we feel that discomfort and push through, or do we choose to stay comfortable and paradoxically suffer later anyway.? It’s our cross to bear to evolve as humans

@sabrinaszabo9355 - 02.02.2024 07:55

Paradoxically we are projecting and can never be in community, thus being in one’s personal Hell if we never unload our problems. Paradoxically if we go through our personal hell ——we can connect authentically

@sabrinaszabo9355 - 02.02.2024 07:56

Mine was involuntary and I found JUNG just when I needed… I am resilient, I’ve been going through practice since childhood to get ready for this

@sabrinaszabo9355 - 02.02.2024 07:57

I believe when they discuss a new perspective after the ascent. This is being able to see things we didn’t see before, read people, symbolically link, access and channel information. Is the link with divinity, it’s the same story and can go back to the finger touchers at the Vatican

@valllerya - 03.02.2024 17:57

Thanks! Great job you are doing here. Sinthesys of these ideas are very useful to increase the real understanding, to comprehension.

@hotchow8766 - 16.02.2024 06:38

I'm ready...

@ohwell2163 - 18.02.2024 08:25

It's kinda ironic I only learnt about this video because I too went through a rapid personality change 😂

@danielhorvat6266 - 20.02.2024 12:24

Such a great and well-rounded video, lots of parallels with ego-death here. Gained some valuable insight in to some of my most important life events in retrospect.

@BJ52091 - 26.02.2024 01:39

The only difference between a dream and a nightmare is how big your balls are.

@Raajneetik_khabar - 01.03.2024 02:02

Thank you universe for guiding me❤

@aatchi4571 - 04.03.2024 06:34

I felt like I was going insane but you can convince yourself anything if you argue with yourself enough about it

@1800betterinblack - 12.03.2024 10:44

Videos fire asf

@jeremiahmilewski - 21.03.2024 14:11

I'm probably going to listen to this at least 20 times today.

@SootyPhoenix - 24.03.2024 05:19

The problem I find with being a phoenix is the soot from my last rebirth never fully goes away.

@Mobri - 27.04.2024 03:22

I'm sorry, but when people use the term "quantum" outside of the realm of particle physics, they lose my confidence. Much of what is here is great, but framed in this ridiculous jargon I don't believe that these are useful ideas expressed at their best. I wish you could have found someone else to quote, because the everything else here is very educational!

@andrewclemons8619 - 29.04.2024 11:42

Sounds like what the mystery schools do during initiation

@motivationforlifestylechan6935 - 30.04.2024 15:09

Was trying to figure is out for sum time thanks for packaging it nearly.

@ariadgaia5932 - 30.04.2024 15:14

I have been through many ..... The first involved sacrificing my docile and timid mask along with my hope of having a loving and understanding family... all in order to break free of my toxic abusive family who refused to treat me as an equal human being worthy of love and respect....

@alexanderadavar6439 - 06.05.2024 13:42

I experienced this a year ago following finding someone after a violent suicide (not the first unfortunately).
I spent a full week hallucinating and sleeping for up to 30 hours at a time.
Afterwards, when I woke up, I literally felt new, and my personality had changed totally. I'm much more relaxed, and appear to have integrated most of my traumas.
I picked up lots of new behaviours, became more social, and even changed my name legally.
I thought all of this would be done temporary trauma response, but no, it's lasted.

@Anthony-oo6kk - 07.05.2024 21:55

I'm timid to make the necessary sacrifices that would lead to my rebirth

@richardschneller7674 - 25.05.2024 22:19

Once again, brilliant!❤

@pn2543 - 28.05.2024 07:31

it blew my mind when i first read that the original meaning of repent in the bible was metanoia - to change your consciousness

@WhiteLobsta - 02.06.2024 06:24

Jesus Christ is king

@ThePortChicagoWitness - 22.06.2024 16:32

i.e., "You must be born again." Intentional sacrifice is investment. Instead of giving up, we Give UP, losing the "life" we can neither live nor save for the higher Life we truly crave.

@antonydio3165 - 13.07.2024 13:17

This video told me what I already know: I need to sacrifice something. I don't know how or what, but I know it has to be done.

@waleedtaqi6445 - 24.07.2024 21:05

I opened this video because 4 years ago i was not feeling well and went to sleep and woke up at 4am screaming. Since then i no longer feel my former self. All my memories are not mine anymore, my hobbies and likes changed over night. Its hard to explain but way too frustrating as i lost 30 years of my life which i could feel as mine but not anymore. And now im living like a newborn... Doctors have no answer yet .

@robertduran5920 - 28.07.2024 03:23

Sudden and gradual change can work quite well together. The sudden change that comes from sacrifice serves to free us from our shackles, but sometimes we still need to make gradual changes, like this proverbial prisoner had been freed may need to strengthen his muscles to move about freely.

@dwratsinari7760 - 29.07.2024 15:43

The past/present/future/perpetual medical frenzy imposed on us in such a cruel and ruthless way by our "governments", but also by our fellow citizens or relatives, so that even more authoritarian measures would emerge next, was enough to force some of us to sacrifice all those things that until recently constituted our safety net, fundamentally revising situations, people, our "way of life" and eventually, ourselves.
Thank God.

@karldreta - 24.08.2024 03:49

I have watched this exact video for a hundred times, yet the note of Jung at the end still never gets old!

@lad-bo9ll - 02.09.2024 22:39

I think i have a lot to sacrifice to engender a psychological rebirth, but from my perspective it all falls under the umbrella definition of weakness (things like bad food, addictions, procrastination, laziness etc). Ultimately something i realised is that whilst it’s important to understand the psychological aspects behind rapid personality change, its better to stop thinking and just start doing. In order to become who I want to become it will take a lot of sacrifice, and because of that, a lot of suffering

@grantgoldberg1663 - 15.09.2024 04:58

You become new when you have no other choice.

@prithanjanacharyya7446 - 18.09.2024 19:17

You cannot deny that the prospect of making "a sacrifice that daunts even the gods" and coming out alive is intrigueing and worth trying ou- although I can imagine how stupid I sound...

@Michaelmas68 - 05.10.2024 09:02

We’re not mortal creatures we are immortal beings of light psychology, fails. She was well aware of the fact of the ghost in the shell. If you will, this is garbage materialistic psychology if people understood they were immortal and they would take the time to see themselves stop reacting and spiritualize, which is work, not belief and some abstract concept of God.

@funnyperson7656 - 15.10.2024 08:10

Going through betrayal, breakup from a partner of 3 years, and boot camp all at the same time... Yeah, complete change of your personality, rebirth is possible.

- 23.10.2024 06:55

Changing your habits won't fix anything if you are still thinking from the beliefs that got you there in the first place.

@SamuelDavies-d8y - 07.11.2024 07:42

Interested in the topic but don’t understand half the words you said 😢

@jonfernandez8027 - 09.11.2024 21:05

Discipline = Freedom

I have found the more I do, the more I live a rewarding life of purpose.

I meditate, journal, read books. take walks, cold plunge, and practice yoga.

I lift weights, do box jumps, and push/pull my Rouge sled.

Some of these endeavors are reserved for certain days of the week, others are practiced daily.

But at the end of the week they're all completed - I feel empowered, self reliant, and accomplished.

This has been a part of my life for several years, and if I discover eventually that it all produces a temporary freedom and/or some surfaced facade, so be it.

But for now, it gives me Devine joy.

"Let us be up and doing" ❤

@c.brownell8618 - 16.11.2024 12:06

Bible says, a leopard cannot change its spots. Same with people. Persona can change, awareness of wrongdoing doesn't.

@alanacatherine3385 - 07.12.2024 03:10

For me it was a giant leap of faith, but “walking” was difficult for a while on the other side as it was such a leap & I fell a few times. To say it was worth the leap would be an understatement
Had I not taken the risk my life would be intolerable & I would be an addict

@americanzion1 - 17.01.2025 01:49

This is exactly the kind of psychological/spiritual transformation outlined in the Book of Mormon. And the sacrifice required to obtain it which it calls “a broken heart and a contrite spirit.” Joseph Smith said that to obtain faith necessary for salvation requires the “sacrifice of all earthly things.”

@BruceJackson-lx2dw - 27.01.2025 17:44

" If I do not change direction then I shall end up where I am going,"

@vostoknez - 04.02.2025 17:19

this video, solved the block in my psyche, not even kidding, I'm experiencing the rebirth mentioned, it was a bad period for me with months of fear, depression and uncertainty, now most of it is gone, I've become a man at least psychologically, I feel in frenzy and tears want to come out of my eyes...thank you, your video helped my process of unlocking my unconscious.

@DavidL-wd5pu - 09.02.2025 00:07

This should have hundreds of millions of views. Totally under rated.

@jamesjohn1850 - 18.02.2025 21:15

So funny how this channel avoids things like mentioning Prayer under the guise of “other activities” where meditation is clearly mentioned. And then the final statement of having na new tongue and like new wine in new bottles is directly related to in the book of Mark and the book of Acts in the Bible.
Interesting to note considering the Bible states that in Christ as a second birth or being born again we are a new creation because the divine (Hoy Spirit of God) lives within us.
Think about it and check it out. God bless you all!
