We're just back from London, having seen BOM for the second time and introduced it to our son, who loved it. I can't get enough of it! Definitely my favourite musical!
ОтветитьI’m sold 😂😂😂
ОтветитьStevie!! my ultimate Elder Mckinley
ОтветитьUnironically one of the best musicals I have ever seen.
ОтветитьHello! Would you like to change religions?! I have a free book written by Jesus!
ОтветитьThis seems like mockery. They are taking a very serious subject and mocking it. I don’t think that’s funny at all, but rather damning.
ОтветитьMatt and Trey really are geniuses
ОтветитьHeading to Zürich now for my 3rd showing(once on Broadway). I just love this show!
ОтветитьSaw in Salt Lake City last night! It was perfection!
ОтветитьGUYS he says MOOK instead of book at the start. HOW HAS NOONE NOTICED THIS
ОтветитьJust watched this in Birmingham UK today. Brilliant
ОтветитьThe BEST musical opening number. ❤❤❤
ОтветитьIncredible. Utter perfection.
ОтветитьBook of Mormon genesis 50:33 don't exist exposed the truth in bible
ОтветитьAfter seeing the show in London, I asked God’s forgiveness but he was laughing too hard! Funniest thing I’ve ever seen.
ОтветитьWhat the heck is this nonsense. They aren't seriously making musicals about religion
ОтветитьSeen BoM a few times now, and with a different cast each time. The guy who plays this elder Green is my favourite by far.
ОтветитьI have never seen the Book of Mormon but this song has been stuck in my head since the Tony’s performance in 2012. I hope they make the musical movie soon cuz I can’t afford musical theatre 😅
ОтветитьMusical numbers are like better than drugs
ОтветитьJust been to watch this at the play house in Edinburgh.without doubt the best play I have ever seen. I was crying laughing the whole of the play. Cannot recommend it enough
ОтветитьWhat did I just watch 😂
Ответить”Hello” ”Hi” ”My name is…” ”Jesus Christ”
ОтветитьThey are literally moving like South Park characters.
ОтветитьI went to see this in London by far best play I've seen. The cast are so talented
ОтветитьDo they use actual Books of Mormon as props? That'd be amusing...
ОтветитьHas real Mormons saw this musical
ОтветитьI'm sold.
ОтветитьIs there a similar show that mocks Islam and the Qur'an? Just wondering why it's OK to mock Christianity?
ОтветитьThe entire show should be made available on BluRay. Let a wider audience enjoy it and let them see how silly the Mormon religion is. The Good Ole U.S. of A. Just had to have its own part in a religion, so they make up a story claiming America was actually the centre of this religion and the Garden of Eden is in Jackson, Missouri. Originally a deeply WASP religion, Mormons had to amend the racist religion in the late 1970’s, but were still updating their Book Of Mormon as recently as 2010. If only those golden tablets could be found again!
ОтветитьLess than 3 weeks until my trip to NYC and I got my tickets back in May.
Ответитьsaw this as my first onbroadway play in nyc this weekend, worth every penny.
ОтветитьAm I the only one that gets the shivers from seeing these blank creepy stares? 😬
ОтветитьI always hoped Mormons would see this show and reconsider their religious choices.
ОтветитьTrue mockery to the Book of Mormon which has the SPIRIT of PROPHECY and REVELATION
and highlights and enhances the BIBLICAL WRITINGS
IT IS the
URIM and THUMMIM which is
and TRUTH 😊😊😊😊 I pray for all of us to be forgiven redeemed consecrated and Celestialized... love you all AMEN and AMEN 😊
They fuckin slid
ОтветитьHonestly the best opening to a broadway play i had ever seen
ОтветитьThose dudes absolutely nailed their roles. Massive homicidal sociopath vibes. There ain't a single bit of humanity behind those baby blues.
Ответитьtengo una adicción 😢
ОтветитьExcited to see this in October!
ОтветитьReligious persecution and bigotry at it's finest.
ОтветитьI saw it less than 2 weeks ago in the West End. I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but what a pleasant surprise it has been. This song just immediately gets you in the mood. This rendition is also perfectly done. The facial expressions of every one of them are perfection. I could watch everyone seperately and still be entertained. All stick to their role! Simply superb.
Ответитьi went to see this in new york a few weeks ago, and OMG is was SOOOOO GOODDDDDD not a disappointment. if you haven’t seen it, PLEASE DO *this is not at all a musical for kids tho, some teens would be okay. i’m 14)
Ответитьthe most ridiculous and pathetic thing they could have done.