Homekit Washing Machine Alert Automation

Homekit Washing Machine Alert Automation


1 год назад

716 Просмотров

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@user-th5kj6sw9v - 19.11.2023 00:30

Ask hime to put strip lights on the ceiling.

@jefftidwell77 - 20.11.2023 03:04

Is it just me or ... do you guys sounds very similar. Is Jimmy your brother from another mother?

@sdfhjklhsfdjdsflhkds - 21.11.2023 03:53

Interesting. Dunno about the Jasco Z-wave dimmers though. They have proven unreliable for me. Also not sure about so much battery operated Z-wave. Would be a continuous battery patrol to keep it running.

@huhii5594 - 22.11.2023 00:57

Even his dog is smart

@shaunthesheep1416 - 22.11.2023 13:21

The iPhone wont allow to connect to 2.4ghz I cant connect any smart devices Can u make a video about that turning router to only accept 2.4ghz doesn’t work we need help

@blak238 - 22.11.2023 20:53

If the govee strips on the shelves are one strip how did connect them on the 3 shelves since the shelves isn’t one straight shelf, it’s 3 different shelves yet you run one strip on all 3? How

@urbanskater57 - 24.11.2023 16:23

We all know that jimmy doesn’t brush his teeth in the morning 😊

@zvdxc - 24.11.2023 19:24

And now I want to see how the Garage works after the change of the "Integrations"

@needmorebeans - 25.11.2023 06:24

Why not mmwave presence sensors?

@Ducky_man931 - 26.11.2023 03:03

he just called me dumber than a light switch in 100 different ways

@bradleys.cooper7665 - 28.11.2023 14:42

I was just saying the same thing about the echo flex! Still love mine as well.

@NickShoust - 29.11.2023 03:44

If anyone knows a way to have a means of determining if the plow goes by in the winter. If want to be a waken up earlier if that happens over night

@mikefallcity - 29.11.2023 03:46

I have mostly Lutron Caseta smart switches in my house except Lutron does not have a door sensor. This seems like a real gap in their product. I have several closets and pantry’s that when the door is open I want the lights on and off when the door closes. Currently I’m using Zigbee switches with Thirdreality door sensors with an Alexa routine. The Zigbee devices are using the Amazon Alexa built in Zigbee hub. Any recommendations, I really want all Lutron switches and don’t want to rely on the Alexa hub.

@JasonPagliaro - 08.12.2023 07:17

Biggest game changer for me is the fact that you can have your Echo Flex clock upside down.

@rethozion - 08.12.2023 21:55

I thought the smart thermometer above the coffee maker would be for indication of high temp near wine, not to alert about fresh coffee 🤣🤣 Not sure if there is any quality/expensive/nice wine, but if there is, its probably a good idea to move the coffee machine away from those bottles

@ramatioran - 18.12.2023 22:45

wow, thats some dumb shit. people are really dumb.

@jkcmobilenotary - 22.12.2023 19:50

Can you share a link to the washer set up. Our laundry is in the garage this would be so so helpful

@MetalMrJohnny - 06.01.2024 02:11

Why would you keep your steaming hot coffee machine underneath your wine. Does he hate wine or something?

@dracosh6618 - 12.01.2024 07:44

oh my god i need this faucet.

@chrini1 - 12.01.2024 20:19

Devices lying and cabled up everywhere. Nothing to be jealous about.

@Jay21121 - 18.01.2024 04:04

Seems like the upkeep for all those systems would take more time and energy than the time saved.

@EricMathis-b9d - 28.01.2024 21:28

I’ve been confused for awhile on the Lutron switches? They can’t set scenes can they? They can’t change the color of bulbs can they? Amazing house.

@barrichello83 - 30.01.2024 13:09

I thought his realization was going to be 'this steam is messing up my wine' 😂

@LebogangTrevor - 07.02.2024 23:57

People leave the dog in a cage when they leave the house?😢

@HoekNoot - 08.02.2024 12:57

Good afternoon
which motion sensor is shown on the TV, I cannot find it in the Amazon list.
would like to know this

@russelldewitt6742 - 10.02.2024 20:18

Jimmy sounds exactly the same as the host of the show

@uptownmobilecardetailing - 16.02.2024 10:42

I've been itching to see Jimmy's house ever since I first found out about his videos! Awesome to see!

@TimmyCarver - 19.02.2024 01:12

"....and this is my MyQ garage door opener"

Me: "Oh no..."

@AngelBarker-x5b - 19.02.2024 01:36

That is an insanely cool house!

@9HUBERTUS3 - 01.03.2024 22:14

What shades are in your bathroom? Can you give an exact product name?

@MatthiasLehnen - 13.03.2024 15:34

I'm wondering what you guys are doing for a living, your houses seem to be very big and luxurious

@jacb4866 - 17.03.2024 14:13

This is really interesting. I'd be really interested to see a rundown sometime of the energy cost of the smart home setup e.g. if you have motion sensors on lights that turn off if noone's in the room, how much money do you save with the smart home not running the lights vs the cost of running the smart sensor??

@cbcdesign001 - 17.03.2024 17:35

Nice setup. I think the dog training bell sensor is a solution to a self created limitation though. My dog finds me and asks to go out, that's far simpler and far more reliable, no bells or sensors required, just Sam asking.

@drbjee - 18.04.2024 13:16


@BorisRoizman - 20.04.2024 14:57

how to get that wireless charging phone to do all that

@BenWilson24 - 28.05.2024 06:34

I have the same toothbrush and have it adjust the lighting color and brightness while I'm doing my routine

@TheSkepticSkwerl - 03.07.2024 05:14

zwave mouse KILLER isn't cool my man. Zwave Safe Catch would be better. We need mice to keep the bugs down. Which is why cats that roam free really cause havoc on crops

@reapergaming-olemanstryker9235 - 19.07.2024 22:52

The links to Amazon things are broken...

@gm2543 - 31.08.2024 23:17

Omg the ciling fans are so old been out over 6 years now i have 3 and more there old suprized you never seen before 😂😂😂😂 originals are called fanaway

@nagyba - 09.10.2024 22:29

Why americans use these unsafe ugly ass fans? look sooooo outdated and tasteless.

@CdrSpock - 28.11.2024 19:29

Why does a smarthome starter kit seem to comprise of an indoor worn base cap?!? 😂😉 Thanks for the inspirations, some great ideas right here 👍

@naveej - 02.12.2024 03:34

Rising humidity and warmth around the wines? might be worth reconsidering the placement of either of it? Very useful video btw! highly appreciated

@rocier - 18.01.2025 00:44

welp. Nothing has made me less interested in developing a smart home than researching how to do a smart home.

@maryp6021 - 24.01.2025 15:14

Great ideas thank you for sharing, but I can’t get any of the links for the products to work! 😢

@culartravel - 17.02.2025 20:58

Would really love an updated list of links to buy stuff that is shown here.
