Meredith looks good here 😀
ОтветитьShe and Carlos Giron from movie week hold the record for latest use of the double dip lifeline, both at question 12. whether a 3rd person used it then or not I'm not 100% sure
ОтветитьSo, how well did she do?
ОтветитьNo way you need that second one, you got it at that. You have $250,000. :D
Ответить1080p in 2008!
ОтветитьCan you upload the full episode?
ОтветитьI've got an episode of Millionaire Hot Seat where Sandy Robinson wins a quarter of a million dollars! And then confetti comes out!!!
ОтветитьPeanuts, Bob!
ОтветитьWhoa. She was a double major at Southern Oregon University and one major was French?! Same with me. There are not a lot of people who major in French at SOU each year so this is surreal.
Ответить@TRG1984 Well, I have another idea for how she can get back at Ken. It involves baking soda, vinegar, water balloons, and Fresca. (use your imagination)
ОтветитьI think we might have another big winner if they got Bob or Pam Mueller (Ken Basin's girlfriend.)
Ответить@geissler91 Well done. You should have given up before even started arguing!
Ответить@capablegamble It's still interesting how you're arguing that she should have called the geologist, when OBVIOUSLY she knew better than you and called the right person. End of story.
Ответить@geissler91 BTW It's you who's confusion astrology and astronomy. Astrology is not a true science, astronomy is.
Ответить@geissler91 Firstable I don't confuse astrology and astronomy. How did you even draw that conclusion? And that has nothing to do with the fact that geologist > lawyer. When you study and compare soil between Earth and Moon you have to deal with the names given different locations both on Earth and on Moon. It's practically a lot more easier to discuss when you talk about named locations rather than degrees. That's why a geologist has to know those things whether it's on Earth or on Moon.
Ответить@capablegamble You're right Geologists study those things, they don't make up weird names for stuff. Astronomy is not a true science, you're confusing it with astrology. A geologist has no reason in the world to know those things about the moon, perhaps core make-up, soil densities, things like that.
Ответить@geissler91 The question is about A GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION! I bet there are more geologists who knows the right answer than lawyers no matter how Jeopardy veteran. Geologists study exactly soil on the Earth and on other planets and satellites. There are even few geologists who have visited on the Moon during the Apollo-programme! He's also a natural scientist which helps with other natural sciences than just geology. Bob sure played it well but she got very lucky there!
Ответить@capablegamble A geologist is not the same as an astronomer. Not even close. She was right to call the Jeopardy veteran, and he led her well-- what more can you ask?
ОтветитьOne of the phone-a-friends is a geologist and you call Bob the lawyer...!?!? Not so smart after all....
ОтветитьThey should've kept the PAF in this format of the show- not everybody Googles answers.This guy Bob sure didn't.
Ответитьher and Jehan Deen are 2 of the best contestants ever since Lyn Payne and and Nancy Christie! she is amazing, and its great to see how much emotion shes showing because how much this means to her. just wow!
ОтветитьI know her! haha i met her @ college i go to SOU too ;)
ОтветитьI actually guessed that question right.
Ответитьit's almost scary how confidently she went for the double dip
ОтветитьThose damn Sherman daughters... good job Bri! I still can school you in pool and poker though, haha
ОтветитьI think it's just as awesome how calm she maintained herself throughout this, actually. :)
ОтветитьYeah, a lot of cowardly contestants would have bailed out at this point.
Ответитьthis is one of my best friends and I can't think of anyone who deserves this money like she does. I'm so proud of you, brianne! -stephanie xoxo