Design Loves Detail

Design Loves Detail

Design Loves Detail

3 года назад

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@agirlagoat1193 - 18.08.2021 23:18

RH dupes please

@mjrh45 - 18.08.2021 23:21

You did a nice job in comparing the various products.

@KarinaAndJohn - 18.08.2021 23:36

Doing the lord’s work! You’re helping us furnish our first home together!

@behape_4evr - 18.08.2021 23:39

Do you know of a dupe for the Reed dining table. That table has jumped from 799 to 999 this past month.

@neliajohnson9023 - 18.08.2021 23:41

These are all great! I’m trying not to stress out about all these price increases. My husband & I are finally at this place that we’re getting our first home...building it no less, & prices have shot through the roof! Any help I can get in finding nice things & saving money is a huge help!

@adrianatorres4417 - 19.08.2021 00:17

I’ve noticed some items are manufactured by them and others are not. I was able to save a ton by ordering the Dolores cane media cabinet elsewhere! I do have a vanity from pottery barn and it says pottery barn on the interior of the door so I would assume manufactured by them😂

@kathrynp7595 - 19.08.2021 00:43

Great dupes 👍🏼

@pattygilligan9988 - 19.08.2021 01:12

Mollie, molllie, mollie, thanks so much for this video. I loved it!

@angelacentlivre1213 - 19.08.2021 01:13

Hi. Love all your work. Thanks for sharing with us. I have a question. Have you thought of rotating the photo above you so that is it landscape hung instead of portrait? It would look more centered and line up with your sofa/daybed better. Just a suggestion.

@liliacollazo7394 - 19.08.2021 01:26

Hi Mollie! Awesome video, thank you! We keep learning so much! 😊

@chriscat6228 - 19.08.2021 01:57

Love your dupes!! Fantastic video, pls do more!

@smscrapper - 19.08.2021 04:12

Love these dupe videos! There is another version of the black pottery looking lamp on Rugs USA. I believe it’s $99 if I’m not mistaken.

@mabelhouzen - 19.08.2021 05:01

Those terracotta lamps are on rugs USA for even cheaper

@charleentrevino731 - 19.08.2021 06:03

Great video! I find them to be very helpful and shocking in some of the similarities. Do you happen to have a dupe for the McGee and Co Hoffman bed in moss?

@lisatague305 - 19.08.2021 06:25

Always love a good dupe , thanks Molly

@brookekasprzyk4850 - 19.08.2021 06:29

I need design inspiration for a centerpiece for my 8 foot long dining table! I have tried vases, pots, succulents, table runners and can’t find anything that works with a long table.

@dolorespearson434 - 19.08.2021 07:00

Patiently waiting....ready to see your plans and home build starting coming together 😬😂

@tracimorgan3695 - 19.08.2021 16:30

I ordered the Dolores last month can't wait to see it in my Livingroom, and can't wait to see your reveals next week =]

@angiecsoto - 19.08.2021 21:45

What!!!! Omg thank uuuuuuuuu

@surajadhikari5435 - 19.08.2021 21:58

Brought a house do I approach you for the interior? Do you guys do it?

@madelineperello1046 - 19.08.2021 23:44

Great video!! Thanks so much! I actually like some dupes better.

@tiffanybailey4692 - 20.08.2021 03:36

I’m actually a whole day late seeing this 😳😳🙄

@tiffanydelangie8475 - 20.08.2021 16:00

Loved this Mollie! It’s like an upscale QVC 😂🤩. Love all your finds!

@gellis6871 - 21.08.2021 16:18

just ordered the Whitewashed Rattan Baskets with Lids (Set of 2 Sizes) $184.99 from Ashley Home Store. they are the exact. thx for showing me how to look for great deals💙

@amlambert - 24.08.2021 08:53

I’m a designer as far as I know PB (usually) works with private manufacturers but maybe with the pandemic that changed over the latest year.
