2024 Lexus GX Review // Luxury In A Box

2024 Lexus GX Review // Luxury In A Box

Throttle House

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@gustavojuarez2862 - 04.03.2025 03:09

Great content 😌

@CarshowAuto - 24.02.2025 08:46

Thank for Videos

@JosephThomas-t3n - 22.02.2025 16:11

Re-watchng this , when Thomas was like "AAAHHHHHH" started an ad with the screaming from the simba movie . Almost spot on , maybe a note off 😂😂😂

@younggucci820 - 22.02.2025 03:51

Legend has it that Dude is still in the Trunk 😂

@enzerj - 19.02.2025 04:00

Wait till you drive it on the highway at 45+. So quiet you will need to be deaf to glaze this hard!

@410jman23 - 08.02.2025 02:17

I agree, the looks just do it for me. But then it's backed up. Great review!

@deanrwilson - 05.02.2025 13:58

Fuel consumption is off the charts..! 14.5 Litres per 100. No thanks thats Dodge RFam territory. 500KMs per 80 litre tank. Otherwise love the rig.

@hailsatn6669 - 03.02.2025 23:35

$64k???? Where ?

@Kalhan482 - 01.02.2025 20:07

Wish this was sold in the UK 😢

@suwaebuceesay9954 - 30.01.2025 17:18

Please people buy a lot of these so i can grab one for half price in 5yrs..

@MrEid1988 - 28.01.2025 00:15

This car doesn’t make any sense in the Middle East because the LC 300 is still continuing here and there are the same price , so everyone is ignoring GX550 and buying LC300

@pajtim9079 - 23.01.2025 23:19

It's just a softened down Land Cruiser with a Lexus badge. Not that it's a bad thing, but all these "refreshing" reviews are pointless.

@husshardan3511 - 19.01.2025 07:59

Revisiting this review..GX 550 owners are reporting 15mpg combined which is pretty awful, especially since the more powerful and much quicker Defender P400 gets about 17.5 mpg combined.
Also the hood wobbles at fwy speeds on the GX. Upside? 2025 model year is getting an extra inch ground clearance.

@falak_zaib - 17.01.2025 14:34

is this coming to Qatar?

@Generalpickaname - 17.01.2025 09:28

The power delivery, being the same as the LX engine, is detuned. Plenty of room to
Play, just need tuners.

@alturcot4793 - 16.01.2025 23:20

Love the vehicle but the price!!

@buechs25 - 16.01.2025 19:29

Post this at the top of your page

Me: I’m a car/truck outdoors guy to the core and recently I have ditched all domestic vehicles and taking on every import option over domestic. Day-to-day I drive a full-size Range Rover autobiography. That’s a few years old with 100,000 miles on it..

I have had VERY little issues with the truck with only two moderate issues at hand that my maintenance package covered fully through the dealership and was backed by an additional four year warranty. I’ve driven multiple land products off-road, especially mine.. rock crawling, 2 foot deep mud puddles that are the size of a 3 greyhound bus, snowbanks, countless river crossings and a couple low tide water excursions. These LR/RR trucks (primarily RR in my case) are absolutely unstoppable and their quality & fit ‘n finish are nothing short of a Bentley. And folks don’t talk about it enough, that air suspension in these LandRover products is absolutely one of the best highlights of the entire vehicle. It is so quiet and comfortable, no matter what you’re doing with it, and it’s rock solid, never having rattles. In my motorcycle group in Chicago, seven of my buddies have all had the G wagon 550. Some AMG. All 7 after less than two years, got rid of them and bought Range Rover’s and still have them to this day with minimal problems.. I test drove this Lexus that we are discussing and I was surprised that it went into production. The drive train is that out of a Japanese cargo van loud abrasive and not pleasant. Absolutely terrible ride quality for the money, especially being Japanese; you can push on the door & trim panels, the dashboard, and especially the rear bumper and everything creeks and moves all on a brand new Lexus vehicle. This does not happen on LR/RR’s even mine with 100,000 miles on it. You absolutely cannot compare the fit ‘n finish of the two different car makers. And there’s no way in the world that you could ever compare the four-wheel-drive systems.. And I must say after being in a motorcycle accident with a city bus, there’s something to be said with a comfort level obtained that if I were ever to be T-bone by a semi truck or hit by a train in my Range Rover, I would walk away.. it’s to no surprise of mine that the elite, kings and queens all drive these and as we all know, LR/RR has countless trophies and world championships under their belt from off-road world championships.

Outside of the reliability issues that some Land rover products may have, which a maintenance package resolves immediately, I say this unto you: don’t think for a moment these other manufacturers don’t have their own problems bc they certainly do, ignoring that topic for a moment- really look at what you’re buying. Look at the quality, the craftsmanship, the identity and the comfort of what you have to drive every single day. Sometime I will share my story of pulling a loaded tractor trailer out of a muddy field.. don’t ever buy a Lexus SUV product over a Land rover product. Just don’t. Life’s to short.

@davidekow - 14.01.2025 22:25

dont let African politicians see this truck

@abe2942 - 11.01.2025 03:42

It looks like the old land rovers, beautiful and the finally gave it massage seats. Hopefully it’s still reliable.

@m3lvin449 - 08.01.2025 19:41

There is no way someone finds this good looking

@the_philosopher_o_philosophos - 05.01.2025 13:35

They missed the mark. You can be driven to a meeting with in the old one.
"I'd rather use your mamas car (toyota chr) than one of those" - my father (when the new land cruiser came out).
This was suppose to be the alternative.

@buechs25 - 03.01.2025 06:32

I’ve seen these trucks, driven in them and studied them at the auto show. I AM SO DAMN GLAD I drive a Range Rover. Wouldn’t give it up in a million years. Especially how cheap the build cars now days. You can go in to that Lexus or the Toyota variant and every seem, joint panels and out side bumpers squeek and move. Absolutely unacceptable craftsmanship.

@fortheloveofthehotrods - 01.01.2025 19:27

Nice episode as always! Lexus GX one of the most desirable Overlanding Vehicles especially 2006-09 with famous bulletproof V8 VVT-I engine built on the same platform as the Toyota Land Cruiser Prado! One big point which the older version was famous was also sideways opening back door which offering great amount of room for overlanders because of that! The older version will increase in the prices especially now after new models being release and V8 discontinued.

@InvestBetter. - 30.12.2024 01:47

No vehicle is worth $70k with a 4-banger

@ThomasR-s5g - 28.12.2024 15:43

The Lexus GX isn't a crossover it's the real deal off roader with good road manners it defeated all of its competitors, in multiple head up comparisons tests the Defender , G Wagon, Ineos Grenadier , Wrangler and Bronco.. They GX proved superior to them all and unlike them this won't leave you stranded on top of a mountain or in a swamp...

@TCAnonymous - 22.12.2024 02:57

Logical victim is crazy 😂😂😂

@charlesnzom8549 - 18.12.2024 22:25

If you are into hip hop...Lol
Subtle way of...

@SimTrixSon - 17.12.2024 06:49

I'm not really an suv type of guy, but man that is one good looking, capable SUV that I would like to own if things line up.

@PYTwwe - 09.12.2024 08:52

Thanks for keeping physical buttons, Lexus!

@fleuger99 - 09.12.2024 00:28

Great review guys. I also like this GX and would look into it when I current lease ends in 19 months. The one Lexus thing that I hate is stuffing their vehicles with $3K - $4K worth of port addons that one has no choice but to take. I irritates me because these vehicles are not cheap but Lexus is still going for the cash grab on $4K of port options, many I don't want and they have zero value for me. It was the same thing when I bought my IS500.

@boydbanks86 - 06.12.2024 06:37

Needs a bigger fuel tank

@MmaigboPleasant - 04.12.2024 14:59

This car is cool 🎉🎉🎉

@PokeHut - 23.11.2024 06:47

I just ordered one. 6-9 month wait, $138k AUD

@johncowart6769 - 20.11.2024 17:32

I am surprised about the lack of room in the GX and LC. The console is to big and as a big man, there is no room in the front seats.

@nickjohanson7724 - 19.11.2024 06:14

That Alexis Texas comment was gold

@lloydzufelt7514 - 27.10.2024 08:12

Please do a 4 part show on snow ❄️ and 🍨 ice

@AaizKashif - 25.10.2024 19:50

a defender with lexus reliability? instant cop.

@AdrianScottty - 16.10.2024 12:44

Taylor Amy Davis Christopher Martin Brenda

@ClaraIda-x1e - 15.10.2024 16:37

Robinson Dorothy Wilson Brenda Clark Kenneth

@PalmerZora-e1s - 15.10.2024 12:02

Jackson Shirley Jackson Anna Moore Susan

@LydiaKarle-s4w - 15.10.2024 02:36

Brown Betty Martin Paul Moore Karen

@MosesCarr-g2b - 14.10.2024 20:57

Taylor Helen Taylor Linda White Michelle

@Windows98R - 14.10.2024 04:08

all things considered, that pricetag is great. I find it pretty cheap for what the car is because most other current gen big boxy SUV automatically means 6 figure pricetag for a decently speced one.

@HumeWebb-r8f - 14.10.2024 03:47

Clark Margaret Thomas Helen Garcia Kenneth

@wilmotfulton4400 - 12.10.2024 22:05

Miller Betty Perez Melissa Lopez Anthony
