Stimulating Brain and Nervous System Regeneration

Stimulating Brain and Nervous System Regeneration

Duke University

6 лет назад

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@indervirhundal7672 - 13.05.2019 09:43

How do you stimulate your brain to grow/regenerate art - music or something?

@Bigjohn9181 - 18.12.2019 13:29

I hear that the use of pycilisiben can regenerate dead brain cells how true is this theory thanks 😊

@jackfenn7524 - 07.01.2020 19:51

Humans are electrical organisms. So the more alkaline your system is, the more cell voltage you produce and the smarter you are. The more exercise you get, the more cell voltage you have for your brain to use. Couch potatoes have much less energy, because they need less to sit on the couch and do nothing.. When you say that lazy people have less energy, it literally means they have less ELECTRICAL energy. This becomes a self-reinforcing, degenerative loop.

@indervirhundal7672 - 10.03.2020 08:31

Fish oil Omega 3, Lion's mane mushroom, brain food, herbs and spices that help brain function
