Why Grass-Fed Beef is Healthier than Grain-Fed

Why Grass-Fed Beef is Healthier than Grain-Fed

Nourish Food Club

55 лет назад

592 Просмотров

Grass-fed beef is healthier than grain-fed beef! While all beef provides essential nutrients, the way cattle are raised creates meaningful differences in the final product's nutritional profile and environmental impact. As consumers become more conscious about their food choices, understanding these differences becomes crucial for making informed decisions about the meat we put on our plates.

Grass-fed beef from regenerative farms is the healthier option due to:
1) less toxins and pharmaceutical interventions
2) more nutrients
3) healthier fats, and no fatty acid manipulation
4) meat from healthier animals without insulin resistance

#grassfedbeef #grassfed #regenerativeagriculture

100% grass-fed, regeneratively raised beef with NO pharmaceuticals (free of v@ccin3s, hormones, antibiotics, and dewormers):




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