You don't take unlawful directives and you don't take orders that's his company policy not yours
ОтветитьThe first amendment protective activity he cannot tell you anything
ОтветитьYou guys aught to be ashamed of your-selvs. Find something constructive to do. The cop has every right to order you to back off and make sure the scene is in their control. This is the most annoying thing you can do. Get a life!
ОтветитьTemmmmm bro your 🪺 are big.
ОтветитьBig bully 🐷
ОтветитьThat guy would knock you out. This guy recording probably skinny n job citizen 😂
ОтветитьSo many ignorant foos. The coo cares about his safety. He cant have people walk up to them and interfere with their job. Nobody cares about the cameras. You have the right to back the hek up and let them do their job. Smh
ОтветитьOh I know exactly where this is
ОтветитьIn my opinion i see cops doing their business i rather not get any closer
ОтветитьNo respect.
ОтветитьClassic Visalia PD
ОтветитьI’m from visalia i know those tyrant pigs
ОтветитьCorrupt cops do not like camera. The disdain they have for the public is unreal.
Ответить148.g isn’t a thing.
ОтветитьUntil the police union or the cops get sued personally, their bad behavior won't stop. Taxpayers against paying for bad behavior.
ОтветитьThe ignorance😂
ОтветитьOne day....pop!!!
ОтветитьRoids have eaten his brain
ОтветитьPC 148g isn’t a criminal statute. It’s a definition. It basically allows anyone to record police in a public place, as long as they don’t ‘resist, obstruct or delay’ the officer(s) in the performance of their duties. The question is, what constitutes resisting, obstructing or delaying? I don’t think talking shit does, but… the cop gave a reasonable warning to get back. So, that’s the threshold. If the cameraman decides to move forward after being warned to get back, then yes… he’ll get hooked for PC 148a.
ОтветитьTrouble maker! Get a life
ОтветитьBecause I'm telling you is not a law
Ответитьthe roids are speaking 😂 notice the " vest grab " typical when a cop has entered durr mode. I'm like O.o you good ? if yo can't breathe take it off 😂
ОтветитьMy god do you live in Visalia or something dude
ОтветитьYeah idk eh lol why that cops a dick im super respectful im Nice and dont even givem a hard time no reason what so ever
ОтветитьWats that in the sky
ОтветитьYell out look out he has a gun
ОтветитьEgo problem with this cop.
ОтветитьThat 148.G made him do the walk
ОтветитьKeep filming
ОтветитьHow dose he know your name
ОтветитьLawsuit TYRANTS in the Making 🙄
ОтветитьWhy do these objects with badges act like kids ?
ОтветитьWhere is the logic in police officers acting like this? Legally armed citizens outnumber the police 160+ to 1. That's not including the unregistered gun owners.
If 10% of the legal gun owners said no or decided to fight back...the police have zero survival chance.
Idiots do not need to interfere in a felony stop, Camera person has IQ of 6 .
ОтветитьHe could win a scrap against a dumbell or barbell😅
ОтветитьCop walks "tough" like every bully i ever kicked the shit out of and they never smile in a fight like i do 😅
ОтветитьBut don't you do the same thing???
ОтветитьHes just trying to do his job cmon
ОтветитьSteroids that cop would Roig rage in a second
Ответитьwhy don’t you let the cops do their job and go get a job or a better yet, get a flippin life
ОтветитьYou don’t have to be disrespectful
Ответить148. Face off!!
ОтветитьTo the dude filming this, I know Tulare County is the most dumb down county in the United States but let's not profess it to the whole world, dude sounds like he's about on a fifth grade level maybe, you should put the camera down and pick up a textbook, Tulare County has the dumbest people as you can tell people!!! GET A LIFE HOMEBOY!!!!!