How Debt Ceiling Affects Your Wallet | Gupshup Aur Gyan

How Debt Ceiling Affects Your Wallet | Gupshup Aur Gyan

Gupshup Aur Gyan

54 года назад

151 Просмотров

In this video, we'll be discussing the debt ceiling and the other financial challenges facing the United States government.

As you may know, the debt ceiling is the maximum amount of money the United States government is allowed to borrow. Recently, the debt ceiling was reached, and as a result, the United States government is now in a financial crisis. We'll be discussing the budget deficit, the aging population, and the trade deficit, and how they all relate to the debt ceiling.

If you're interested in learning more about the debt ceiling and the other financial challenges facing the United States government, then this video is for you!

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