Close the Shadow Timelines | Master Quantum Shifting

Close the Shadow Timelines | Master Quantum Shifting

Sylvia Salow

4 года назад

1,648 Просмотров

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@eduardocora6236 - 24.03.2021 18:16

understood. thanks

@affirmwithnai - 24.03.2021 20:59

I love this channel❤️🌻 thank yooou

@charleswebb3520 - 24.03.2021 21:13

Hi Sylvia, thank you for being here. I had a shock recently. I made a short video for a friend. When I came back to it, I had acute feelings of self-rejection. I felt fake. I came over as fake. So now I feel "oh my God" and I just want to align with something deeper and to access a more grounded/expanded self. Funny; things are changing around me but they're not actually happening for me - yet. Also I drew a 'procrastination' 'Alchemy' card AGAIN. So I put this out there because I don't want to B.S. myself anymore & I really feel something swirling around which is more than anything so far in this life. Maybe other people feel it this way?

@robinitanagtalon9775 - 19.05.2021 16:44

Luv..this Channel....

@burnoutrelief1850 - 30.07.2021 19:34

Thank you for this. This makes so much sense.

@lissalofaso8718 - 20.08.2024 15:09

