Baby Reindeer SECRETS: Richard Gadd's Behavioral Analysis

Baby Reindeer SECRETS: Richard Gadd's Behavioral Analysis

The Behavior Panel

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@lorrainedunlop5512 - 29.06.2024 03:32

Its a true story then he he said sure its based on a true story

@LostAnFound - 29.06.2024 05:39

If he were female, there wouldn't be a talk television anchor telling him to take some responsibility for BEING STALKED!

@cathycathy3674 - 30.06.2024 05:22

So, after an hour of discussion you are all saying the same thing... you are suspicious of his 'truth' and would question the crap out of him. Thank you.

@mercedessmith2272 - 01.07.2024 00:56

The dogs ..... lying down ...... nope not today dad.😂

@markdrum2392 - 01.07.2024 09:36

That guy's biggest mistake is that haircut. It's got a certain medieval look to it.

@lucky7mojo - 01.07.2024 10:26

Can we analyze the female talk show host? Lot goin on there.

@themrs.thompson7901 - 02.07.2024 05:12

Did these guys watch the movie? He literally shows he lead her on. That he went for her and had sex with her. That he knew she was loosing it and still engaged her and didn’t set boundaries. 🙄 it’s hard to believe these guys cuz they want to act like their assessments are like a science but there is way too much projection. And speculation and individual bias to take this serious.

@MrPokerblot - 02.07.2024 21:29

Have you guys done a session on Fred west?

@sarahcamani4063 - 04.07.2024 00:26

Could u plz do mick Philpott. He murdered 7 of his children. Thank u 😊

@judithsloan8617 - 04.07.2024 18:25

How can the actress who plays Martha Scott/Fiona Harvey capture the behaviors of the real stalker? .

@lesleyfairley4470 - 06.07.2024 01:23

I love you guys but you have wrong background info on Richard Gadd when you say this is his first time on tv. This Morming show is on 10am till 12.30 Richard since making baby reindeer has been on lots of different tv shows in Scotland including one called Outlander. He begged people not to look for Martha He was right in saying she’d just finished stalking someone else she’s stalked many people including the new British prime minister Another you tuber got on her Facebook page before she changed it on the 1st of May she sent 57 posts ranting about immigrants well off girls and ripped apart Glasgow uni She’s never practiced law

@kimmyfreak200 - 06.07.2024 14:32

i never heard of this case but i knew he was gonna barge in to her place and screw her lol he definitely has some issues.. i know there is no such thing as the perfect victim but dam richard, u have issues bro.. i'd never sleep with my stalker

@pixie3760 - 09.07.2024 11:12

He must have given her his email address and phone number, otherwise she couldn't have sent all the emails and phone messages

@michelej8571 - 09.07.2024 18:23

Please do Jaguar wright

@margaretwheatley6446 - 13.07.2024 02:07

I watched all the episodes. The first words to come out of my mouth were 'i dont like him'.

She's far from perfect either

@scottbaxendale323 - 15.07.2024 17:49

In the series this guy came off as a complete idiot willing to throw away a normal relationship and life for this crazy stalker. It was like she was his narcotics.

@jeanetteeberhart1396 - 26.07.2024 00:19


@ginnadanny8148 - 26.07.2024 22:46

If one could see who watched this video then one would see that Martha saw it multiple times.

@augustbutterfly - 28.07.2024 19:46

How about investigate her PAST. Family, relationships, friends to get a picture of her character. Why is there NOBODY coming forward about that? How is that dude the only one she's ever stalked? Thats a behavior not a one off random thing one just does out of nowhere. Dont other people she kniws, know her background since childhood? Was she a caged animal for 50 years? WTF is up with that? Screw criminal records, talk to people who knew her. Its crazy that theres no info about her past character.

@RachelErlis - 30.07.2024 06:43

Greg some times you really do forget to turn your empathy switch back on,it just sounds as if your blaming him which happens way to often to men,people just cannot understand that men can be victims of abusive and situations like this just like women do and I do wonder if the way others treat them afterwards makes it hurt so much more.just like the women who were raped the judges would blame these women..

@unomeknott8731 - 09.08.2024 15:52

Very cool video gentlemen. Not at all familiar with this man and his Netflix series but he comes across as being truthful about his experience. However, I think he’s withholding information about his true involvement with his stalker. Either he slept with her or perhaps encouraged her in the beginning somehow to believe there was a connection between them. He definitely dances around the truth about his actions during this period. Would love to see one of the Panel question him on his claims regarding the situation.

@mariad7636 - 13.08.2024 04:16

I was wondering if clearing one's throat and hesitating a bit shouldn't be considered normal behavior when answering a first question (on live TV?) even if you're an artist? Tx, I'm a fan!

@LJ-jj2lu - 18.08.2024 17:19

I don't like this guy, and not sure why he is getting so much attention...

@NinaHassan-in1io - 27.08.2024 23:55

If the mails we are now hearing about are true mails, the content is shocking and the first cluster may have been that he had actually downplayed the emotional truth, in his art Martha was way more sympathic than she appears to be in real life judging by the content of the mails. He was threatened, others where and he received slander on so many people that he kept to himself. I truly believe that he felt something was brewing and got out of hand beyond comprehension.

@reichmuth100 - 07.09.2024 18:11

I don't understand why Netflix's didn't pull the plug
On her going to jail? That's the major thing most people in the U.S.A. had a problem with.
The fact that there was not one ounce of proof ,of her spending any time in jail ?
Which if you can't prove that, Then we'll question all the rest of what's in this movie, Is it truthful or a lie.

EDIT: It's like when 'Christina Crawford' wrote the book "Mommy Dearest" that was made into a major Movie
at the time. She had said her mother did not beat her with wire coat hangers and it wasn't even in the book.
But of course Hollywood had to put a stamp on it, Which became one of the most 'ICONIC' parts in that Movie.

@pillettadoinswartsh4974 - 09.09.2024 01:59

Baby Reindeer = No good deed goes unpunished

@ThaGirlLaLaLa - 14.09.2024 00:17

I have just one question, who’s culpable for the consequences Martha endures after the series went viral?

@nancypiros9133 - 15.09.2024 03:03

Very interesting. I haven’t seen Baby Reindeer yet. Will do.
Mark and “ artist artist “ is terrific.
Scott , the idea that his creativity may have been hindered by Netflix is also a good chance of what’s going on.
Thank you .
Will see you next week as always.

@latebloomer7191 - 26.09.2024 20:48

SEER experiment... Chase's description reminds me of the Stanford Prison Experiment. I wonder if the SEER program is based partly on that research.

@Underacactus - 06.10.2024 08:27

IMO if there ever was a perfect example of “the truth is in the middle”….

@panninggazz5244 - 06.10.2024 14:53

Yes, I agree that he is an artist's artist. Baby Reindeer hit me hard. really hard....and I commend everyone involved, including the problem with "true story" for this whole piece of art becoming a lesson for all of us.......when are we able to tell the truth...and whose truth is it.......

@christinecamley - 15.10.2024 06:35

Fascinating! Loved your interview with Jim Smyth. Terrific channel. Thanks so much!

@jazzminealvarado3103 - 09.11.2024 06:56

Damn mark, did he bang your ex gf?

@mariedowney1676 - 09.11.2024 13:38

Well. i guess TBP never fails.

@marthawoodworth6907 - 25.11.2024 00:57

Victims in abusive relationships are often in denial, and "encourage" the abuser because they can't believe it's happening to them. It can take time to "allow" the truth of the situation you are in, because who would believe someone would be so outrageous in their behavior toward you? We don't "expect" to be stalked.

@suzanne6441 - 01.01.2025 01:18

I'm happy for him that he was able to take it all and make it into art - that conversion is the key to everything.
(And I so wish Piers Morgan would stop acting like the onanism with her photograph was SO weird. He's protesting too much on that, people are complex, for heaven's sake. Piers is an adult and he must know that.)

@suzanne6441 - 01.01.2025 01:35

He is hard on himself. I think he uses guilt and self-blame to disguise a portion of his anger, because it must be tremendous. I hate how she has inserted herself into this - his ingenious conversion of her trespass on him. But of course she has; she's voracious.

@chrisr525 - 04.01.2025 22:01

I think hes a bit twisted as well tbh

@icegiant1000 - 19.01.2025 08:07

I was basically disgusted by the guy. He is a one trick pony. You will never see this guy again. He is not funny. I couldn't finish the series, just gross.

@JudyAllen-b8c - 23.01.2025 00:06

I think he's just as delusional personality disorder as the woman he says stalked him birds of a feather... He capitalized on someone else's desires and insecurities how sad

@emilydebron - 31.01.2025 08:29

He seems like we was a person that people constantly threw pies at

@chandrabawahab3366 - 11.02.2025 02:49

Do you think in some crazy kind of way... maybe they were together in on this whole make some money? They're both dishonest.🎉

@chandrabawahab3366 - 11.02.2025 02:53

By the way, he wouldn't have gotten a Netflix show without poking her. I think he lead her along really.

@nataliepapolis - 14.02.2025 00:44

Even if he did 'encourage her' it does not justify her reaction to it by ' stalking' and who 'encourages' stalking? Come on
Delusional people will find anything to justify their stalking behaviour such as , he looked at me or she waved at me or he touched my elbow or she had a red sweater or......

@stevebeebe3890 - 23.02.2025 23:12

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