Female Idols Who Look More SM than SM Idols

Female Idols Who Look More SM than SM Idols

BeBoss TV

3 года назад

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@BeBossTV - 27.02.2022 17:10

Currently there is a heating debate on which agency's visual is better, SM versus JYP, since SM idols always got praised for their over flowers beauty, but lately JYP new generations also possess impressive visual. Which kind of visual do you prefer, SM or JYP? 🤔🤔🤔

@tashasmithy5795 - 28.05.2024 04:20

Am has definitely raised their standards over the years now a days you have to look like a real life Ai

@farhana1905ify - 19.12.2023 11:42

Karina looks like Irene, Winter looks like Taeyeon, Giselle looks like Krystal and Ning-Ning looks like Joy. Yall SM just copy paste idol at this point and now yall saying another idol from different company look like more SM idols ???

@m14-x1p - 02.07.2023 05:10

People forget that SM cares more about vocal rather than visual. Like you should be pretty but vocak skill is more important. All aespa members can sing perfectly while having pretty face at the same time, they fit SM's standard

@hanifaazz6061 - 12.02.2023 04:41

the way Green debuted 3 times

@xoxomwoya7612 - 01.01.2023 11:45

Yujin doesn't look SM lmfao

@rossanascarati2720 - 14.12.2022 11:43

SM bright elegant.. Jyp cute sexy,, YG swag.. Isn't it?

@rossanascarati2720 - 14.12.2022 11:41

Jisoo dancing red flavor

@k-fun8377 - 05.12.2022 21:37

I always though karina looks like Jisoo but more animated and robot like , and ofcourse we all know how Jisoo looks so much like Eugene which like THE visual of kpop so i mean im not even shocked to see her and not shocked that SM asked jisoo to join them.Aespa visuals may not be like their seniors but that just means that the compnay is changing and honestly its not a bad thing 🤷‍♀️

@ate.1111 - 02.11.2022 12:07

I agree on Yujin and Jisoo but they are all beautiful and talented

@STALKER777LK - 04.10.2022 22:28

You cant look more SM than Winter, like... For real lol

@diya5212 - 12.09.2022 06:51

I thought SM style was a combination of visual and great singing abilities not just whole being a visual thing..

@nayeongotthelines8108 - 04.09.2022 04:28

I think Sinb, Miyeon, Minju and Eunbi also fit SM visual type.

@stanfordlobeo9416 - 29.08.2022 03:33

Maswe a ga Jisoo a bolaisa mala ke a bona a setse a le hemesa bo won young ba maswe le bone le aespa karina hey ngwana o o maswe

@explorer2958 - 24.08.2022 17:32

As what I observe on SM ent. visual standards, mostly of their trainees/idols was either a "blank canvas" or had that "total package" thing on them..

@тайныйобожательголосаниннин - 12.08.2022 17:13

Jisoo wanted debut like sm actress no?

@farisroslan5973 - 05.08.2022 17:15

for me SM criteria is always on top. their style not just a visual but also skills and talent in the singing concept which mean their artist can kill many concept of music.

@vim2339 - 10.07.2022 17:13

Ok that girl look like jisoo is scary 😦 are they sister???

@cappuccino_sk8 - 05.07.2022 02:27

I agree with Jisoo‘s fact, if she debuted with red velvet, red velvet will be the strongest visual group in the Kpop world. 😆

@ekuniverse1 - 15.06.2022 14:20

If you really wanted to know who would fit into the SM style it's the SM rookies who didn't debut.

@mangacollector2718 - 18.05.2022 04:49

I didn't know Eugene was in SME

@thebestlife1174 - 13.05.2022 05:41

They say they belong in SM, but they never made it so......

@duncanhendricks8599 - 02.05.2022 20:28

lia-itzy and she used to train there

@monikarozalianam1599 - 20.04.2022 23:09

Dio,queste ragazze sono talmente belle, che non mi sembrano vere,troppo belle, oltre pure con talento(tantissimo talento),beate loro,strabellissime,strafighissime,meravigliose.Non ho parole.

@verideesquo - 16.04.2022 18:14

Nana was SM trainee tho

@S4ng_playz - 15.04.2022 10:04


@S4ng_playz - 15.04.2022 09:52

Yucky 🤮 🤢 💩🚽

@alexaalta7215 - 02.04.2022 11:19

When YG, JYP, AND BIG HIT (Hybe), do some comeback or have new groups,...SM is always leaving behind. Even they're the one who start K POP.

@alexaalta7215 - 02.04.2022 11:17

For me SM is the one I don't know actually when I know K Pop, I just know YG,JYP AND BIG HIT.

@alexaalta7215 - 02.04.2022 11:17

Do you think? Why SM have Aespa? We all know that most folks want in YG, HYBE, and JYP to train. If there's some number how many trainers they have, we will know why they have Aespa. All of them actually have plastic surgery, right? There's no real visual. They're beautiful, but the real shit there is it's not the face of SM. It just SM doing some stuff that they think it will boom.

@alexaalta7215 - 02.04.2022 11:14

It will be better that they will never be in SM, they can't do live singing even they want.

@alexaalta7215 - 02.04.2022 11:08

That's why they're face is not other in SM girls, because they're trying to do a group that will name the next of ___ like that. They're beautiful, but can't be that trying to be.

@alexaalta7215 - 02.04.2022 11:03

No hate, but remember that Sm gonna put one member in Aespa? They actually trying to make a global star like black pink, and they can't. That's why they gonna put one. They trying to be unique, but really can't. They have beautiful voice.

In the first I see and hear there song, it actually hit me that SM want to make Black pink new generation, SM want that Aespa is the next, that people call 'theyre will be next in black pink.

Tell me if I'm wrong about Aespa having one member

@Hellokitty_391 - 31.03.2022 15:32

aespa didn't fit SM visuals????? Jokes on you

@njr4293 - 27.03.2022 17:34

If it's non-idol, I'm gonna pick Noze. She has the face of SM

@EmviloriamE - 25.03.2022 04:49

SM is the standard!

@thatpianistksb - 22.03.2022 09:31

The fact that Jisoo was almost a SM Artist but decided to be a YG Artist

@sagel3af - 22.03.2022 09:07

jiwon from cherry bullet too! shes super pretty

@minaminaaktar7126 - 20.03.2022 11:48

Blackpink is better than aespa💜but all are better,good in their own way💜

@oppachannel9609 - 19.03.2022 08:34

This just proves that SM is the standard in Visuals and Vocals.

@oppachannel9609 - 19.03.2022 08:29

Yujin yes but not wonyoung, wonyoung has the starship/jyp visual

@cocolemon8942 - 18.03.2022 17:00

Aespa membes have the superior visuals and talent. That is why they were debuted as SM idols. Wonyoung have the face but she doesnt have the talent what an SM idols have. Hahahaha

@cocolemon8942 - 18.03.2022 16:58

Lol aespa are SM standards. Change is constant but haters always barking they dont have the standard. Aesshole haters

@moxeven6723 - 15.03.2022 23:01

Omg! I'm proud that Jisoo is Blackpink but imagine if she debuted with Red Velvet😮 her and Irene - Visual duo of the Century

@Onlysuhflowers - 15.03.2022 22:49

Video bem desnecessario pq senti um leve shade gratuito contra a aparencia do aespa, mas já q é pra falar, vamos falar. Dessa lista ai só a jisoo tem "visual da sm" pq é a unica que se encaixa melhor no padrao de beleza coreano, assim como a yoona e a irene

@Rosieee65 - 12.03.2022 09:48

I guess that aespa belong to yg since they give me the yg artists vibes they are badass and so i feel like they belong to yg and liz of ive also belongs to sm since she give the elegant sweet vibes

@megaming9752 - 11.03.2022 19:42

That's why jisoo is bias from the first day and also her voice .chefs kiss 💋

@CRYSTXLZBOBATEA - 11.03.2022 14:17

I think BLACKPINK should have debuted in sm. Because yg mistreated the girls all of them not one JISSO JENNIE ROSÉ LISA

@notmyname3556 - 10.03.2022 13:54

As an older sm stan, I don't ever see Yujin and Wonyoung having SM visual.

@perriharris4857 - 09.03.2022 04:29

I don’t see how wonyoung fits really she has a very superficial Barbie look and SM goes for that toned down natural intelligent beauty
