Euron Greyjoy's apocalypse in the Game of Thrones books

Euron Greyjoy's apocalypse in the Game of Thrones books

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@brianwait5458 - 29.10.2024 11:37

I just started reading feast for crows, looking forward to it now.

The lore and references in the books make it really interesting

@brianwait5458 - 29.10.2024 11:38

What would be the scariest, if euron actually creates a sea dragon out of the egg he threw in the water (if he really did) or him raising up a kraken.

@petarpetrov6570 - 01.11.2024 08:59

I know I am not the first one to mention this but could Euron Greyjoy somehow overtook the body of the three eyed raven (like Bran does with Hodor).
Could it be possible that we have a twist and the three eyed raven wishes are actually coming from Euron himself? I know this is far fetched but it just popped in to my mind after the part where the flag of Euron is described and linked to the TER

@TimothyMcVeigh-bd9hw - 05.11.2024 14:01

Your telling me he is worse than ramsey book version wow

@dontask3613 - 08.11.2024 10:46

Damn rewatching this video just makes me sad they messed this story line up so bad, genuinely one of the best in the books. Also depressed 2x because GRRM has still not finished winds of winter.

@byeoocg - 09.11.2024 12:12

Daenerys the unburnt hatched those stone dragon eggs with alot of faith. If euron succeeds, he will be a natural force that could match the dragons and the others. If the others are to be compared to a force of nature sent to punish men for cutting down heart trees, or expansionist greed, than euron could be more evil than them. The fact that d&d completely rewrote affc and adwd greyjoys, shows how dumb they are

@CaptainBluePirate - 10.11.2024 06:39

does the book have that scene? Euron leans toward Jaime as he speaks voice nothing but a wisper "Finga in da bum"

@m4eou - 12.11.2024 21:51

Could Eurons ship the silence be a weirwood ship, with constant priest sacrifices the white color would turn red from all that blood, his very own ship is also his weeirwod tree to bost his greenseer powers? Like some say Nagga was

@edkopik - 13.11.2024 06:49

i think euron won by making Martin not finish the song

@tzarro - 20.11.2024 17:06

The TV Euron just came off like a common dirtbag lol

@Megadeth7811 - 21.11.2024 06:32

I'll never forgive D&D for how they did Euron in the show. Apparently, even the actor was disappointed with the changes.

@tilly704 - 24.11.2024 18:12

my finish friends will totally do that! , I love them so much… the truth you is that ai believe they’re Sissu will keep them alive, they’re sauna resistance can for sure make a nuke feel like a warm breeze…

@Steelrat1994 - 28.11.2024 21:19

I always found it a bit hard to believe that Euron managed to make a name for himself from Ibb to Asshai in just a couple of years. All his claims are a bit too grandiose for such a small period of time.

@SerialChiller1000 - 01.12.2024 08:13

See, I am not sure how stupid Victarion actually is. He has certain warrior's knowledge. He probably is a pawn, but, he might easily by swayed by Barristan or Tyrion outside Meereen.

@danielfox9461 - 05.12.2024 07:46

The amazing and horrifying storylines and directions this one new chapter opens up is just incredible but in the end it's just salt in the wound, it just another twist of the knife in our backs because WE ARE NEVER GONNA KNOW how these story lines end because HE IS NEVER GONNA FINISH IT.

@HailedTooth1175 - 09.12.2024 21:50

I think it would be really funny and a bit of poetic justice if when the battle at old town gets going euron just dies in some stupid bitch way

@elvenkind6072 - 13.12.2024 00:16


@iannsinger5760 - 14.12.2024 13:55

I’m Urine Greyjoy

@FelixS. - 17.12.2024 10:53

Euron is by far the worst and most annoying character in the tv show.

@No-gq8hg - 17.12.2024 15:21

what a fucking video

@marioprendi8312 - 18.12.2024 14:30

I never knew Book Euron was so horrifying... he makes the Night King look like the local crackhead at the gas station

@jacobmcnulty4706 - 28.12.2024 10:28

Ive heard of people speaking woth their gods will. Well euron doesnt want to speak with a gods will, he wants to be a god himself and hes got the know how and the tools to do the job.

@Shasarazad - 01.01.2025 10:59

I am just about to start listening to Crows and I can't wait to meet this monster. (And hear with my own ears how much D&D ruined him.)

@KristenSmith-b6j - 04.01.2025 01:02


@koppunch - 05.01.2025 22:55

now I see the imprint of GRR in Elden ring...

@romainsimon1439 - 11.01.2025 12:44

Oustanding work ! Thanks 😁
I'm reading again the books after 15 years and it reminded how certain caracters are completely fu^^^^ in the show. In my modest opinion (and as you just demonstrated) Euron, with his dialogues built around his dick and balls, is the worst of all... 😪

@antonioperez4675 - 13.01.2025 06:05

So, Euron isn't just the person that'll bring the Apocalypse, he is the Apocalypse.

@Under-Kaoz - 14.01.2025 00:52

Good video. But the only comparison you should be making about global warming is it's fiction like this story. Climate change is natural and not man made. Don't let propaganda get you.

@bumponalog5001 - 20.01.2025 05:26

So he’s basically Slannesh plus Cthulhu…cool

@dennisdoodlez - 23.01.2025 23:05

luigi lookin' like luigi

@gungamerplays9962 - 25.01.2025 21:42

Honestly it'd be cool there's like an animated retelling of game of thrones when the actual books are all finished and they go with the exact details of the book with of course George adding any extra details that he couldn't add in the books to the show and he needs to be given complete control over it in the ability to choose the animation studio or studios I feel like it would make a lot of money

@304dalf2 - 30.01.2025 19:27

I’ve watched this shit 3 or 4 times over the years now & I get more & more annoyed, angry, sad & just flat out disgusted that this FUCK PEAK OF FICTION, THIS TRUE FUCKIN GOLDDDDD got turned into, finger in the ass, haha trucker looking pirate man like what the hell man!
The show was did so damn dirty, everyone got snubbed but Euron more than any by far!!!!
It’s so annoying to think about man, everytime I watch this I see why the actor that played Euron was one of the most outspoken about how bad the last season was & how bad his character was done, literally at the premiere dude was fuckin bombin it😭🤣
People signed that petition to redo season 8 but honestly more than anything I’d just love to see the entire series redone but via animation instead of live action!
Everyone has their opinion but bro there’s no debate FANTASY IS DONE BEST VIA ANIMATION!
That’s just how it is man, it’s undeniable, the true vision is so much easier to capture, you don’t have to change appearances of locations & characters to match what the book describes, you don’t have to worry about actually creating all the physical things the show needs visually & don’t even get me started on the VXF work like things like the wolves & dragons, it’s so much easier to just animate everything than try to make these fantasy creatures seem hyper realistic that’s just super heard but with the amazing animation we have today the creatures, characters & locations could all look EXACTLY how GRRM imagined them & I’d guarantee you could make TOP NOTCH animation with over double the episodes per season for literally half if not a 3rd of the cost of what the live action was costing.
An animated Game of Thrones would just be unbelievable man, no question the best form of media to adapt it to!

@QuintonMorota - 31.01.2025 17:23

Catastrophic what of what?😂😂

@hugowelsh642 - 01.02.2025 00:34

I think something that hasn’t been considered is a confrontation between Euron and Faegon. In the books Euron is by Old Town, about to crush an incoming fleet and cement his chaos in the region.

But directly across the other side, Faegon is landing in the Storm lands ready to claim the iron throne. A great basis to win loyalty and legitamacy for the iron throne would be to defeat the iron born invaders. With the Tyrell fleet destroyed, they’ll likely back Feagon for help and also because they hate Cersei and support the Targaryen.

Faegon is young and buoyed by confidence so he’d likely take up the challenge unaware of his foe. Who wins is hard to say. Euron just has so much potential that it would be really hard for Martin to write out his character. But I can’t see him losing this.

I think Euron might defeat, capture, and sacrifice Faegon as a means to gain power. I mean a Targaryen Kings blood, if if a bastard, is still a lot of power. Then maybe he goes and teams up with a crazy Cercei Lannister for the world most toxic power couple.

@olismith2224 - 03.02.2025 00:26

The Game of Thrones series is so unrealistic! No democratic society would vote in a sexual deviant and known law breaker who enjoys being worshipped and is hell bent on bringing on the apocalypse... Right?!

@whyfuckinchannel - 09.02.2025 07:03

Yo, this guy sucks.

@Sam-yj1qt - 09.02.2025 17:09

I disagree with the theory about blood ravens trying out a bunch of different dreamers, besides Brandon.

1. Blood Raven is not the three eyed crow. When Brandon asked him about the three eyed crow, blood raven seems rather confused and never admits it was him.
2. We don’t know for sure who it is, but the only possible explanation I can think of would be Brandon himself. Which would mean that the dead people he sees are future version of himself. He is basically trying to save himself constantly by influencing the past, trying over and over again, but still getting killed in the end.

@tonymorapa8133 - 12.02.2025 09:58

The more I watch this the more frustrated i get that G.R.R Martin cant finish the books

@BeanWagon90 - 13.02.2025 10:47

Book Euron sounds like the final boss of a final fantasy game

@maryarmstrong2231 - 13.02.2025 15:52

Ashai is like Hogwarts for edgelords 🤌

@EstherDavis-w1k - 13.02.2025 18:23

I've been watching for few yrs now, can I say ....... I LOVE WHEN YOU SAY "f***"! I really don't know why, other than my American culture -less basic ass has been obsessed with men speaking that way for a long time. My husband bus lucky I don't travel more lol

@amoy5657 - 14.02.2025 10:36

Bro thinks he's eren yeager 💀

@stunlord - 17.02.2025 20:30

"hogwarts for edgelords" lmao

@michaelrussell7806 - 22.02.2025 06:08

This is the best part of the books. Its also why the book will never be finished.

@Blaklyon0 - 25.02.2025 22:29

This might be a crazy theory... but could it be that euron may just be a master con artist?

@zaquemuaddib - 26.02.2025 16:03

The handling of Euron and Bloodraven in the show were both such massive missed opportunities 😢
