Ultimate reason why you ONLY BELIEVE in Christ's payment on the Cross, to be forever saved. Associated webpage on the topic of freedom and failure:
ONLY GOD authors life; your soul at birth, your first breath at birth, your salvation aka 'born again'. So you go to hell, if you never believe in what HE did about sin. Because, if you reject what HE did about it -- for God takes responsibility for everything good or bad, Isaiah 45:7 -- if you reject what HE did, then you're claiming something YOU do has competing value.
That's Satan's contention. Satan's ticked off because all his beauty doesn't count, before God. Listen to anyone who claims salvation is in someone or something else. They all insist on a competing value (i.e., the insipid 'I'm a good person' claim). Just like Satan.
But you don't even breathe your next breath unless God approves it. You can't sin unless He allows it. You can't even go to the bathroom unless He allows it. He can make you, stop you, keep you going. You are free, solely because GOD ALONE insures your freedom to be free. Free to believe, free to reject, all courtesy of Christ.
Because, GOD PAID for everything on the Cross. So if you say no to His Payment, then you can go to the Hell He created. Your choice.
See, it's not about sin. It's about God.
#Gospel #Isaiah457 #Faith #Alone #in #Christ #OSAS #Eternal #Security #John316 #Bible #Once #Saved #Always #Spiritual #Maturation #Positional #Sanctification #Experiential #Ultimate #How #to #be #saved #Injil #Euangelion #euaggelion #evangelio #sin #hell #heaven #false #true #sinner's #prayer #repent #Romans10:10 #baptism