Self-Censorship is Rising

Self-Censorship is Rising

Sabine Hossenfelder

1 месяц назад

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@kevinlane7555 - 30.11.2024 05:23

When you're young you haven't learned the ways of the world yet, and when you get old, you just stop caring

@alightinthesky7586 - 29.11.2024 11:49

identity wars and cancelation on freedom of speech is destroying every society it touches

@lowelljacobson705 - 28.11.2024 16:53

I think you should self-censor your fowl language.

@Erowens98 - 26.11.2024 12:28

Seeing science cleary guided by politcal correctness is very depressing to me. Once science becomes about feelings (unless its psychology) its stopped being scientific.

Ideology has no place in science and we really do need to rooting it out.

@mehdizangiabadi-iw6tn - 26.11.2024 07:39

This world does not belong to a particular person to express what he understands. Scientists understand something that an illiterate person in a corner of the world may understand without writing it down. Good luck. Thank you.❤❤❤

@mehdizangiabadi-iw6tn - 26.11.2024 07:34

I want to apologize in the same sense as you mean, my nose is also big, the world did not get help from many scientists to emerge and continue to exist, of course, they are good interpreters, including you, but nothing

@backyardthinker5996 - 25.11.2024 05:10

some crazy people in social media, understatement :) perhaps "most" .. i liken this to farting.. you can fart at home, or among your friends, with no consequences at all, you can fart in the wind, in the yard, or while hiking, you can fart in a supermarket that is not busy, but if you fart in the parliament while making a speech or fart in the ring while announcing the super duper boxers, or while saying "now i name you husband and wife" in a cathedral.. well then you are fucked.. since the internet, everything goes everywhere, everything is heard from everywhere, well... your backyard fart can even end up being the new viral video... so yea people are scared, and particularly because of keyboard bullies who dedicate their couch potato lives to harass others since they posses no real life social confidence themselves... i call myself "proudly cooo coo " coz in most cases i don't give the slightest fuck who i offend, why i offend, and i try really hard to learn the ultimate life skill that is "learning to be outcome independent"

@Iv_john_vI - 24.11.2024 18:54

Remember what happened in 2014 with the British physicist Dr. Matt Taylor?

@darkarchon2841 - 24.11.2024 15:34

If you don't have freedom to offend, you don't have freedom of speech.

@cyberblueangel - 24.11.2024 10:12

so sad ur a terf

@schurfrelay - 23.11.2024 19:36

Oh boy, youre going to have tough time online

@JarkkoToivonen - 23.11.2024 17:39

Thanks for another update which I didn’t know 😊

@MrXelaim - 22.11.2024 16:32

A lot of people want to use science to prove their opinion right. You should want your opinion to be proven wrong, in order to correct it.

@mashafalkov - 21.11.2024 21:25

I think there’s a good reason why so many people who are trying to have legitimate, good faith conversations are facing consequences and getting shut down. In the recent past we’ve had far too many smiling faces pretending to be arguing in good faith, presenting terrible science in order to push an agenda of hate and disinformation.

Some years ago Google employee James Damore wrote his Anti-Diversity Manifesto. In it he cited all kinds of bad science. He claimed he was fighting an echo chamber and that he was on the side of free speech when it was clear what his actual goals and beliefs were.

His strategy is effective and has been taken up by other unpleasant characters. Present an argument that sounds well-reasoned and researched, even as it promotes hate. And when you’re immediately shut down or face other social consequences, claim that you’re being unfairly censored.

It doesn’t help that with social media habits, some people think being controversial will get them attention the same way it does online.

Sadly because of guys like Damore, many people like myself just don’t have the energy or inclination to deal with someone showing me yet another batch of controversial data unless they have a basis for trust.

@KristopherNoronha - 21.11.2024 21:19

I am not sure if self-censorship is rising in meaningful ways. It could be that the feeling of self-censorship is rising because the pace of social change is accelerating, and the pace of internal value changes is not keeping up. Previous generations have had to deal with smaller changes over larger periods of time. Also, geographic mobility has massively increased, and anyone who has moved from elsewhere will sensibly need to keep silent and try and fit in before they can speak their mind, if they ever can. Social media means people who previously had no chance of interacting now do so on a regular basis.

@sapps851 - 21.11.2024 20:28

Still trying to collect myself from Ms. Hossenfelder dropping the F bomb...!

@jamesmandahl444 - 21.11.2024 16:10 ironically it was them who weaponized the data. Wtf.

There is a reason why people are now so cynical and distrustful of authority. I do not think i can overstate how poisonous their behavior was. They willfully broke their own code of ethics. Ethics which make the scientific fields function and progress. They might feel their decision was done to protect others but damn. ...Who made them the arbiter of right and wrong? I think they were clearly immature or ideologically deluded. I do not think they thought far enough into how this could hurt major institutions and how it calls into question any and all studies done by them. It also calls into question the ethics of anyone aware of their act.

This example kind of shows why the "replication crisis" is not a meme. Particularly in certain fields of study. I think it is one of those generational reckonings which the scientific community has faced and must face now.

@StratsRUs - 21.11.2024 14:06

Racists are definitely genetic and entitled.
Such a diversity here.

@wellesmorgado4797 - 21.11.2024 13:59

I have never been to social media, only to 2 pf them, for very specifically professional needs. I usee content creators as my social media filter. Still happy after all these years.

@prosamis - 20.11.2024 13:59

Self censorship has reached a ridiculous stage, but we can't also just go to the other extreme of a complete lack of filtering

Scientists need to remember that we are human, creatures of feedback and emotion, not ones of rationality and fact.

Publications have consequences. Information has consequences. A complete disregard of that is ignorance, fanaticism, not a virtuous seeking of truth.

Facts can very much be weaponized and affect public opinion at a deep level that results in palpable harm

In the end, I do think we've went far, far above the acceptable level of self censorship, but swinging to the opposite end is not a rational view, it's an emotional one held by ideals that simply can't hold well in the real world

@muungano - 20.11.2024 02:30

File under clickbate, next to "woke mind virus!".

@AS-zc8mr - 19.11.2024 19:19

The problem with the new way of accusing without having evidence is [censored]

@theoryianabsolute8777 - 19.11.2024 10:49

Self censoring is also important, for example not to use words like that in the end, but it can have downsides

@interuniversal321 - 18.11.2024 19:21

Respect for coverimg this Sabine.

@svart_kors - 18.11.2024 18:39

This video is a damned breath of fresh air. Love it. :)

@lordofchaosinc.261 - 18.11.2024 17:17

I got censored on reddit for using the correct english language term for self-unalived, next time I'll be self-censoring... Maybe it's better to just not engage with such people over the internet and on the workplace.

@NicholasCotter - 18.11.2024 10:50

So where are you trying to position this video, Sabine?

@adeeshadeegala5900 - 18.11.2024 03:45

Big treadmills can be used by big and small people. Small treadmills only by small people.

Seems pretty cut and dry to me.

@jokjkjk - 18.11.2024 02:26

The German skeptics: When two people dispute, neither of them is telling the truth [Wenn zwei sich streiten, sagt keiner die Wahrheit.]. When it is said that skeptics want certain topics to be suppressed or canceled, then that is highly probably one version that one party is telling about the other. And such has been spread not too narrowly via Twitte/X & Co. Ans so biased versions have seeped into skeptical media. Too much Bullshit from skeptics about other skeptics. But none of the skeptics can tell the whole truth which is too complex and full of unknown facts. A version of the story isr highly probably distorter to suit the own side. Shit-picking from the others and-cherry-picking for their own side. It seems the skeptics are just as prone to in-outgroup thinking as everyone else. It seems that to many people too easily believed what their own group of skeptics said about the other group of skeptics. Now the shards of the dispute are all over the social web and in various publications.

@JoyceLauren-ff8og - 18.11.2024 02:16

*Great teaching thank you for sharing, I really had so many difficulties In life I was homeless. But my family are happy once again, $47k weekly and I can now afford anything for my family even with my Retirement after so much struggles*.

@PersianTangelo - 18.11.2024 01:07

Amazing she had not talked about Israel and genocide. All the people who are Muslims that I know keep self censoring themselves about this issue.

@jeffbisscrx - 17.11.2024 20:45

This problem hasn't stopped me. I think that the biggest problem is that well-intentioned people with controversial opinions fall into a trap set by conservatives who by their very nature cannot accept reality. For example, with respect to the trans issue, the problem is with conservatives' incorrect view that the sexes are naturally evolved to be either "masculine" for males and "feminine" for females. It isn't true. Even sex expression can be variable, such as when the sex-determining region on the Y chromosome is corrupted thus allowing the functional X chromosome to develop the Mullerian duct to produce an XY female. Masculine and feminine are not biological, they are social constructs that need to be abandoned and so liberals arguing the inane line from trans groups that a person requires sex reassignment surgery is simply wrong because it argues along the same specious lines as the conservatives do who are the ultimate cause of the problem.

@nathancampbell4269 - 17.11.2024 20:02

self censorship you say, what about forced censorship, like the kind you are currently engaging in, actively trying to discredit Massive new tech, science and math innovations

such as the emergence of the Base Zero number system

Tsk Tsk
Shame on you Sabine

@greenhorngameplays5743 - 17.11.2024 19:55

Honestly, I don't know if the people around me are just a bunch of idiots, or if I'm the idiot here. Explaining, I sincerely can't find anything to talk about with anyone without stepping on eggshells. People get offended by basically anything. Because of that, I just stopped interacting with them. Just like that.

@creatorsremose - 17.11.2024 16:01

Is it like the cancel-culture of the Woke Left, or the death threats of the Muslims? But recently I hear that since the alliance of the Left with Islam there've been death threats coming from the Woke Left as well. What are we to do?!

@micahwatz1148 - 17.11.2024 15:58

Here let me help. Theres no such thing as transgender. Its literally all nonsense. Nobody has ever changed genders and nobody ever will. And telling kids to pursue this it evil.

@Monsux - 17.11.2024 14:43

Oh boy, the amount of different type of biases I've seen in Universities. This is so damaging, because people can't have open conversations or do proper studies on hard subjects. I can point out flaws on these biased research topics a mile away. This is so common that you could give me any paper. All I need to look is the headline and use some basic search terms to check the narrative/flaws. I'm sure there are people in those research groups who would like to do proper science, but are afraid to talk because it would be social suicide on certain fields.

@robertbuttner7370 - 17.11.2024 13:04

Waiting to publish a result of a study to make it "exactly on point, clear and concise" first, because you are afraid otherwise it might be weaponized can mean many things. It might be the most responsible action to do, if you agree to the perspective that there is a huge and more and more powerful "right wing" movement that tries to take away freedoms from minorities like trans people or homosexials and this movement might use your work to justify those means. Same with self censoring words in relation to race, gender and so on. Before women started to vote a majority of the people thought this would be a horrible Idea. The more normalized and voting from women became, those people either changed their minds or got more and more opposition for their views and many probably just started to self censor. Which in my view is a good thing, because it stopped ideas that are objectively wrong to circle around in a society. I think to answer the question if this self censoring is good or bad for our society you have to have a deep look at the ideas that are getting so much opposition that people start to self censor. And you have to decide if this opposition is valid or not and if the ideas that get this opposition are harmful and untrue or not. People always should be allowed to have and say their opinions but that doesn't entitle them to not have any consequences for their opinions. People might dislike them for that, employers might not want to employ them, media might not want to publish them... I think more interesting than the fact that some opinions are getting more opposition and have more bad consequences for the people that tell them is the question of how valid those opinions are. What is more true:
1. There is a big group of people in our society that tries to cling to their old and unjustified power and privilege and fights tooth and nail to stop others to have the same rights and privileges than themselves or
2. There is a wired elite that tries to control the majority of sane and fair folks into believing really strange and harmful things for their own benefit.

Obviously the frontline is is a millions times more complex but my point is to decide if self censoring because of opposition is good or bad you first have to see if the ideas that get opposition are good or bad, harmful or not, likely true or not...
Your video otherwise is just whining.

@xxxxxx89xxxx30 - 17.11.2024 12:50

Because you are not really interested in science and discovery, but funding and fitting in.

@Gauchland - 17.11.2024 11:44

Imagine a future where science, creativity and innovation move in top down controlled way where everything must be approved, not be extreme or offensive, and the process of trial and error is lost. How disgusting.

@InfernosPhantoms - 17.11.2024 11:43

It's completely being weaponised by "minorities" to hold leverage over people and fail upwards where they push it further onto people. It's gone so far as to have the governments getting involved and taking control of the "I'm offended" culture to use it to their own advantage against their own populace. The UK is a joke right now for it and while I've tended to keep my head down and stay out of things in the past, I'm not going to spend my life biting my tongue at the command of powers that don't even show the slightest care for their own people.

@TrueInvisible - 17.11.2024 09:18

soon enough commenting online and in reality both will be discouraged..
either develop telepathy, or create a silent world where communication is crime.
tried to talk as i wanted multiple times, but my comments keep getting auto removed, or i get warnings, or i am forced to filter my communication ..
started to force myself to ignore and move on , more and more often.
soon enough "comment sections" won't be needed anymore. because people won't write / be allowed to write anything.

@MemphiStig - 17.11.2024 03:27

Most people who don't self-censor are the same ones telling you to shut tf up. (IMO lol)

@johncaccioppo1142 - 17.11.2024 02:27

Not sure if anyone will be able to read this comment because of all of the censorship I've encountered since the election. Seriously. I can give you a list of ideas and terms...

@redpillmath - 17.11.2024 01:07

Science is in trouble since more than a century ago when the educational system created the fake commercial-icon called Einstein and all of you know that but you decided to impose special and general relativity aberrations for manipulating, controlling and exploiting vulnerable people. All this is explained in my channel. So stop pretending being surprised and unrelated to all that or bringing braking news to the audience. All of you knew that and are responsible for all the trash that the eductional system have imposed on people minds.

@StelianaOancea - 16.11.2024 19:34

Do you think Normotim could be a valuable addition to your mental health toolkit?
