Chris Rufo | Laying Siege to the Institutions | Livestream  April 5, 2022

Chris Rufo | Laying Siege to the Institutions | Livestream April 5, 2022

Hillsdale College

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@daughterofTheLion - 29.06.2022 21:06

Make no mistake. We have to let the PUBLIC EDUCATION INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX collapse. For years James Dobson made excuses for leaving our children in the evil, infiltrated system, and finally and way too late he acknowledged it was a mistake. We are responsible for our children before God. Not responsible to prop up the very evil that infiltrated our entire educational system. This presentation gives me hope that a fire can be set in the hearts of the listeners that our children and our country are at stake. We have to be smart and active at grassroots levels. We have to have Convention of States NOW!
Abolish the Federal Education Department, it's infested beyond redemption. Kruschev said that they would take this country without firing a single shot because he knew the plan was in place. We can't wait any longer. Think about it, they're even experimenting on sexuality on our children and it's paid for by tax dollars. Drugging and even doing irreversible surgeries on our children and in some states parents can't stop it.
Revelation 9:21
And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries
(Strong’s Definitions
†φαρμακεία pharmakeía, far-mak-i'-ah; from G5332; medication ("pharmacy"), i.e. (by extension) magic (literally or figuratively):—sorcery, witchcraft.)
or their sexual immorality or their thefts.
They drug, manipulate the minds, lie about history, turn them against their parents, expose them to and teach them how to participate in every form of perversion and even cut them up in experimental surgeries. I think we're here people. And they are PROUD of the things that they do.

@jamesdey4560 - 30.06.2022 01:31

You just exposed the reason why all of our history as a country must be taught to every student so that we do not repeat the same mistakes made in the past!

@jamesdey4560 - 30.06.2022 01:44

Fact: P/correctness IS p/coweress

@gabrieladelgado-almada5717 - 01.07.2022 11:24

Mr Rufo you are like a breath of fresh air...You have giving me HOPE and STRENGHT to stand up to bullies and teach them a lesson and kick them out of their cozy corners. May GOD bless you, your family and your mission.

@gandydancerfilms6272 - 01.07.2022 16:36

Very well said.

@lewisclark5694 - 04.07.2022 16:42


@zahnklyberg9448 - 05.07.2022 09:56

One day after the assassination of Seth Rich the DNC paid Crowdstrike $98,849.84. A month later Seth Rich's friend Sean Lucas, who was a DNC Process Server and served the DNC with an election fraud lawsuit, was found dead. A day later DNC paid Crowdstrike $113,645.77.

@marlarobertson-tarpo3971 - 06.07.2022 05:39

Why are you flying a captured war flag?

@theragingmoderate7797 - 06.07.2022 19:17

Maybe I'm missing something here but how are those training programs and the fifth grade school the SAME thing

@dogbone1065 - 06.07.2022 22:21

If something isn't done about the fascist leftist Democrats we will not have a country or freedom much longer. It's time the people take control and protect our country from the enemy within.

@TheTwayZ - 21.07.2022 20:34

Fascist. Dude is a straight up fascist

@deannabow2266 - 21.07.2022 23:18

In fact, in today’s interpretation is:

A small group of

To control the
Entire human race under their anti-humanity way to rule us.

@tompirro3040 - 23.07.2022 23:03

The way it could be exactly how. Its supposed to be a women's right to privacy. Like every right you have is or is supposed to be quanrenteed. Unless while what you're doing is effecting someone else's rights. And I believe the right of the children to live outways their right to privacy .

@tompirro3040 - 23.07.2022 23:15

And if fhe colleges don't have courses on American history and God. Stop their federal funding.

@tompirro3040 - 23.07.2022 23:26

Maybe if they did we wouldn't have quaduates become highly educated left wing idiots.

@tompirro3040 - 23.07.2022 23:42

Equity that excell have to share a good portion to the their worth to the have nots. Then where is the incentive to be better. I believe that is one of the reasons for the collapse of the USSR

@rachelleottosen6274 - 27.07.2022 00:49

OMGosh love the idea at the end (56 mins in) of removing the requirement for many teachers to have advanced degrees and removing public funding for Marxist colleges/departments!!!

@dragonugget119 - 27.07.2022 19:56

This is it! These ideas would be so good for us and popular too

@ceciliaeguilos5748 - 28.07.2022 06:51

So TRUE. Example is nowadays.

@kinetsievarvenfloot1237 - 28.07.2022 15:53

Rufo is a based hottie.

@keonily - 28.07.2022 19:46

One of the most influential systems that are backing the school boards, and CRT is the judicial system, especially local districts.

@marknash4442 - 22.08.2022 09:47

The same is happening in the UK. Breeds division, indoctrinates children. When the US gets a cold, the UK sneezes

@annichka8711 - 23.08.2022 11:37

One of the most important speeches of the year

@jasonj5641 - 29.10.2022 23:06

I noticed while living in LA in the 90's that Disney corporate was full of gay activist employees. I can only imagine how it is today.

@rowlandluv2liv - 01.01.2023 22:13

We are the human race

@rowlandluv2liv - 02.01.2023 15:01

Interesting presentation !
eye-opening and thought provoking…

Thank you for sharing your research findings and shining a light in an effort to shine light on reality-and hopefully engage the American public to help.

I think it may be worth your (all of our) time, and that of every American, if you would also examine the “new-math” mathematical processes that teachers are forced to employ when educating students in mathematics.

From what I have witnessed this “new math process”serves to further stymie independent thinking of our youth and punishes creative thinking😵🤮

when I consider the possibilities of the rational for such

I am heart-broken to admit that Secretary of education over the last 20 years, perhaps at minimum the last decade has been implementing strategies that stifles our ability to raise and producing leaders in science, math and technology resulting in naïve compliant “Yes, ma’am” and “Yes Sir” mentality.

I hope somebody with the means and courage will invest time and resources to make this evaluation a priority.

I believe your findings will further support. The lecture provided here.

Hopefully, we can work remedy —perhaps we may rescue and remediate any ‘born brilliant children’ that have been well-behaved and complied in meeting “new educational guidelines.”

Every life matters - WE ARE THE HUMAN RACE🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

@ggss5717 - 08.01.2023 09:22

How many people in the comments want to be a teacher.. that is why conservatives lose the culture war

@thecrypt5823 - 08.01.2023 11:35

Perfect. Brilliant. Thank you.

@avi8terrfwg317 - 09.01.2023 07:16

Thank you! Please keep spreading g the word. Your solutions are spot on. Legislatures listen up! My favorite is getting rid of the masters in education. So not necessary!

@robertbazzano5402 - 13.01.2023 21:24

During the Q and A at the end I was so happy to see so many retirees finishing their education at Hiilsdale.

@wearbear - 26.01.2023 09:55

Hillsdale where American Fascism has a home

@lokorobot3693 - 28.01.2023 00:22

"And so on and so forth!" 15 min in. He can't help but exaggerate and lie. My God! I'd love to debate this silly little fear-mongering shill.

@jshays007 - 28.01.2023 03:50

I love what Christopher Rufo is doing by bringing some common decency back to the forefront of Society. It appears that we are forgetting "Never Again!" and letting authoritarian Populists infect the empirical purity of the Institutions.
It's time to push back against those that would like to radicalize us all.

Peace and Love.

@83licata - 03.02.2023 00:57

Excellent forum!! This is 1 of the many reason to support Hillsdale College!

@susangillman5959 - 11.02.2023 21:13

I am more and more scared
Someone stop these people
.I wi)l never give your opi,ions the power of becoming laws !

@bambampk4052 - 22.02.2023 01:48

There is a lot of racism in Africa. When I went on a mission to Kenya, my companion was a sixty-year-old American black lady (I am Hispanic), the people did not want to talk to her or respected her.

@jimbob2810 - 05.03.2023 21:32

Rufo says that liberty-minded people should eschew the language and euphemisms of progressives, but then uses the euphemism of "public schools". They are government schools, and they exist to indoctrinate children in whatever ideology is in vogue among government bureaucrats. Today, DEI/CRT and the rest of the progressive agenda are in vogue. Fifty years ago, anti-communism was in vogue. Eighty years ago, anti-fascism was in vogue while Stalin was a perfectly fine ally. Schola imperium delenda est.

@vermontkayaker - 29.03.2023 20:33


@intelliGENeration - 09.04.2023 14:54

Academia now is only teaching hate. All reasons (true and made up) of why one should hate another.

My trash is diverse. My plate is selective.

@Mike-ks6qu - 15.04.2023 11:58

Teachers unions have done everything they can to thwart all attempts of parents being given freedom to choose their child's educational institutions. They know, they will be out on their collective asses if they had any competition. The government has had a monopoly on education for too long. Freedom of choice of education must not be curtailed. It's not coincidental that most politicians send their children to private schools.

@cherylmckinney8595 - 02.09.2023 04:31

Putting conversations of racism within the context of “the countries highest ideals” what exactly does that mean? What does that look like? …because to me that sounds like censoring history to say that slaves were “workers” and grouped as immigrants. Would it include truth that reveals that the average white in America does not descend from ancestors who owned slaves but slavery was an institution of the elite?

@cherylmckinney8595 - 02.09.2023 04:32

Clearly you have no idea of how teachers receive their certifications. No where is anyone required to go to graduate school to get a MA to begin there career as educators; however, continuing education is essential to perfecting any craft skill. This talk was rooted in conjecture and the listeners are receiving as “truth and the way” and that’s frightening 2 Tim.4:3 👂🏾

@davebeha5365 - 18.09.2023 23:08

Can not even go 3 minutes without saying bs.

@patrickvernon1570 - 12.10.2023 14:27

Capitalism is fundamentally inhuman its an assault on all races. It’s the commodification of man and must be destroyed

@TJLewis-du1be - 15.01.2024 20:16

That is the oldest group of students I have ever seen
