Kamado Joe | The Perfect Steak

Kamado Joe | The Perfect Steak

Kamado Joe

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@jamesoneal1988 - 20.10.2024 01:40

I just followed this on my KJ 2 classic, and it was the best ribeye's I have ever made, thank you John, you rock.

@arjan2518 - 08.10.2024 20:27

May I ask why you don’t use reverse sear with a thick piece?

@randyeruark9299 - 22.09.2024 02:51

May I ask where you got the cast iron grate?
Thank you

@franklawson9428 - 06.07.2024 19:49

Just bought my 1st Kamado Joe 1, I was going to cook a 3/4" steak, that my wife bought, on it but I think it best if I jsy cook it on the stove as that steak is far too thin. Need to go out & buy a 1.5" steak ASAP!

@aa6757 - 03.05.2024 16:50

That steak looks nothing like the video thumbnail

@bbulliard - 29.01.2024 22:15

great video. but you think cayenne pepper adds a nice flavor, try tabasco pepper, which is much more flavorful, but difficult to find. I grow and make my own

@chrisa8203 - 17.11.2023 08:14

That is not the steak in the thumbnail lol

@kevinjohnson5210 - 24.10.2023 20:10

What kind of warranty is it if Kamado Joe cannot, or will not replace items that fall apart (under warranty) for weeks or months? You cannot even use the grill, and it's under warranty? Buy an Egg or cook in your kitchen; this is an internet company with NO meaningful service.

@kaoticmind09 - 05.09.2023 01:49

I don't use any fat at all. Works like a charm.

@badger-productions - 13.07.2023 19:27

How did you avoid the actual temperature?? “We got the grill up to temperature “ WHAT temperature? 🤦‍♂️

@jeffstrack1143 - 05.06.2023 16:14

That’s probably a $40 steak at today’s prices

@jirimarek8089 - 09.04.2023 19:40

I enjoy the vid and don't wanna be negative at all but flame surrounding the steak for several minutes may destroy the seasoning right. I am aware that rib eye drips a lot of fat and might spark that flame... thoughts ?? Thx

@cscbandboosters - 03.03.2023 04:51

It looked like you touched the ghee brush to the raw meat, then dipped it in on the ghee and applied more. That puts raw meat bacteria in the ghee. Stirict no no.

@macdirty4life - 09.02.2023 05:05

guys sounds like hes dolling the entire time.

@iamcanadianprolife1249 - 26.01.2023 02:29

That's perfect sir don't know why people go to 138 temp

@mikeathony7845 - 20.01.2023 10:44

How can anybody eat that blood? I never could understand that. Well done will do away with the blood.

@joepasquarello1273 - 24.08.2022 00:50

Kamado Joe warranty policy sucks. Their customer service is even worse.

@Justentime77 - 26.07.2022 05:26

Not NEARLY enough of an outside sear.

@pwells10 - 03.07.2022 18:11

this guy knows how to grill. everything I make following this channel is amazing.

@TJ-mi6ou - 26.06.2022 00:23

followed your method and the steak was cooked to perfection,, but it had a very smokey fuel like taste?
I cooked it in a Kamado with natural lighters??

@stormtrooper74 - 20.05.2022 23:19

You mispronounced “raw”. At best, it’s blue rare.

@mbingham10 - 27.02.2022 22:14

Raw,a good vet would probably bring that thing around

@reinhardweiss - 06.01.2022 05:24

oh my god ... you did NOT tell people the temperature of a "well done" steak ... hell, people, just eat friggin cardboard! 😀

@pardiss - 27.12.2021 08:48

Hey mate , nice work , gave it a crack just now and result was sensational, the downside was amount of salt , instead of 3 tsp salt I should’ve put 1 tsp salt. Cheers

@rickdavid1795 - 05.12.2021 23:40

That looks amazing

@andreslara6078 - 08.10.2021 07:31

Awesome thanks a lot

@gsmoneygsmoney1479 - 29.08.2021 06:14

hmmm looks steammed

@jopflah416 - 01.08.2021 05:11

We don’t need you and your “pussy” torch we have Smoking Dad.

@TakeNoneForTheTeam - 23.07.2021 21:23

Very nice video. Thank you!

@ronlevandoski4805 - 05.06.2021 23:10

I got the JoTisserie and the motor failed with less than ten hours of use. I tried to contact K-jo via email and NO response. There is NO phone number and no other way to contact these less than honorable creatures. $200+ bucks down the drain. The motor that turns the rotisserie is a cheap chinese piece of crap. Don't buy this item unless you can find a way to contact K-jo and confirm that there is a warranty and that they will honor it when (not if) the ultra cheap motor fails. Don't buy anything K-Jo without contacting customer service first!

@semmes5342 - 04.06.2021 15:57

salt on a steak over night will dry it out salt should be on a steak for no more that 30 minutes never over night....steak should be room temp, total agreement about the ghee but all in all nice job looks delicious

@colinlazarus4867 - 28.04.2021 13:40

John is that 500 degrees Fahrenheit cheers

@russellp1981 - 27.04.2021 14:03

Poor technique - fridge to grill no good, pepper before high temp gives you burnt pepper, steak clearly came out medium.

@carldavis6535 - 10.04.2021 03:52

I cooked Ribeyes and followed your direction and boy were they good! Thank you for making this video!!

@ColocasiaCorm - 12.03.2021 23:41

sear plate vs grillgrates?

@toosas - 27.01.2021 21:57

much prefer this to reverse searing method - when the meat is cold inside give it a good blast to form a crust without worrying about cooking the steak too much, then let the centre reach the desired temp off the heat. And it shows, because this method practically has no gradient between crust and the middle, it's medium rare side to side

@brianmozer3112 - 18.01.2021 22:24

This is opposite of the reverse sear method where you cook indirect and then finish over high heat to caramelize/brown the surface. Do you think it matters which order you follow ?

@nathelm - 08.01.2021 05:59

Wow your medium rare is actually medium rare. The first bite if a well cooked steak is absolute heaven.

@victorianoell - 14.11.2020 17:37

Hey John can you help me out. You mentioned during the video to move the steak to the high side after searing. Can you give me a ballpark timeframe as to how long the steak will need to cook on the high side in order to reach internal temp of ~135? I've learned a lot from your videos and really appreciate it. Health and happiness to you my man.

@AB-nv7bz - 10.08.2020 09:38

I used to be say i always want my steaks medium rare to rare, until i found wagyu beef. The flat iron and tri tip cuts need to be medium in the center. With really marbled cuts you need the temp to get the fat to render.

Also when picking out any steak don't be afraid to say "let me see that one, and that one, and that one..." at your butcher. Just because they all say prime or wagyu doesn't mean every cut is equal.

@diman75 - 03.08.2020 20:06

Hmm, that was a very interesting point about not using olive oil, which I see a lot of folks do when cooking a steak. Duly noted!

@atlanticocean8184 - 10.06.2020 21:07

What temperature was it at when you put the steak on?

@bcampagnolo6759 - 17.05.2020 06:34

What lighter is that? Looks cool

@ct8698 - 10.05.2020 22:04

i like it, especially when you tasting your food. Super. Will try this at home. Thx John

@234rrgadf - 01.05.2020 22:17

damn those chewing sounds are painful to listen to

@paulcarney9598 - 29.04.2020 02:31

Followed very specifically, probably best steak I ever grilled! Thank you so much! Never would have used cayenne!

@roba6807 - 28.04.2020 04:44

Great video!!

@skywave12 - 12.04.2020 05:26

It was this video that made me purchase the cast iron grate. I do 2 steaks at a time. Each time perfect. I also do not use the temp guage as the sear point. It falls 450 to 500 just like the video. Make sure it has flames towards it. Adjust accordingly.

@gist4change - 31.12.2019 18:29

Perfection! I made these last night

@clanrocks137 - 30.12.2019 01:49

How long did you have it on the indirect side?
