kLite Dynamo Bikepacking Light + Charging System | In-Depth Review | Bikepacker Ultra V2

kLite Dynamo Bikepacking Light + Charging System | In-Depth Review | Bikepacker Ultra V2

Dirty Teeth MTB

2 года назад

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@kencrossman3634 - 21.03.2022 04:30

Excellent video
Been using K-lite with Son hub for 6 years … I am guessing mine is V1 as it has never failed me and I am also “ if it ain’t broke , don’t worry bout it “ 😉😉
Keep ‘em turning Alan

@Bikepacking - 21.03.2022 04:56

Over priced but when you want the best you pay for it

@clothshorse - 21.03.2022 12:24

Great video. By far the best insight into the klite setups 👍

@theinvisibleadventurer538 - 21.03.2022 12:53

I have the kLite system on my bike as I like to support my fellow countrymen, but this is definitely, without saying the best review of the kLite system I've ever seen. great job

@waisinglee1509 - 21.03.2022 15:43

I don't know what happened to my first comment but here is a short version. I have the v1 of the Ultra gravel hooked to a SON and it has been great since I got it in July 2019 and run over 24k road kms. Love it enough that I have recently purchased two more kLites - another gravel model (for an MTB project) and a road model for a road bike.

Kerry has great customer service and is always on the ball, ready to help you out.

I will be using K-Edge combo mounts...solid as a rock.

@bikepackingadventure7913 - 21.03.2022 16:14

Be nice if they have a USB C option in the future. Less bulky cables need and I would suggest USB C connects might have a greater reliability?

@DJhunta - 21.03.2022 22:21

I still haven't gotten my Klite fixed it broke. I wasn't able to get support to see if I could send it back to get fixed.

@prwissen - 22.03.2022 08:15

Great Review!

I just installed my mtb version and used it on an overnighter. I already had a K-Edge mount that works perfectly with the GoPro adapter.

I have been impressed with the light so far, but haven't been out long enough to get a feel for the charging capabilities. It did keep my Garmin InReach mini and my Garmin Edge 530 fully charged.

I opted not to purchase the rear blinky at this point.

@kLiteRacing - 22.03.2022 10:06

Super impressed with your testing, and thx again for the feedback, it was a bit of a juggle to get a bright light from the good old dynamo hub, turns out there were a few tricks we had to do, to make it all happen, by upping the voltage of the light with 3 leds, we could then offer USB recharge at the same time, few systems offer this and its a great back up, should get stuck at nite, with a dead cache battery and dead GPS and it starts to snow.... with kLite you have the super back up mode, of direct GPS recharge and lights at same time, so you can move and get safe if conditions go bad. This is one upside to the USB charger, its got extra smoothing caps so to go 'direct to device' with sensitive equipment, trade off, yes its bigger. its also a SOLD block, you can kick it around, and ziptie gates to lock in cables on bumpy roads

So 3 LED is the magic number. we did have a smaller head unit, that is for sure, but after testing we found using the SAME power and same LEDs same electronics, BUT bigger optics / lens, we could get a much higher lux or throw, a much brighter looking light, for no extra drag or power used, just by using bigger optics, we got way more light, but, you said it, trade off was size...then my choice to make the light in SOLID rubber means you can kick it like a football and its all good, but again, trade off, its a bit heavier but only by grams...

Now the LOW speed power booster, as you said is no gimmick, I feel its the #1 reason these lights are so good, as we created a extra power boost down in the low speed band, at the same time, we charge an internal supercapacitor bank, this gives back power when slow or stopped, IMO this is the biggest difference in kLite and the rest, way more power down low and very little flicker, again yes its a bit bigger light for the supercaps, but not by much, I guess the light looks like that, as this was the only way to maximize output by riding the science of all aspects and at the same time make it super robust and very reliable.

its not fancy gear, its just sold as hell, for me this is what I wanted, something to get me home, no matter what, something keep me safe at all times when I ride, a fit and forget system that just works, that I never need to stuff with. Your feedback is noted and can say new CNC mounts and other stuff is in the pipe works.... once again, you have an amazing understanding of this product, well done, and thank you again!!

@jona3117 - 22.03.2022 20:54

Excellent!! Very happy to see you using the kLite system. Matt at Jefe Velo is superb and Kerry knows his stuff. Top of the range kit for adventure biking or evening city biking. Bravo!!

@gregknipe8772 - 23.03.2022 19:39

time crucial here as I search for new wheel build parts, and a budget....

@coreyreeder3549 - 24.03.2022 03:54

Your reviews are so thorough and helpful. Quite a service to the bikepacking community

@chrismiksovsky5871 - 24.03.2022 08:48

I looked at dynamo hubs and lights but went with a PedalCell and an Outbound EVO light. More power output at lower RPMs (like, 5~6mph), and you can move to different bikes if you want. Also, zero drag when you don't need charging, unlike a hub dynamo. The power output is so good I may not even bring a cache battery. I will use it on the Tour Divide this summer.

@paochow7 - 25.03.2022 10:49

Great review! I’ve been using a V1 Klite Backpacker Ultra setup for about three years now on my Fargo Ti and loved it so much I just put one on the Blackborow rig I built last year. Klite and Jefe have both had exceptional service!

With regard to the Qube light, have you given thought to mounting it on the non drive side stay? Most cars will be passing you on that side so it will give better visibility to them. Also less likely to get hit with flying chain grime.

Keep up the great work!

@andrewhamilton3486 - 26.03.2022 05:37

Wondering how you mount the fenix pd36r?? Thanks

@darkphotographer - 30.03.2022 00:57

500$ what is so special about it ,

@NkB984 - 30.03.2022 19:01

This is such a great, comprehensive video. Well done! I had it in my mind that the exposure revo+sinewave revolution would be my best option but that involves a whole headache of figuring out the wiring. This being plug and play is the main draw for me but it seems so well thought out in general.

@charlie_halloween - 31.03.2022 01:29

Thanks again for your time and effort required for awesome content! I'm assuming neither the gravel nor road versions of these lights offer a cut-off beam pattern similar to many of the German-designed lighting systems. My current bikes have either dynamo or battery-powered (Busch + Müller) lights with a "car-friendly" cut-off beam.

@30bones - 31.03.2022 16:57

Is this overkill for a non racer that does weekend to week long touring on pavement to dirt? Great dl video.

@htcltd - 02.04.2022 07:04

I was recently racing the Tour Aotearo. I followed another rider with this setup at night along a really sketchy trail. Was super impressed with the way it lit up the whole trail.

@davidalderson7761 - 03.04.2022 20:05

Are VOLTAIC only selling in USA. in U.K. I wonder if it’s only double the price or more via EBay???

@anywhereroam9698 - 06.04.2022 14:56

Great review and details.

@sirulrich88 - 11.04.2022 08:48

This is ridiculous, get a BM IQ-X thats is a better light and add a Forumslader V6 thats way more efficient. This video is a an ad-joke. The cost for a way more efficient system is sub $200..takes 2 seconds to google. I have done 2xTCR, TransAM (top 10). The $600 price is just hilarious, dont even has a battery cache, just capacitors.

@tobioderso - 22.04.2022 08:48

I already have the sinewave charger. Can I only buy the light and switch and still continue to use the sinewave charger? Excellent review. I'm impressed!

@electricstrider2665 - 01.06.2022 08:58

dude...mayB cut down on the coffee and a bit shorter vid

@DJhunta - 24.06.2022 08:55

Ok I will buy !

@bigmac3006 - 24.06.2022 21:33

Do you have a detailed video on how you devised your aerobars?

@Daniel-te8xh - 25.06.2022 11:38

exactly what I was looking for. Thanks

@jmkc740 - 04.08.2022 14:02

Subbed, two words i dont hear together is bikepacking & race lol.. good info

@jacobkeller29 - 06.08.2022 04:18

Such a god damn rip off considering the cost of the components

@jahn-paulmazotas3244 - 27.09.2022 01:18

Can you use the dynamo hub to generate enough electricity to charge up the battery on your electric bike?

@6Fxstsb - 13.11.2022 17:05

What mount do you use for the Fenix 36R on your helmet?

@6Fxstsb - 13.11.2022 17:09

Oops, hit enter too soon. Great video and super helpful information. I'm adding the gravel set up with rear blinky to a new frame build and like you, still want helmet lighting..... Which do you prefer using the Fenix or Joystick and what mount do ya use with the Fenix!? Thanks so much!!

@christopherhood9241 - 05.02.2023 22:21

love the excitement in your presenting.
As i start to bike back & take part in ultra events more dynamo lights seen the odvious choice.
Started to look more at the k-lite system.
- subscribed :)

@donparsons1237 - 10.02.2023 04:36

Ledlenser and you'll never be without,,, a bit of over kill but there nothing like spectacular viewing at objects at 30 + mpr on out past 330 meters with different settings for wide view...
They are self contained and adaptable too all kinds of sports and hobbies as well as job sites,,, hunting and trapping or running the dog sled team...
Yha won't be disappointed with 4000 luma

@simonsharp9162 - 11.02.2023 15:51

Sorry, way too much cheap 3D printing here. 3D is supposed to be us for prototypes before full production, not for actual production. It's cheap, looks cheap and would be the lowliest component on my hand built expedition bike. SineWave it is then.

@SolarizeYourLife - 12.02.2023 19:32

Not antiquated, too expensive...

@racer_chef - 25.02.2023 18:49

the best video ever!!! im searching for a dynamo set up and i think i found mine..

@vickaiser - 13.05.2023 03:02

Which of the lights would you recommend for mostly road touring. You said the road version is for Road racing. What about just touring?

@cassiophone - 17.05.2023 08:52

For some reason my Klite isn't charging my iphone pro max 13 — not even registering that it is plugged into a charger at all. Have you seen this? Any tips?

@johnpeachell1644 - 01.08.2023 03:12

Thanks for the review. Did you say you carry two of the voltaic cache batteries?

@tomshort6611 - 05.08.2023 03:31

I noticed I can't turn off the light after its had some juice to it and takes awhile to completely go dead anyone else have this problem?

@ivo8413 - 14.08.2023 21:20

Thanks, man. Great and complete overview, learned a lot from your insights. Never thought that there would be so much to this - I just run a simple, large powerbank to power my lights, and your video got me thinking :) Also, I completely relate to the "redundancy" side of things - I work in IT and we get weird kinds of issues like the ones you describe: ports failing, connectors breaking mid-journey, you name it! So yeah, peace of mind is great to have.

@saavichisays - 10.10.2023 22:39

Loving the angle of those middle bars can you tell me what set up that is?

@jameswatson5380 - 11.11.2023 13:13

Nice video.. thankyou for posting. Someone told me that the Klite system can only be powered from the Dynamo Hub and cannot use the power bank if the Dynamo fails. Is that correct?

@neilburrows6670 - 28.03.2024 06:27

Awesome review!! Now wondering if I shouldn't buy the blinky light :)

@krollpeter - 14.07.2024 07:32

$670 to have lights and a USB charger

@Chicago_Bikepacker - 29.12.2024 06:49

I love my V2 Beacon!

I hade the same fork issue on my V1 Cutty. Salsa/QBP has a recall on them if I remember,

@NabilRobiati - 09.01.2025 15:12

i have a k-lite with son28 system. works perfect. but it doesnt charge my iphone. so i have to charge my powerbank first which then charges my iphone. i wish it could charge my iphone straight. any ideas?

@jakubdobrosielski5709 - 12.02.2025 23:57

Quite stupid to charge grom battery instead directly from dynamo charger.
