Canning fresh garden potatoes

Canning fresh garden potatoes

Whippoorwill Holler

4 года назад

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@feliciabrasuell1997 - 27.01.2024 21:07

Your pantry full of food is beautiful!!! And, the color of potatoes makes all the other stand out. Thank you for sharing with us. I have learned so much from watching your videos, and your recipes are yummy................

@CherylAnderson327 - 07.02.2024 01:23

I figured boiling for 10 minutes and they’ed be done.

@CherylAnderson327 - 07.02.2024 01:26

Are you having a wind storm?

@jodyparker5898 - 08.02.2024 22:50

Can I leave the peelings on

@msannieem11 - 03.03.2024 01:53

Thank you. I canned my first batch today. Pretty proud of myself. Thanks for the video.

@mcleanac3000 - 03.03.2024 06:07

Valuable info thank you!! And you are so cute!!!

@marjoriesmithson5924 - 04.03.2024 08:26

Thank you 😊😊😊❤

@rideronthewhitehorse - 12.03.2024 09:48

Don’t forgot ta bowl yer patatus fer tayun meenites.

@lizhaydon2250 - 19.03.2024 18:56

With my elevation everything gets done at 15lbs. I know what you said about parboiling before. I didn't do it and have the extra starch in the jars. I learned my lesson. Thank you for the instructions. Cheers

@gloriahoward2671 - 29.03.2024 02:30

Mrs.Lori thanks so much for everything I am learning how to can you have helped me so much love you and Mr.Brown I make alot of your recipes can’t wait to do this

@bettyburcham7562 - 07.04.2024 03:35

Never knew you could can potato n they would turn out good. Thanks slot !

@theusconstitution1776 - 22.04.2024 20:04

My dad used to say Botaters ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

@traceycarr4961 - 05.05.2024 14:58

Question: Why use a pressure cooker?

@Handcraftedbydebbie - 18.05.2024 06:00

What type of potatoes are you canning?

@user-oc5kx1co5m - 27.05.2024 04:55

How many minutes would I boil for with out a pressure canner? Just normal canner?

@Southern195 - 05.06.2024 15:24

How many days do potatoes needs to cure before canning? Just dug ours out of tubs and want to can them.

@BeNiceorBeQuiet - 09.06.2024 09:21

Can I can store bought potatoes

@BeNiceorBeQuiet - 11.06.2024 11:13

I found this n saved it! Thanks ❤

@BR54966 - 25.06.2024 18:45

Just saw your video and I m canning per your instructions
Thank you very much 👍🇺🇸👍

@itsybitsy1693 - 27.06.2024 18:45

Do your potatoes have a nasty taste After they are canned?? Mine did, they were horrible.

@davidgraf197 - 29.06.2024 05:39

Wonderful video!

@KathiTrujillo-kn6qn - 30.06.2024 20:56

Thank you for this great tutorial! I have canned many vegetables, but never potatoes. Will have to give this a try. Is it ok to leave the skins on if they are well scrubbed? My husband likes the skins the best.

@Geronimointhewild - 21.07.2024 15:45

After canning some of our potatoes are above the water line slightly, my wife insists we can't use them. We lost about half an inch of water during canning. Any advice anyone? Thanks for the video.

@samdavis9112 - 23.07.2024 22:47

Great video I could listen to you all day

@curtinscove - 31.07.2024 02:12

when canning at 10-11 we need to get a pressure gage, and it stays there the whole time.The 15 pound you have to keep turning it down. a real headache. I just learned that this year. I ordered from Amazon a 10 pound pressure gage.. love it...don't have to keep watching all the time!!!!!!

@rjsusej01 - 02.08.2024 00:08

I’m new 10 bags to do

@rlboone7969 - 08.08.2024 02:15

Do they have to be pealed?

@mompofelski4191 - 16.08.2024 21:18

THIS is the year I will face my fears and try the pressure canner. I've had it for years and years and just been scared spitless to use it. It's been so long that I think I need to have the County Extension Office check out the gasket, but then I'll be good to go. Wish me luck.

@rhondamoffit6490 - 20.08.2024 03:29


@raneek1516 - 20.08.2024 15:37

I noticed your empty canning jars are upside down in the hot pot. Is there a reason for that?? When storing my empty jars I put them upside down …. My brain thinks it protects the rims of the jars and they certainly are easier to rewash come next canning season. The only dishwasher is me… kitchen too small for an automatic dishwasher.

@did_I_hurt_your_fee_fees - 24.08.2024 21:43

Can we keep the skin on the potatoes?

@beverlyannelanoue5788 - 30.08.2024 15:44

Thankyou so much for your video’s they are very instructional and pleasant ❤

@lauragraber1707 - 02.09.2024 00:45

Appreciate your instructions greatly, I'm learning alot, slow learner but learning, thank you ❤

@LeJean_Dennis - 10.09.2024 20:26

How do you cure your potatoes before canning? I am new at this. Thank you for all your videos, love your channel!

@whitneyaknodel - 17.09.2024 04:51

Thank you. 😊

@melisawhite100 - 17.09.2024 09:13

My mom cooked store canned potatoes. I never cared for them. I'm trying this!

@iprincessirene - 20.09.2024 00:13

Can someone give me some advice...I just canned potatoes and followed everything by the book, however some of my potatoes are sticking above the liquid as there was loss of liquid during the process. Will they go bad or is that normal?

@edwinportier4763 - 26.09.2024 16:57

Greatness! Thanks

@debbiemoray7959 - 29.09.2024 20:41

I am going to try potatoes this year. I have been looking for ascorbic acid, but I can't find it, but you don't use it. Do I need it, to kept them from browning? I did some dry beans last year, after watching your video on them. They came out good. First potatoes, then more beans.

@TodaysBibleTruth - 16.10.2024 18:49

What is the reason for getting the starch out? Is other words, why do we want less starch in our final product?

@jadedeyes5286 - 21.10.2024 06:45

Thank you for this it helped me ❤️👏👏👏👏

@HarrisonIsha - 01.11.2024 15:42

Perfect instructions! Thank you!

@Diandra2011 - 11.11.2024 19:45

Thank you!

@bryantsifers7045 - 16.11.2024 22:10

How long for pints and how long for quarts

@kathyscrazylife - 02.12.2024 23:08

Do you have to peel them?

@WhatDadIsUpTo - 03.01.2025 00:35

I'm 75 years young, but I'll be danged if I know what to do here.

Canned taters @ Aldi taste a bit odd, but that odd taste can be hid by butter, salt & pepper and they sure are convenient.

For all the prep & bother, fuel gas, lids, jars & effort, buying already canned ones might just be my new go-to method of food storage.

@elizabethortiz4575 - 30.01.2025 05:55

Hi Would you mind to make a video year 2025 for tasting and how the potatoes look like after years of canning?Tks

@roberthamann7449 - 02.02.2025 00:54

Canning fresh garden potatoes

I 'm not having an luck contacting you through your email.

@loydboyz - 22.02.2025 02:58

do the potatoes stay firm or are they mushy?
