Create Your own Self Hosted 24/7 Radio Station with AzuraCast and Docker

Create Your own Self Hosted 24/7 Radio Station with AzuraCast and Docker


3 года назад

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@jsandman32 - 17.06.2021 00:33

Glad to see the new video!

@chrisumali9841 - 17.06.2021 01:43

Thanks for the demo and info, have a great day

@TechySpeaking - 17.06.2021 05:00


@jorgegomez374 - 18.06.2021 04:09

How can I install in portainer. Try this way didn't work. Thanks

@bondproonline - 19.06.2021 20:38

Thanks! I love music!

@SiddGames - 05.07.2021 18:25

Please! Can u make a videoguide how to stream name of the song?

@nachtvisionenTV - 19.08.2021 21:37

Very good tutorial, but forgive my lack of knowledge, I am new to Linux (just starting after many years in Windows), there is one thing I was not clear: to run Azurecast 24/7 with its "auto dj" is required to host it on a VPS payment, I do not understand the "self-hosted" as I want to start a modest radio project and I do not have much budget to hire a service type "Digital Ocean".

Thanks in advance.

@mayedd - 23.08.2021 21:08

Could you recommend a NAS that this could run on? Am using a vps at present running azuracast but would love to bring it “in house”. Have a 1Gb up and 1Gb down connection here so bandwidth is no problem.
Thank you so much

@mngfng - 31.08.2021 08:04

Hello, install on Synology, but it shows "Waiting...Timed out waiting for services to start." Where should I check?

@VideoGigs - 03.09.2021 09:09

Great video. I installed it and uploaded my itunes .m4a audio files however, I could not get them to stream on the public page. I converted one of the songs to .mp3 and try to stream again but could not hear anything. No errors displayed just nothing is heard. Could you recommend any troubleshooting ideas? Thanks.

@philseidman2411 - 26.09.2021 19:49

Could not get it to work with proxmox 7, tried all types of changes but kept getting error on redis. Then i noticed you did it in proxmox 6.4. I was able to get it to work using a VM on proxmox 7 but not with container. Would love to see a new video using Proxmox 7. Try it, you'll see the problem on the installation of Azuracast.

@DaisukethestarX - 02.10.2021 22:32

How to install on domain or subdomain?

@easternhops - 03.10.2021 00:54

OMG I was going crazy why wasn't the music that I added not playing ... oh it's because of this thank you so much I was pulling my hair out lol

questions is there a way where it will let you know you added duplicate songs?

@davemarley4664 - 31.10.2021 22:33

can azuracast geo block please..?

@ExoDAbLe - 11.11.2021 14:42

thanks for the video, but the text is way too small to read

@billiejeangaming3015 - 12.11.2021 15:53

Need some help pls

@gonzalomartinez-sanjuansan9308 - 11.12.2021 05:39

Which options do we have if we use ARM virtual machines?

@bonusmusic6126 - 16.04.2022 17:23

hI, I have succesfully installed azurecast but struggling to make my stream work on a player other than the hosting machine which is local and not a cloud vm.

@bonusmusic6126 - 16.04.2022 17:28

hI, I have successfully installed Azurecast but struggling to make my stream work on a player other than the hosting machine which is running ubuntu desktop and I have installed via docker, this is a local machine and not a cloud vm. public page runs but can not for the life of me get audio to play on my Mac or any other machine or phone. can you offer any advice? also the liquid soap config doesn't seem to make any difference when making the stream "public' - is there a direct way to make the stream available outside the host machine, perhaps I am missing something ? kind regards.

@googletest6358 - 16.05.2022 18:45

I installed v 0.15.0, now v0.16.1 released, I updated according to their update doc, but still shows 15 only. How to update latest version

@christopherhug - 02.11.2022 01:26

Followed instructions but keep getting Error 502? All my other docker containers seem to work fine.

@UranusTheWrapper - 27.12.2022 23:27

Is it compatible to Windows Powershell?

@vhosstv23 - 16.01.2023 21:53

what name of command?

@greaterworksbusinessservic8727 - 30.05.2023 00:23

I installed AzuraCast, but I have several problems:

1. The IP address that was assigned to me cannot connect. The connection timed out.
2. Bind address already in use
3. Driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint azuracast
4. Error starting userland proxy

I am not sure what the problem is. I am new to AzuraCast

@joelanza-granadas - 05.06.2023 01:50

This was GREAT!!

@denemesoyadın - 10.06.2023 23:36

text is too small to read. i am kliced unlike button

@JHKNoAKA - 27.07.2023 08:24

How to deploy it using Cloudflare?

@jugopalsarkar - 29.07.2023 20:20

I can't use Azurecast Now Playing Api........ Plz help me and step by step video plz....

@kurtdoerfel7620 - 06.10.2023 00:42

tried this and almost blew my br@ins out

@emrelabarjr6803 - 19.01.2024 21:23

how do i get a domain to work with this? I see your public page shows the local IP. how do i change that to work with my subdomain?

@SummitPeakRadio - 20.01.2024 03:08

Good video. Im new and kind of a novice to this but when I set this up I will get a web address and if someone goes there will hear the station on Auto DJ! How would I go live?

@atl5980 - 17.05.2024 15:41

Where can poor sound quality come from? I have crackling noises or even frying when playing my sound files.

@mariouzae01 - 20.07.2024 16:43

Nice video, thanks!

@Lunolux - 20.08.2024 23:27


@Zentie13 - 28.08.2024 23:33

Thanks for the info, however this seems to be an older version of Azuracast - the links on the left are different. I have everything in place, yet fail to get the station on air. It flatly refuses.
