Dauntless Beginner Guide - Omnicells: Iceborne, Bastion & Discipline

Dauntless Beginner Guide - Omnicells: Iceborne, Bastion & Discipline


3 года назад

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@wreckingball5596 - 14.08.2023 04:15

My main issue with iceborne is that it promotes bad habit with newer players. Dodging becomes optional when you can get your hp back anyway which hurts them in the long run. Used to be an iceborne player (even before it was an omnicell) then i tried others and never looked back

@shadownite6016 - 15.07.2023 06:39

so im on bastion omnicell side because if u partner it up with skarn defiance and you might not die at all

@shadownite6016 - 15.07.2023 06:35

im acctually on the bastion side

@irzald.r.5621 - 25.06.2023 12:17

my bastion not open, in slayer path i ve open it, may someone help why?

@ashtongamingmallare8660 - 02.06.2023 08:41

Hunger sword and discipline is a good combo

@triplexxx2174 - 13.05.2023 13:21

Iceborn still better

@saganage6779 - 04.05.2023 16:04

To me, the least impressive part of Iceborne is the ice lance. As a sword main right now, the life steal makes me practically unkillable and the stagger resistance is crucial to complete combos for valor. Ive tried the other cells but Iceborne is by far the best for me ATM.

@luckyCOYOTE27 - 30.03.2023 23:30

You can't die as quickly with ice born. Other other to require sacrifice and ice born requires no sacrifice and is use as a bonus damage or a way to heal a teammate because you can be interpreted

@wigglytuffgaming - 22.12.2022 21:57

Seems to me like it's not only a skill issue for you, but you can't even make a proper build for it. Im glad you quit this game, you give shit advice and influence new players to forego thier own ideas.

@Zomboy-sw9ki - 17.09.2022 15:53

I love how I’m watching this a bit later when I lot of things have changed. Anyway, the reason people like Iceborne so much is because of massive health tenacious builds. I run that with the Koshai lantern since you can run the lantern and omnicell now. Just saying you can run a very tanky build and come out with a lot of damage. If anyone is confused I’ll explain

@domainmusicandgaming - 26.07.2022 22:52

1 year later. Ice is all I see in lobbies

@butlerdude7237 - 23.07.2022 09:25

Haha iceborne, dog shit nah give that title to artificer I never been with a dude who used artificer stay alive long enough to do anything

@karlabouchedid1286 - 29.06.2022 19:50

Lmao i did not expect to see you having content other than apex

@tcountu8329 - 29.06.2022 01:26

Just 1 more ability to halve the damage recieved in the duration would make it world it, atleast i think so.

@Zinnie. - 08.05.2022 15:13

Yeah idk about you but disciplined seems really shit, especially for me and I’m sure many others. Parrying is way too hard, and Discipline has too many cons for it to be considered good. Iceborne has a more guaranteed increase in damage than discipline as it takes no skill at all, just the right resources.

@moniviphousetphann3146 - 24.03.2022 13:31

The only reason why I pick iceborne is because of that saucy life steal

@poccer7722 - 14.03.2022 13:40

Man, I really want bastion to be better with galvanize-builds :( I currently have one repeater build with it, but I think I'll just go back to discipline because it actually gives me an active that doesn't sabotage my build (and, you know, a truckload of crit damage and chance instead of 500 shield which equates to a whopping 10% crit chance. discipline gives 8% out the gate damnit). I'll just swap off shields as the main focus back onto crit, and use the skarn lantern to utilize galvanize and give myself insurance against getting clapped while disciplined. Sadge though, really hoped I could at least somewhat revive that stoneheart prism build with 5000 shield and 100% crit :'<

One thing I don't like about discipline though is the way it feels like a enforced predator. Predator says "don't take damage for 15 seconds to gain bonus damage", discipline says "here's bonus damage, don't get hit or you're dead"

@ScarletCrown_ - 15.02.2022 15:16

Sorry but yes it does deserve the highest votes...just my opinion.

@DarcShinobi - 09.02.2022 03:34

Is revenant better than discipline? I'm returning today. Away since Dec 2020

@muhammadomarawang740 - 04.02.2022 12:42

You're the one who have asked what is the most fave but not what is the most high damage/Better omnicell. Bruh. Guide?? XDDD

@v3igazord - 13.01.2022 09:51

yeah, still going for iceborne, thanks

@drzkuba8403 - 01.01.2022 23:10

I just started and Discipline looks good. Too bad I have to wait 3 weeks to get it.

@Georgekendall140 - 25.12.2021 14:18

i use a chainblade iceborne build bc with the new patch chainblades have next to no range and this helps

@Acta_Non_Verba - 14.12.2021 05:41

What about Tempest and Revenant??

@laurens6989 - 08.12.2021 18:54

i can do 15k damage max with the ice lance tho

@bigm6105 - 05.12.2021 13:55

I dont understand how to activate the omnicell, because when i am playing the option to activate it (press L1) doesnt pop up xd

@renarddubois940 - 30.11.2021 03:32

lifesteal tho

@meestristan4491 - 20.11.2021 02:18

I've hit 8k on iceborn tho

@hilly8000 - 12.11.2021 21:02

well i use iceborne omni ceuse for the life steal it help for me so much and i dont have to worry for wound conditions

@solucky1596 - 09.11.2021 01:46

I have to agree, Iceborne just isn't for me. Discipline is ok, but also has its problems for example I just don't like the clumsy animation. Its unreliable when timing some interrupts and sometimes I trigger it accidently on certain weapons during a combo and it ruins my run. I love tempest except that for some stupid reason it cant interrupt. Revenant is brand new, but looks pretty good, just wish you could cancel the revenant state to control when you recover life steal or to reenable your tonics.

@nicotheslothking6950 - 30.10.2021 15:38

Cons: a bunch of non synergistic stats and lackluster utility.
Pros: ice lance go YEET

@Mr.Packwatch - 19.10.2021 02:47

I don't understand what the fuck is wrong with discipline.bro u can use fricking falcon punch in dauntless

@Badg0r. - 19.10.2021 01:29

I've been playing for 4 hours and cannot get the limbs of the frostborn skarn for iceborn someone help

@eduardoribeiroucv9630 - 14.10.2021 20:08

what about Tempest?

@ethanhostetler4007 - 14.10.2021 02:05

I think Bastion should deal more damage. Just a bit. The expenditure of all shields makes sense as like a risky move. BTW it takes all shields not just the shields from Bastion so there are ways to basically ALWAYS have a shield.

@leachy_ - 10.10.2021 22:05

Most people like iceborne more cause its like the only one they have.

@colosine - 06.10.2021 19:45

Iceborn is good for people who aren't as good at dodging and use faster weapons like chain blades

@kmo951 - 21.09.2021 21:02

ppl laik iceborn cuz not evryone is thet good at dogin and playing with disaplin makes the game un playabel for thos ppl thets why its the higes on the list lost of new ppl joning the game ans for noobs and ppl hwov bin playing the game its a good balans of sustainabel play stile and with paresite as the only other life steal cell ppl just cand deal with disaplin

@briishcabbage568 - 18.09.2021 15:44

Iceborne lets you get lifesteal as a passive and stagger resistance after using it. The only other thing (other than consumables) that gives lifesteal is Koshai`s Bloom, and that is only limited. I personally dont use Iceborne for its shooty ability, i normally use it for the lifesteal.

@andredubas9862 - 13.09.2021 17:02

Noob question here: How do you actually USE the omnicell (the attack, not the passive)? Just got my first one, I'm on PC w/ Kybd + M. It says in the bindings that it's the same key as the lantern (the V key). What? Do you hold it down, or click twice or what? How does the game know which you want to use, the lantern or the omnicell? Sorry if this is a stupid question...

@duke2894 - 13.09.2021 02:32

how do i unlock discipline?all i have is iceborn, bastion and tempest

@Valstrax_ - 12.09.2021 21:32

Discipline is my favourite, iceborne is for noobs, run discipline with parasitic.

@Vermeil892 - 06.09.2021 02:11

i use bastion and tempest

@Bluenote6145 - 30.08.2021 12:22

I have relatively good stuff but I’m garbage at the game and I think ice born is the best because you don’t have do dodge like at all

@Abbe10able - 26.08.2021 05:17

Thanks, finally know where is Discipline lol

seen you using the revive ability, been searching for it everywhere, sugestion?

@logannance9752 - 23.08.2021 19:03

I hate math

@zamdyx - 20.08.2021 05:37

idek where to get half of the omni cells

@purgehunter7481 - 19.08.2021 03:50

So what happend to all owr cells that we had of them? They just gone whit nothing in return?
