Discovering an Unexpected Perk of Carnivore

Discovering an Unexpected Perk of Carnivore

Carnivore Rabbi

55 лет назад

1,742 Просмотров

The Carnivore Diet has an unexpected benefit I am truly experiencing: Unlocking our intuition.

I begin with a discussion about the drawbacks of over-relying on experts I explain how this diet can improve your mental clarity and focus, enabling you to access that intuition.

By eliminating carbs and sugar, you can reduce agitated energy and enjoy a clear mind that enhances your inner wisdom. I emphasize that the carnivore lifestyle can help you trust your own decisions, bringing a sense of peace and clarity into your life.

00:00 The Overreliance on Experts
01:01 Understanding Intuition
03:11 Clearing the Mind for Better Intuition
07:27 Trusting Ourselves Over Experts


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