Adapting Beta RR390 RR430 RR480/RS500 for adventure riding?︱Cross Training Adventure

Adapting Beta RR390 RR430 RR480/RS500 for adventure riding?︱Cross Training Adventure

Cross Training Adventure

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@LeslieWorks - 16.01.2019 15:02

You're making me regret my crf250l purchase lol. I'm already trying to get more out of it at 300 miles by gearing extra.

@calin7017 - 21.03.2019 15:53

How much would be the weight difference between a modified enduro bike for adv riding (bigger gas tank, racks for luggage, bash plate, etc) and a reasonable size dedicated adv bike already on the market, such as KTM 790 or a BMW 700-800?
I watched several videos about enduro bike modifications into an adv bike, but no one says what is the final weight and how much is the final cost. Thanks.

@nickg2431 - 09.04.2019 13:29

Is that you riding the beta???

@C18H19NaO5S - 14.04.2019 13:43

I’d love to see a video about strapping the dry bags together

@tumadre7092 - 16.04.2019 20:48

I'm trying to decide whether I should get a husaberg 570 or a new beta 500 for singletrack dirt biking and light adv riding. Bike will also pull double duty as a snow bike in the winter and I'm roughly 114kg when suited up. OZ i trust your opinion, what should i do?!

@stefand5796 - 10.05.2019 21:25

Would you recommend these type of bikes?, currently looking at the beta rr 125 lc (the main problem for me is there are no beta dealers in my country and no spare parts for this bike )do I heard from someone that ktm or Yamaha engine parts should work fine?

@ericstyer2890 - 02.06.2019 09:23

Is this you riding in black tee?

@mhilde7744 - 29.07.2019 03:31


@lt1376 - 28.08.2019 18:45

Thanks for the informative vid, do you think that changing the ratio of sprockets could work in favour af a smaller dirt bike, I have a Beta 350rr.

@Willy_Milano - 05.09.2019 09:39

You say you're old but I'm a 48-year-old dirt biker and you sound like a tender duckling in comparison. My back pains are 80-year-old quality, too.

@Kaegis - 06.09.2019 08:16

Nice review and awesome points and accessories. Love the idea of that clutch lever and it is the first I have seen of those flex handle bars. 🤙🤙🤙

@gt7500 - 15.01.2020 17:31

Take a look at the Honda CRF450L. Kinda lame there, engine wise, unless you get the better ECM.

@nickb5410 - 24.01.2020 01:16

Good informative video. I'm thinking of getting one of these "Baters". 
2020 models look much improved. Don't know yet if they ditched the plastic oil gears...

@nathanchalecki4842 - 26.05.2020 11:56

Pretty keen to hear more of your thoughts about the WRF. I'd love one but so many people say they are unreliable and totally not suited to road use.

@rocketrollsvlogs7625 - 19.09.2020 21:25

The disclaimers are always the best part...

@fr1mvo - 06.10.2020 05:33

Beta 500rs here, 4100 miles, nothing but metal oil pump gears and regular oil changes, flawless bike!

@HobbitHomes263 - 09.01.2021 21:31

I prefer 125s..SOunds like you are going like 10 mph. Feeling like we have huge huevos is the whole reason for old menon dirt bikes..but...really....why risk cracking the eggs?

@HobbitHomes263 - 09.01.2021 21:34

I still can;t quiet my American mind when your POV shots are on the left lane..I am like MY's gonna be a head on crash!

@HobbitHomes263 - 09.01.2021 21:35

In America a "beetah" is the "beater" we buy for winter driving...

@gypsymanjeff2184 - 20.01.2021 21:32

Running a 13 520rr/s. ABSOLUTELY OUTSTANDING BIKE . old fart 60 today .this is my present to me .gr8 choice

@gorongo4202 - 24.02.2021 18:52

Excellent vid on what’s important for an all around great bike. Most of this I’ve done and tested on my FE501. Can’t change to Beta now, but I see the value of knowing the bore and stroke. I’m on the fence about a cush drive. 95% dirt for now. Looking forward to the old man video. I’ll admit at 60 and riding these brilliant toys, I feel 25. There are pills for that, too.

@gravelyetigravelyeti4284 - 06.05.2021 12:27

i debate the usefulness of a front wheel in your situation, i perceive the fact you do not require one, freakinawesome mate

@autismion - 04.08.2021 08:28

The 350rr-s is only 2lbs lighter in dry weight than the 500rr-s. But the power of the 500 would scare the shit out of me. I can't decide

@tiapearl6829 - 04.09.2021 03:14


@miro_s - 08.09.2021 12:27

For me the main problems with this is the service intervals with typical dirtbikes. Talks of oil changes every 4 hours or daily chain service make them a “no no” to me. What’s your view? What do you consider a long enough service interval? Also, what gear ratio would you consider long enough for this application? Cheers

@matthewkantola8638 - 23.09.2021 14:07

I use my 2018 390 for a light adventure bike. I agree it is a pretty sweet bike. The cyclops bulb does make a huge difference. Seat concepts dual sport seat is fantastic as well.

@DirtHero75 - 23.10.2021 03:24

This vs DR650.. what would you pick?

@jimmelino3361 - 10.01.2022 19:51

Oil changes every 500 miles (30 to 40 hours), 2.4 gallon tank, seat, and lack of rack options make this a limited dual sport option for the western US.

@jimmelino3361 - 11.01.2022 05:17

I’m a bit confused by the 30 hour oil change standard required by Beta. 30 hours at 50 miles per hour is 1500 miles, but 30 hours at 15 miles per hour is 450 miles. Is the concept that hours at low speed likely to be on dirt, leading to contamination of the engine oil necessitating the oil change, where higher speed highway miles (although at higher friction levels) aren’t prone to contaminate the oil with dust abs dirt? Seems counter intuitive.

@joeycourtice4157 - 16.02.2022 14:04

Have you guys got any thoughts on the klx450r for lightweight adventure riding? I recently bought one for three grand, and I know it's basically a detuned 2008 kx450, but I would like some other opinions before I spend big on a fuel tank and stator and all the other adv mods. Long term reliability, highway ridable or not etc

@elneiraful - 02.03.2022 00:23

Hello, thanks for the information. One question, where did you get the clutch lever?.

@lyleswan6671 - 19.04.2022 06:37

Damn, nobody gonna mention homeboy riding like the late Doug Domokos. Dude don't need to care about front tire selection, cause he wheeling everywhere he go. Nice bike skills in video. Real nice. 👍👍✌

@dt-hi6bg - 25.04.2022 07:17

why do you always say us price when your in aus

@mikeisland7382 - 20.05.2022 17:35

Old video but.. Reading the disclaimer at the start I am reminded of how similar the riding is between Canada and Australia for remoteness. I feel for those poor buggers in Europe that think 9L is an acceptable fuel tank size. 😉

@paulblick7527 - 26.06.2022 13:42

Gday Barry
What sort of fuel range did you get from the 480? I’m hearing about 130kms from the stock tank which seems heavy

@jasondrummond1318 - 05.07.2022 02:55

seat concepts are great, but you need to just contact a vendor.

@abebrapscalli - 15.09.2022 23:26

I've purchased the 5.2 gallon. Awesome for anyone

@Theairguitarguy - 03.10.2022 05:22

Great review! The beta 390 looks like the perfect set up for me. Now I just need to get money 🤔

@michaeldaley2299 - 11.10.2022 05:20

Re: long ride pucker reduction.
AirHawk makes inflatable seat pads that can greatly soften part of a motocross seat. Lightweight and effective. The model intended for a pillion fits well at the very back of my CRF450RL seat, where I sit for pavement riding.
I live in the desert in New Mexico usa and often carry RotoPax containers for gas and water on a Tusk panier rack. Trying to equalise that weight, i got a Wolfman tank-pannier base, so my camping gear hangs on both sides of the fuel tank. Still a compromise as it is heavy-handling for a dirt bike but carries a light payload for an adv bike. But it fits the bare essentials, and I hope I will still be able to pick it up when I dump it for a few more years, unlike the R1200GS...

@bertbroeder1832 - 31.01.2023 00:15

Thank you very much!
- IMS tank not listed anymore
- boano page down... 😞
Someone newer information about?

@stevecarmack6267 - 21.05.2023 06:46

Perfect timing on this video for me. I’ve been riding the KTM 690 r for an adventure bike on the TAT here in American as well as local dual sport rides.
I was interested in something lighter and frankly, a little more fun to ride. The Beta’s weight for the 390 is very close to my 300 XCW single track bike which is much easier to handle.
This video helped answer some of the road riding concerns I have with the light bike.
Thank you!

@philgoogle1535 - 01.06.2023 09:27

I know this is an old video but its content is exactly what I need right now in 2023. I'm about to buy either a KTM 500 excf or a Beta 390 RR. I'm 58 years old and only a few years' offroad riding experience. The Beta looks like the better choice for my new local rides in the Victorian High Country. Thanks a bunch Barry!

@SomewhereInside - 11.09.2023 15:56

It’s great to see wheelie experts …it’s amazing how may new bikes are getting sold in 2023 …that are too heavy to routinely wheelie , and how many rider s have no appreciation how having the front end in the air or at least very light , aids fast riding over certain terrain and hill climbs .

@David-v8k9e - 09.06.2024 13:58

How is the oil service with this system? Any complication?

@xXxBo5sANaCxXx - 19.02.2025 04:02

Whats the story with 450rr? It was missed but is in a title
