ScienceCasts: Big Weather on Hot Jupiters

ScienceCasts: Big Weather on Hot Jupiters


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@DetStoraSteget - 24.05.2013 19:37


@shermanatorosborn9688 - 24.05.2013 19:45

the moon does not have a "permanent dark side"!..???.

@Vierotchka - 24.05.2013 20:17

No, it doesn't.

@ShockinglyBleh - 24.05.2013 20:24

Yeah, they didn't really explain it clearly. Although the Moon is in a Tidal lock that doesn't mean that there is a permanent dark side. What they were trying to explain is the effect it causes, synchronous rotation. So when looking up from Earth you see the same side every time if your at the same location because the Moons Orbit and rotation is in sync with Earth's rotation on it's axis. So if you where on the moon you would have Day and Night phases.

@shermanatorosborn9688 - 24.05.2013 20:37

yes ..a permanent "farside" so I wonder if it would be subject to the phenomena of "lunar liberation" as well

@metalMARCUS1 - 24.05.2013 21:34

no because its the planets sun that heats hot Jupiter up so much. If it created that heat itself then maybe yes... simple

@Jolielegal - 24.05.2013 21:48

No. Brown dwarfs, which are failed stars, are much more massive than Jupiter and produce their own heat.

@Riotboy1 - 24.05.2013 22:43

Since Mercury doesn't have an atmosphere at that distance how is it possible for Hot Jupiter to sustain one?

@phunklemore - 25.05.2013 04:11

It most likely got its atmosphere when It was in the outer solar system and kept it when it moved in closer towards the star

@RickLambert - 25.05.2013 10:27

Mercury has a recyclable exosphere. It is only surface bounded and varies in composition as it keeps getting recycled by drifting off to space, with new molecules coming up and taking it's place constantly.

@tiagotiagot - 25.05.2013 10:51

Doesn't Jupiter produces heat from radioactive stuff and from it's magnetic field ?

@IstasPumaNevada - 25.05.2013 19:00

Almost certainly, since one form of libration arises from the orbit of a body being not perfectly circular, and another arises from its orbit not being in the exact same plane as its rotation.

@IstasPumaNevada - 25.05.2013 19:07

It does produce some heat from radioactive material deep within, and so does Earth. Jupiter is also radiating heat from the energy of its own mass pressing in on itself, leftover from its formation (and shrinking slightly as it does so). I don't think any mechanisms arising from the magnetic field create heat on Jupiter itself, but I do not know.

@IstasPumaNevada - 25.05.2013 19:14

It's estimated that a body needs to be about 13 times Jupiter's mass to initiate even the 'easiest' fusion of deuterium. (Fusion of regular hydrogen is estimated to need 75 to 80 Jupiter masses.) Adding heat isn't enough; as a gaseous body gets heated, it will also expand, reducing the density that is also needed for fusion.

@dalriada842 - 25.05.2013 22:45

Mercury has a tenuous atmosphere because it has a low mass. A hot Jupiter would be massive enough to retain a substantial atmosphere, despite the intense stellar radiation that would blast it.

@EricHathaway - 26.05.2013 10:14

I personally believe the moonlanding was faked by freemasons

@tiagotiagot - 26.05.2013 11:05

Isn't Jupiter's magnetic field quite irregular and constantly changing, to the point of producing static on the radios of probes getting close enough?

@whiteskullwhiteskull - 27.05.2013 18:07

A fucking hell... that is a hot Jupiter.

@IstasPumaNevada - 27.05.2013 18:48

I believe the mason landing was faked by freemooners.

@IstasPumaNevada - 27.05.2013 19:00

From what I've so far found, the known heating from the magnetic field occurs only in the tenuous thermosphere (beginning at an atmospheric pressure of about 1/1000th that of Earth sea level) and above, so from what I can find on the topic the temperature of Jupiter itself is not significantly directly increased by its magnetic field.

@EricHathaway - 28.05.2013 02:41

Lol good one!

@JohnWeisenfeld - 28.05.2013 11:18

Can we get transcripts for these videos? Then I can quiz my class, or translate to Spanish as needed?

@JohnWeisenfeld - 28.05.2013 12:46

Use this URL h t t p colon slash slash video dot google dot com slash timedtext question mark lang equals en ampersand v equals a2GZ9COXUcA Then save that file as XML. Open in Excel as an XML table. Copy and paste to Word. Remove the line breaks (paste as text only). You are set!

@sheen3225 - 29.05.2013 08:40

fake science again

@Sciencery - 29.05.2013 19:02

I am a new science channel and I would appreciate it if any of you could come over and take a look. My first video is about some quick facts on the planet Mercury, next will be Venus. I will always try to put a lot of effort into my videos.

@TheWaqar9696 - 31.05.2013 14:18

nice video very knowledgable....thanks

@annet3388 - 01.06.2013 15:12

yep man. celebrities have gone crazy. kareena slapped a senior news reporter in a meeting. she must be mad. you can also watch it here >>

@Jackewin - 07.06.2013 05:59

? so did the loss of a belt go to heat? Well then what about global warming> y would it b come hot on Jupiter as well?

@Jackewin - 07.06.2013 06:00


@Jackewin - 07.06.2013 06:01

Good point!

@Jackewin - 07.06.2013 06:03

More 2 see from what is not present?

@Jackewin - 07.06.2013 06:04

We should declare war on space. Speaking financially.

@ruthmckay9086 - 12.07.2013 19:48

Yeah, course it is.

@louisharrington1915 - 31.07.2013 04:43

8 people work for HAARP :P

@ricardoramirez5527 - 16.09.2013 01:10

