Old-School Way/Remove Rotor

Old-School Way/Remove Rotor


2 дня назад

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@scotteisler7908 - 20.12.2024 05:05

What is the new way?

@yungpropane2129 - 20.12.2024 19:13

This still the way we do it lmao

@kingboong8343 - 21.12.2024 04:23

Terrible example of "the old way" more like the shit way using a hammer is fine, but never hit the hub only the rotor friction surface its bad for the hub can damage it and if you miss you'll eff up the studs and possibly the centering ring too

And for those asking the new way is with those little threaded holes around the hub surface of the rotor threading a bolt through those pushes against the hub surface beneath the rotor and wrenches the rotor off of the hub a solution to a non issue in 99% of cases and in the cases where it does apply as a suitable solution neglect on maintenance is often what lead to it
